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DFA I'm Callin You Out


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That's a cute question, Trask. Tell you what, while you're furiously masturbating thinking about it, maybe you could devote a few of your dilapidated brain cells to the question of what the hell RobBob entered in google to find that picture, and how much time he spent doing it.


M'kay? Don't get spunk on the keyboard, now.





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maybe you could devote a few of your dilapidated brain cells to the question of what the hell RobBob entered in google to find that picture, and how much time he spent doing it.


Dear DFA,

...So you want to know RobBob's secrets, eh? How he gets inside your mind and manages to post what you're up to and what you're thinking?

Well, in this one case I'll share. I recall that you recently mentioned that you were involved with "Crisco Racing." I thought you meant the old NASCAR team. So I did a quick Google and...voila! I found out what Crisco means to you!! hahaha.gifhellno3d.gif


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Catbird, when did you become the bluenosed schoolmarm? Lighten up, I'm not gay-bashin.' DFA and I have this ongoing schtick. I have fun at his expense, he gets a perverse kick out of the notoriety, bashes me back, maybe one or two people crack a smile. Everything's okay. thumbs_up.gif

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