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Everything posted by erik

  1. i just saw them for sale new for $200
  2. erik


    i'll trade some screws/pickets for the ledge
  3. no one is gonna buy it for more then $125.....
  4. the box's go between 350-420
  5. bobbyp when you coming to hell?? the ridin is pimp and the climbin pimpin...and then scene lame as always!!!!!!
  6. we just do both down here in hell.
  7. heh i dont think i have skied anything less then thigh deep powder in the last week or so.....
  8. erik


    i thought this was a topic about climbing guides.....
  9. never been there so i only speak of my personal experiences....
  10. all lift serve skiing sucks anyways.....
  11. i dont have time to read your diatribes all the time...too busy skiing...tho this week i have to work. but i get to ski at lunch....
  12. erik


    scott, wallstain and i have scouted and tr'd some routes on that wall about 3 years ago. we climbed thru the "gunsight" notch as well. there are even pics somewhere on this site. we called the wall "rock monkey wall" we kinda wanted to go back and finnish the routeds with hardware, but have been side tracked ever since.
  13. b-day chutes are played out everday now erock....all of the bird is a wasteland.
  14. it is always fun, but i like to climb with my other friends as well, because there are always different goals with different partners.
  15. snowbird does get tracked fast. for your best bet take the tram and ski into mineral basin. you can reach alta from this point too. hike to the top of baldy and ski baldy chutes. also go to the top of the gad lifts and hit the gad chutes or ski into scotties bowl.(both require some hiking) you will ski down to the white pine trail head and will have to hitch back up to the bird(which aint that hard). anything really on the front side of the bird is dumb. but erock is right and you should ski alta. tho we are expecting some new snow this week. plus you should come to the olympic park in park city as world cup nordic jumping is taking place. and there will be a mega party both nights.
  16. the red pieps is an old old one...tho still 457.... could not locate is that even with probing we could never get close enough to get them with the intial digging. yeah the sos found the m2 no probs. all i am saying is why buy an outdated piece of equipment?? sure it will work to some proximity...but i would not want my partners attempting to locate me with an old analog beacon.
  17. i just combat ski.....
  18. analog is old and digi in new... we were out practicing 2 weeks ago with a yellow peips, a red on red, a m2 and a sos.... both the yellow and red pieps could not locate the m2....they located the sos. maybe i should have not used the word never.... but i still would not waste $140 buying outdated equipment...cause if look hard enough you can find newer gear for near the same price.
  19. ahhh i dont read that much... but i am still right
  20. erik


    skycabins.com no rain in the last 24hrs and you should be good to go.
  21. green is the .75 and is it double stem or single?
  22. okay...... not much of an ice climb tho now is it?
  23. pretty straight forward route. just stay pretty much on the crest about 2/3 the way up move to the north side of the crest to finnish.
  24. all it takes is a bit of fore thought
  25. erik

    Folsom, CA

    actually the area is not too bad. i would move to norcal b4 moving anywhere else. and you are closer then 100 miles to lovers leap more like 60 miles or so. lots of recrations. folsom lives pretty much inbetween hwy 50(road to s lake) and hwy 80 (road to n lake) the bay area is about an 1.5 hours away which includes the ocean and what not. the air here in salt lake is far worse then the area in the central valley. if i were you i would investigate. erik
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