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Everything posted by sobo

  1. sobo

    broken finger

    that's what happens if you flip off the wrong person...
  2. Happened to me, too. He's 3 years old now. I don't want to give it up at all, but I've definitely toned it way down since we got him. I do, however, remember jetting out of the house a lot in the early days; same reason as ivan. Couldn't handle the screaming/crying either. Found myself soloing up the first pitch of Ride the Lightning at Goose Egg one day, and realized, "WTF are you doing???" That day changed everything...
  3. You wankers... it's always: "gimme, gimme, gimme". Never: "here ya go, here ya go, here ya go". I'm just kidding, Kurt and Dan, of course. I'll try to scrape up a beater camera and see what I can put together. No promises on the photogenic properties of the subjects, tho. Fahq, I'm just happy to be going! Ya'll have fun on your respective and collective weekends, whatever ya'll end up doing! Buh bye! PS: and before leaving, I claim the agebottom:!
  4. PARTNER FOUND!!! In a last ditch effort to save the weekend, I hatched the idea to call John at his Moscow Hyperspud location to see if he could break away before his Utah trip. Although John couldn't partner up, he had some fresh ideas of his own... Lo and behold, he's turned up a partner for me for the weekend... And John and I are making plans to hit LD the following weekend ourselves. Sooooo, mad props are goin' out to John for rallying at the 11th hour and saving my w/e! W00t! W00t!! PS: And I don't hafta buy all the gas!
  5. mccallboater's little furball...
  6. Hmmmm, I'll get my Royal Computer Geek to work on that right away.
  7. I just spit pepsi out my nose!
  8. Why is this thread still in this forum? I ask you, why?
  9. When I was a kid, the other boys in the playground told me those gurlie privates had teeth in 'em.
  10. Back off, DeC. I'm not in the mood for a threesome right now.
  11. All the damn time. I get so tired of it...
  12. awwwwwwwwwwwww... I'm touched...
  13. To quote a notorious poseur on this board: "How original."
  14. Uhhh lance, I'd have to agree with arch... What are you doing to him?
  15. And a black, climbing bitch to boot!
  16. Jeezus Christ! Look at the size of the feet on that horse! (bottom right frame)
  17. That's a good nickname for them. You can just drop-kick 'em into oncoming traffic.
  18. AmberB, It's been 16 months; where ya been?
  19. Hmmmmmmmm... 16 months... Where ya been, AB?
  20. I wish they'd let mailmen/women refine their marksmenship skills on little yip-dogs instead...
  21. What??!! No link from the Rear Admiral? Sacre' bleu!
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