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new ben harper cd


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Suckness has increased over the years, but his live cover of "Vodoo Chile" rules. I saw him at the WWU Viking Union five years or so ago with about 200 other people, perhaps the best live show I've ever seen. He said almost three word to the audience and blazed the rest of the time. Two years or so ago I saw him at Bumbersuck with 20,000 other people and he wouldn't shut his hole between songs, perhaps the worst show I've ever seen. (Although Motorhead, earlier in the day on the same stage, almost blew my head off)

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The fucking RIAA suck ass. I fully ecourage anybody and everybody to do whatever possible to fuck these jackasses over.


Copy the CD and send 3 bucks to the artist directly. Nobody like the verging on first amendment infringement enforcement methods of RIAA, but no reason to shaft the artists too.


Heck, even Michael Jackson tried to sue Sony.



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Necronomicon said:

(Although Motorhead, earlier in the day on the same stage, almost blew my head off)


Motorhead is playing at Northgate Theater this weekend. I have heard great things about Lemmy... but i can't make it this weeked cry.gifcry.gif I would not think that he would be one to play Bumbershoot though...

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Motorhead Story,

A guy named Bob blows into P-town to the "Far-Out House", from Seattle in order to catch Motorhead in both cities. He spends the weekend drinking and babbling about Motorhead in anticipation of the show. During a bonfire party one night he befriends a young woman named Bernie who is a client of my friends, who are 'tard-guards' as they affectionately call themselves. Bob is oblivious to the fact that that Bernie is handicapped, and rants on and on about how fucking cool motorhead is with his arm over her shoulder while she laughs and thoroughly enjoys the attention. It was a hilarious sight. Sometime in the middle of the night Bob passes out in the back yard. And misses the show the next night because of his brutal hangover. Bernie has a crush on Bob to this day.

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randygoat said:

Dru said:

Dr_Flash_Amazing said:

randygoat said:


It would be interesting if the Black Keys and the White Stripes toured together.


Maybe a package tour with Yellowman, the Red Elvises, Orange 9mm, Tom Green, and Deep Purple?


would they play the blues yellaf.gif


Maybe they could get Rainbow back together grin.gif


corperate sponsorship by Crayola? grin.gif

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