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Missing or Stolen Rack


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My rock rack was taken from the trunk of a silver Toyota Echo parked at the base of Mt. Erie in Anacortes Sunday, April7, 2003. They got the trunk open somehow without damaging the car. Here is an inventory of the pieces on that rack. The hexes have my name, Brian Hench, written on them in Sharpie. The cams have two black bands of electrical tape on the stems, one thick, one thin. For those of you not familiar with Clog brand, they resemble Flexible Friends. The biners all have two bands of blue tape, one thick, one thin. A few may have my name engraved on them.


I'd appreciate it if people watch for someone who wants to sell some used gear. PM me if you know anything.


Item Description Make


Rack Sling Black, single REI

Hexcentric No. 5 Black Diamond

Hexcentric No. 6 Black Diamond

Hexcentric No. 7 Black Diamond

Hexcentric No. 8 Black Diamond

Hexcentric No. 9 Black Diamond

Cam No. 0.5 Clog

Cam No. 1 Clog

Cam No. 1 Empire Rock

Cam No. 1.5 Clog

Cam No. 2 Clog

Cam No. 2.5 Clog

Cam No. 3 Clog

Tricam No. 0.5 Camp

Tricam No. 1 Camp

Tricam No. 2 Camp


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ARRRGGHH. I hate &%$/&% thieves.

Are there any used shops in Anacortes or B'ham akin to Second Ascent? May be worth a call to them to be on the look out.


Oh. lots of times they will slimjim the lock on the front door an pop the trunk with the inside switch or the fold down back seat. My Civic has a lock so you can disable the switch. I Always lock it.

Edited by ctuller
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there is one used shop on state st close to ohio st but they don't have much as far as used climbing gear. i'll check again today. oh and i do remenber a tan poinact bonivel stationwagon parked in front of you with a western sticker on the back window so i'll check the outdoor center as well. maybe keep an eye out for that car just in case.

sorry again catbird


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Sorry for your loss. I've parked at the bottom (and the top, and the middle) numerous times without problems, including leaving my rack in full sight on the passenger side of my truck last Sunday. I've never heard of cars getting broken into down there. I hope karma returns to you.

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My rack is found. Oh, happy day. It wasn't stolen after all. I had "hidden" it under a tarp in the trunk of my climbing partner's car and she didn't see it when she emptied it last night. She looked again after work and found it. I am embarrassed about the whole thing, but I will gladly accept all the razzing, I am so happy to have it back. Dryad gets a free beer at Pub Club. bigdrink.gif


You know something? A climber's rack is like the violinist's Stradivarius. It's his or her constant companion on which so much depends, well, everything. I'll never leave it behind in the car again. If I have to lug it to the crag and stash it in the trees, I'll do that.

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I had my rack, and shoes...and everything else stolen out of a parking lot once. It was sort of my fault, cause I got stoned and left it on the ground beside the car...but still, we had talked with the only other climbers/people around that day. Bogus, luckily my folks homeowners covered it.

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erik said:







this reminds me of a time I left my rack hidden at a climb wayup in the Icicle and meant to go back the next day to send....well, a week goes by and I didn't go back...thought it was stolen out my adobe...even asked buddies if they "borrowed my rack"....i was so confused and sure someone stole then....whammo, holy shit the rack is still up in them hills....fuk ran like hell up the trail....and wouldn't you know it. THe Rack was still there neatly tucked in the ropebag but with some new snaf.gifsnaf.gif teethmarks...fukin bastards! madgo_ron.gif


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