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A penguin walks into a bar and sits down at the bar stool.

"Hey bartender! Gimme a beer!"

"Aren't you a penguin?" asks the bartender.

"Yeah buddy, now where's that beer?"

"Well, did you know we have a drink named after you? Maybe you'd like to try that instead of just havin' a beer?"

"No shit, you have a drink named Irving?" cantfocus.gif

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The Seven Dwarfs are on a vacation in Europe and receive an audience with the Pope.

As the oldest, Dopey serves as spokesman for his mates.

Standing before the Pope, Dopey asks, "Your excellency, are there any dwarf

nuns in Vatican City?"

The Pope thinks for a moment and says, "No, Dopey, there are no dwarf nuns

in Vatican City."

This makes the other six dwarfs snicker.


Dopey then asks, "Mr. Pope, are there any dwarf nuns in Europe?"

"No," the Pope responds. "There are no dwarf nuns in Europe."

Hearing this, the other six dwarfs fall to the floor, laughing and howling.


Dopey looks at the Pope and says, "Sir, are there any dwarf nuns in the


"No, my son," the Pope says. "There are no dwarf nuns anywhere in the


With this, the other six dwarfs began chanting, "Dopey made love to a

penguin! Dopey made love to a penguin!"




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A guy is walking down the street and he´s really horny. so he goes to

the first whore house he sees. He only has five dollars, so they

kick him out. The guy goes to the next one. But, since he only has

five dollars, he gets kicked out.


So, by this time, he´s really super horny, so he goes to the next one

and says: "Look, I only have five dollars. I´m really horny and I need

a blow job for 5 dollars!"


The guy there says: "OK, for five dollars we can give you a penguin."


"What´s a penguin?"


"You´ll see."


So, the guy takes the 5 dollars and leads the horny man to a bedroom.

The man unzips his pants and waits for his "penguin". Soon a whore

comes in and starts giving the guy a blow job. Just as he´s about to let

loose, she stops and walks away. Now the horny guy with his pants

at his ancle, waddles after her, shouting...




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snoboy said:

Dru said:

if only you had left the last sentence out that would be one of the great non-sequitirs of cc.com





waitaminit, you can't fool me, its because they live in different hemispheres!


Edited by Dru
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