Thank you all for the wonderful birthday greetings. Taking the day off today, I started this morning with a couple of Bloody Marys. For breakfast, a few cups of coffee with a shot or two of Baileys in each one brought me to lunchtime, which saw a couple Dark n' Stormys to wash down my sammich. This afternoon was spent in front of the laptop doing some general surfing and then making airline reservations for RamaHannuKwanzMas with the 'rents back East, being fortified with a 6-pack of Moose Drools. Getting ready now to head out to dinner with some friends, wherein I'll drop a bottle of fine cabernet, and will likely finish up dessert with a tawny Port or some Ameretto di Soronna. I expect that when I get dumped back home later tonight, I'll have a nightcap or two. I'm thinking either a couple Vodka Tonics or an Old Fashioned or two...
You can't believe how long it took to spellcheck that post...