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Posts posted by DPS

  1. Agree with the above. Buy 5mm or 6mm with whatever seems to be the most supple. Some tends to be stiffer than others, so just go by feel. I used to use 6mm but had a bad habit of using them for rappel anchors. Now I use 5mm so I'm less inclined to do that unless I'm in dire straights.

  2. What is the consensus on avalanche concern for chockstone falls and kiddie cliff?

    Two former frequent CascadeClimbers contributors were buried while standing beneath Kiddie Cliffs. They both lived, but lost a lot of their gear as I recall.


    I think the approach to Chockstone Falls would be similarly threatened, if not the climb itself.

  3. I have an uber classic Grivel Air Tech Racing (1st generation) complete with a custom red paint job. Extremely light, yet the forged steel pick penetrates ice very well. It is 58 cm. If interested, I would let it go pretty cheaply.



  4. I attempted to ski around Snow Lakes in winter, but avalanche conditions were too high. We should get Juan in on this action.


    I honestly don't think TFT in winter would be that hard, assuming one had the right conditions. I don't think it would be any harder than the big rock routes done in winter in the Stuart Range.

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