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Alisse last won the day on September 9 2024

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About Alisse

  • Birthday December 1


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Choss Jockey

Choss Jockey (6/14)

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  1. Hi, I have a friend who is training for some bike races at altitude and he's in the market for an altitude tent. This is a kind of enclosure that has a generator pack for displacing some oxygen with nitrogen. I'm not looking for just a normal camping tent. Anyone got anything or know someone with one? He doesn't make a pile of money and I'm trying to help him find a used one that's been in someone's closet for a few years ... Thanks in advance!
  2. Sent you a private message!
  3. What a beautiful flow. I'm glad Colfax let you pass and complete the climb without any injuries!
  4. Yes, you do!!! And whoever is reading this has decided to continue being alive (Louis CK spinoff). Go us! I just meant that for a technical climb, they're on the very easy side of the grade spectrum.
  5. Tamarack Meadows is BEAUTIFUL. I got to spend one very rainy night there awhile back. Thanks for reminding me of these easier adventure climbs!
  6. Way to take perfect advantage of the January drought! That looks like basically the perfect winter trip in the face of no pow ❤️ congrats!
  7. Pretty sure Oregon volcano snowpacks are doing great this year! Butttt who knows how the spring warmup will go and what the weather will be like for the days you're around? I wouldn't recommend buying plane tickets to do specific objectives up here in the spring, but if you are flexible and could pivot to still have fun if you can't do these specific peaks, then great! I haven't been up Jefferson before and I love skiing and have technical snow and ice experience, so if the timing works out I could get stoked on it! Send me a message with your phone number and a few paragraphs about your climbing experience, specifically steep snow and ice!
  8. Thank you so much for sharing this journey with us -- congrats, you two!
  9. Damn, @Michael Telstad!! Thanks for this exciting read. Love the northern lights photo especially and all the details, "6/10" 😂 Nice work coming home in one piece! ..and with all the skis!
  10. Winter has arrived!!! 🥳🥳🥳
  11. Was this meant to imply it won't open before November 12? They've kept the gate closed Friday, yesterday, today...
  12. Love that area, glad you were able to get up there ♥️
  13. Had you already been up the other three Bulgers next door?
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