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Everything posted by sobo

  1. Does the cucumber go into the tuna? Or is the fish wrapped around the gourd?
  2. I guess after 30 pages, we coulda expected to arrive here... OK, time for a sammich...
  3. I don't know whether that's a compliment or not...
  4. I don't drink cheap red. But I do love a good antfight! Used to stir up a colony of those big black fukkerz and then throw in a grasshopper, like it was all his fault... Reminded me of the pitched battle scenes with the flying bugs in Starship Troopers...
  5. you like, put some time n' shit into that! i'd only disagree w/ the "We now have a significant segment of the society that has openly replaced compassion with contempt for those less fortunate." - as you know i don't think most things ever change, and that's certainly one of them. our nation has historically been bigoted and abusive towards catholics, indians, jews, chinamen, immigrants, mexicans, the poor, slaves, etc. certainly the ease with which the plight of modern life can be captured and portrayed for all to see is a change, but the underlying apathy and hostility towards "the others" is as american as stickign yer dick in an apple pie Yeah, OK, I stand corrected from my unqualified support of TTK's editorial above. I'd have to agree with ivan that America has always been contemptuous of the less fortunate. The apathy and hostility have always been there.
  6. fuckers have poison heel-spurs, i wouldn't go calling'em pussies since even smart cats leave'em alone Especially this one...
  7. I agree with every word. Well spoken, sir.
  8. Not to mention platypusses! Or would that be platypi...??
  9. It does exist but it isn't mainstream. The Guardian has done a decent job for example. I will accept that. I do read The Guardian, and HP. Sometimes it's tough for me to choke it down, what with all the conservative-bashing undertones, but I do read it and try to keep an open mind. It seems to me that if the OWS movement came up with a cogent message that they could all get behind, distilled to a 30-second soundbyte that the (short-attention-spanned) Average American could understand and swallow, then the corporate/lamestream media would be falling all over themselves to report upon it. After all, I believe it's what the American public is clamoring to know: "What is it that the OWS movement wants?" Parading out a bunch of one-on-one interviews with people that don't even know why they're there is just not making the grade, and is casting the movement in a dim light with the populace. OWS needs some coherent form of leadership/representation, of a sort with which a public discourse can be conducted. The Shelby just ain't cutting it...
  10. OMFG! I can't even begin to picture that! Seriously, though, ivan, I agree with your points. The OWS movement needs to clean up its PR image before the "silent 99%" will sit up and take notice. Right now, all they see are crackheads, stoners, and college-educated hippy wierdo freaks whining about their exhorbitant student loans and no job for their liberal arts degree.
  11. Although this is not a fair characterization of the movement to date, wild street "parties" have been part of the expression of deep popular discontent throughout time. During the middle ages, the populace took over religious festivals to dance, drink and taunt political power. Two months ago, it appeared to me that the OWS movement in NYC had a purpose. They were bringing people together, growing in popularity, appeared (on the surface) to be organized, and they were gaining momentum. That does not appear to be the case anymore, to me at least. Their movement has now devolved into a lot of whining and moaning. Their galvanizing purpose and message appears to have been lost in recent weeks as their ranks have grown to encompass any and all that would join a street party in progress. They need a reboot...
  12. Don't be a rhetorical smart-ass, j_b. Your arguments won't get much traction with me if that is to be your approach. I am not being a smart ass. Seriously. Your asking where is the independent media doesn't make sense if you are aware of corporate media consolidation. So are you claiming that an independent media that could cover the OWS movement does not exist? I find that hard to believe.
  13. Don't be a rhetorical smart-ass, j_b. Your arguments won't get much traction with me if that is to be your approach.
  14. So why are we not hearing the voice of the "independent" media? WhereTF are they? I don't have a TV either (just like ivan), but I would love to see some coverage from a media outlet that shows that the protesters are well-organized, have a definitive plan, and can represent themselves in a positive light. To date, it just looks like an all-night mosh pit/rave/hippy drum circle to me where mob rule "governs".
  15. I do not support the brutality being directed toward the protesters by the police. However, I must agree with ivan that the OWS movement needs to put a better face forward to the public than what they have put forth so far (or at least the face that's being reported: unemployed college-educated folks smoking weed, one-on-one interviews with people that can't even express a coherent thought as to why they are there, violence/vandalism/looting directed at local businesses, gang rapes in the camps, etc.). The movement needs to do a much better job of self-policing and upgrading their PR image before the vast majority of the "silent 99%" get up in arms over their mistreatement at the hands of the establishment. That's the constituency from which they need to gain support, and they haven't been doing a very good job of it. Just my opinion... Oh, and the appointment of a dog to be your representative. That was real smart, yeah... Way to represent yourselves if you're trying to be taken seriously...
  16. isn't it what they have done? No, they most definitely have not. The Bonus Army lived in camps that were operated like a city. They tended to their own needs, foremost among them being sanitation and self-policing of their constituency. I have seen nothing even remotely resembling that in any OWS encampment that has been covered by the media, least of all Oakland. "...The camps, built from materials scavenged from a nearby rubbish dump, were tightly controlled by the veterans who laid out streets, built sanitation facilities, and held daily parades. To live in the camps, veterans were required to register and prove they had been honorably discharged..." Source
  17. How come you get lovely Tatyana in your banner, and I get either the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center or "You've NEVER seen the AAC like this" banners? WTF???
  18. The lassie be just over 8 stone, and she be 16 1/4 hands tall. That do it for ya, laddy?
  19. Why, it's the Seattle PD, of course. Duh.
  20. my google is broken I have provided you with the definitive answer to your given question. Why the angst and dilly-dallying about with the 'bone and Dru? Fourth post down from the top, suh.
  21. Road head's a problem...?? I don't see it.
  22. 52 kg * 2.204622622 lbs/kg = 115 lbs 165 cm * 1 ft/30.48 cm = 5.41 ft => 5'-5" Conclusion: Definitely doable.
  23. ...with a side of Plutonium...??
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