Dave_Schuldt Posted February 10, 2003 Posted February 10, 2003 High Times 2/9/03 Drug Tzar Fat Freddy has declare cascadeclimbers.com “The most addictive drug i have ever seen”. cc.com is an internet message board allegedly about climbing. While climbing is occasionally discussed most posts are about sex and politics. “One post is all it take and your hooked”, said Tzar Freddy. In a speech before a DARE convention he made the following remarks. “Housewives have been sneaking online while there husbands and children are away; they flirt with all the dregs of society, it’s discussing.” “The depressed economy in the Pacific Northwest has resulted in large numbers of unemployed addicts posting form home when they should be looking for work.” “The most disturbing thing is the amount of time people who still have jobs waste at work posting on this board.” “The so called moderators are slackers who let all kinds of discussing smut slip through and post plenty of trash themselves. Just think of the damage this smut will do to our kids who sneak online to get their fix, to terrible to evan think about.” “The discussions also include topics on other drugs legal and illegal. These posts always encourage over consumption and trying new ones. Again, just think of the children. First started about 3 years ago by two demented computer nerds in Seattle it has spread across the country and abroad. An member named carolyn was arrested in Minneapolis. She was taken from her job after putting three DEA agents in the hospital. Sergeant Stadenco said ”We had no idea how dangerous a store full of ice tools could be.” carolyn hired a fast talking lawyer mattp and is no out on bail and posting like crazy. In New York city iceicebaby has not been heard from in a month. An overdose and slow horrible death are assumed. The drug was also spread to Sweden by To The Top on a trip allegedly to see his girlfriend. Amidst the bad news there is still a small hope. Tzar Freddy cited the example of a former Seattle are member, v, who with great difficulty was able to tear herself away from the screen and get on with her life. “It was the most horrible thing I have ever experienced.” she said in an exclusive interview. I mean I would go to these Pub Club events, always held in the scummiest bars in town and hang out with the biggest losers. I smelled like smoke for days” She sighs and says “Never again” She now is making good money on the talk show and lecture circuit relaying her tales of horror and degradation to transfixed audiences. Congress has set aside millions to stop this epidemic. “I see the hand of Osama bin Laden behind this” said Fat Freddy angrily. “With all this money we will win the war on drugs” he added with a smile. With a smirk he said he will hire the other three Freak Brothers to jointly head a joint commission on internet climbing boards. “We will get them all!” he predicts confidently. We planted a spy, crack reporter Uncle Tricky, close to the center of this evil. He will give us a report as soon as he completes deprogramming Quote
catbirdseat Posted February 10, 2003 Posted February 10, 2003 This is the funniest post this week. Good on 'yer, mate! Quote
catbirdseat Posted February 10, 2003 Posted February 10, 2003 Speaking of addictive drugs, this reminds me of a drug we were developing years ago to treat Parkinson's disease. The drug was a dopamine D2 agonist. We wanted to test the potential for addiction in rats, so a special cage was constructed. The rat could give himself an intravenous dose of the drug, but it had to walk over an electrified grid to press the bar. Cocaine was the standard drug for comparison. We found our drug was three times as addictive as cocaine! Not bad. You would think that finding would have doomed the drug, but actually no. They are still working on it. It will be delivered via a patch, much like the nicotine patches for smoking cessation. I remember the first time they gave it to patients. Not only did it allow them to move normally again, but they really FELT GOOD. Quote
glacierdog Posted February 10, 2003 Posted February 10, 2003 Yep, It's true. I'm an addict. I find myself sneaking online at friends houses, coffee shops, and even government computers. Should we start a support group? Can I be president? Quote
Billygoat Posted February 10, 2003 Posted February 10, 2003 Sign me up! I'll be the poster boy. I just got hooked. I was up until 2:30 last night Quote
sk Posted February 10, 2003 Posted February 10, 2003 Yep, It's true. I'm an addict. I find myself sneaking online at friends houses, coffee shops, and even government computers. Should we start a support group? Can I be president? wouldn't that mean quitting??/ I don't want to give it up I love my cc.com Quote
ChrisT Posted February 10, 2003 Posted February 10, 2003 “Housewives have been sneaking online while there husbands and children are away; they flirt with all the dregs of society, it’s discussing.” who came up with this crap? Quote
sk Posted February 10, 2003 Posted February 10, 2003 I want to know what everyone is "discussing" without me Quote
ChrisT Posted February 10, 2003 Posted February 10, 2003 Incidentally - I was just at a 12 step meeting trying to battle my addiction Quote
glacierdog Posted February 10, 2003 Posted February 10, 2003 I want to know what everyone is "discussing" without me Me too. Am I in the wrong forum? Quote
sk Posted February 10, 2003 Posted February 10, 2003 must be in the chat room.... stoopid mac can't chatter Quote
catbirdseat Posted February 10, 2003 Posted February 10, 2003 Can't make it (chat) work on my PC, either. Tried it several times. Don't know what gives. So would you walk in bare feet over an electrified grid in order to access CC.com? How much pain (on a scale of 1 to 5) would you endure to partake? Quote
catbirdseat Posted February 10, 2003 Posted February 10, 2003 , pain threshold 1 , pain threshold 2 , pain threshold 5 Quote
texplorer Posted February 10, 2003 Posted February 10, 2003 The church lady says, "CC.com is the Deaaaviilllll!" Quote
Dr_Flash_Amazing Posted February 10, 2003 Posted February 10, 2003 Can I be president? Why not? If that blithering idiot from Texas can get into office, a simpleton such as yourself should have no trouble. Go get 'em, son! Quote
glacierdog Posted February 11, 2003 Posted February 11, 2003 Why, thank you kind sir. I can expect your vote then? I'm plum ejamicated. Ah reckon ah could fill the role right nice. Quote
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