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Everything posted by bsamp1134

  1. I don't think its a good idea to tell someone they don't need an ice axe. There is many places on Mt.Adams that would be unsafe to be ready to self arrest. I know of at lease one accident on Adams that a guy had to get airvac'd off because he dropped his axe just before he fell, and slid down the glacier and into the boulder piles. Jusy saying.
  2. Moleskin until boot and feet finally adjust to each other
  3. bsamp1134

    Topo Maps?

    check the with the national forests and powells books or another big bookstore
  4. That's too bad it was always a fun close day cimb
  5. agreed matt
  6. Wow I really hope those arn't them....Just ads even more of a slap in the face. Good luck, I wish nobody had to deal with these things
  7. anywhere around 150cm would work im kinda short
  8. So most of the time i climb in spring i carry my snowboard (sucks donut) I am way to poor to buy a splitboard. I already snowboard in my Koflach Verticals. Any suggestions on homemade splitboards/performance issues? and will my trusty dusty kofie's work with the new bindings? Any help or advice greatly appreciated; as im not quite ready to jump in and cut my board in half
  9. you could always put a personal ad in the local madrid newspaper
  10. LOL those are the glasses i've been wearing on all of my climbs
  11. WOW!!! what a little badass way to go!!!
  12. My heart goes out to all his friends and family; always unsettleing to hear a fellow climber go down
  13. LOL sorry *if im on a non snow route*
  14. Call me stupid if you will but if im not a non snow mid to late summer route, I just head 'er on up in my tennys (trail running shoes)
  15. bsamp1134


    whats the right video?
  16. bsamp1134


    ahhhh you were too slow now its not so cool LOL
  17. well if the weather holds out im gonna head up there today...I will take some pics and put 'em up on here
  18. bsamp1134


    LoL wow that's a cool little trick Billcoe....Let me google that for you....NICE i've never seen that before
  19. bsamp1134


    nah i mean when you see whos online it says zero spiders usually...it shows in the left hand side usually
  20. bsamp1134


    anybody know what a spider is on this website....ive been wondering sice i joined
  21. That is good advice i will try using a less abrasive brush. Thanks Billcoe
  22. It's up on larch in clark county
  23. I didn't take any last night but im gonna go up there again tomorrow after work i think....I'll take some pics and put 'em up
  24. Hey I just went to some of the Larch boulders last night.....had an awesome time!!! Let me know if anybody else goes there and if they know of any of the other spots. I always got a wire brush and ready to clean new rock. There is several places to boulder up there and I've only been to one of the spots so far
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