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Posts posted by Marko

  1. Hi Scotty!


    Not sure about the Lowe, maybe it was the old Serratus Genie you saw pictures of? Check out the new MEC Genie in any case:



    I recently bought one and like it so far. They fixed the one downer of the old one; the top flap pocket zipper is now on the outside instead of under the flap. And it's a water repellent zipper. If you strip it down, the new model is actually lighter than the old model. (At least comparing the two packs I have.) It's a bit larger, too, though I'm not so keen on that.


    The body fabric is Dyneema reinforced but feels sorta flimsy. That being said, I've always had good luck with the similar fabric used on the the Golite packs.


    Hope you're keeping warm down there!


  2. We descended skier's right of Beckey's dotted line. It was horrible brush and cliffs, in the dark! We should have done what Ade wanted to do in the first place and descend the south-facing cliffy slope going down into the approach cirque. It would have probably required one or more rappels off trees but would have been way better than what we ended up doing.

  3. Trip: Three Fingers - NE Face attempt


    Date: 12/10/2009


    Trip Report:

    So's not to further highjack Darin's TR...


    Snow and ice conditions were nearly ideal. The main ice pitches were not quite as fat as what the FA pictures showed but still plenty of good ice. The crux pitch had some interesting pulling-over-a-bulge-onto-loose-snow bits but Ade styled it anyway.


    It was a bit slow traveling in the valleys due to no snow cover but not too bad. Temps were brisk, 10-20F I'd say, but with zero wind it was perfect. There were numerous cool looking smears coming down the granite cirque at the head of the approach valley. I'm sure they're all gone now unfortunately.


    We didn't summit because we were both pretty tired from lack of fitness and from the added work of the bony approach.


    The lower cirque with cool smears:



    Ade starting the main ice:


  4. Nice show gents! Looks like you got some fun for sure.


    In answer to your question, the Thursday before Ade and I had a go at that E Face route on Three Fingers. We found great conditions up there (just like everywhere else at that time!). We did the ice bits but traversed across the NE shoulder without carrying on to the summit, so no route. Several hours later we were heading down the wrong descent drainage (at my suggestion) in the dark. Wrong, as in the nastiest travelling either of us have ever done in the mountains. It was all very purdy though.

  5. ...For example, Haston and Scott on McKinley in '76. Chouinard rigids, Galibier Makalu dbl boot, neopreme over boots and a pair of Chouinard bamboo axes for the leader.


    As I recall that kit was just left over from their little trip up Everest the year before, "Colder than Everest", Scott said.

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