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Everything posted by yellowlab03

  1. yellowlab03

    Gun Control

    Isn't that the same reason all you hoplophobes claim we need to restrict guns?
  2. yellowlab03

    Gun Control

    I got a friend who's son has leukemia, she was told by some fuckwit that it was her fault because she married a hispanic and it was god's way of punishing her. No shit. I lean more towards the conservative side, but pushy overly religious people fucking piss me off.
  3. yellowlab03

    Gun Control

    I would agree with most of that, holy crap look at airsofters . You also have to add in media, movies and video games influencing the young impressionable kiddos to want to be cool guys with all the Gucci kit running around in all of their tac gear. My nephews nut up when they get to come to uncle yellow's house and shoot ARs or go on base and see real life cool guys shooting shit and jumping out of planes. Hell they have better weapons recce skills than I do from them playing Battlefield and COD.
  4. yellowlab03

    Gun Control

    They actually only scrapped registration of long-guns, and it was scrapped after the conservative party gained a majority. Sound familiar? Or was it found to be completely ineffective, costly, unenforceable and a thorn in the side for law abiding citizens? I have read about countries with effective gun laws. It kills me to be compared to anything Europe. Not to beat a dead horse, but we ain't fuckin' Europe dude. Holy shit look at the gay rights issue! We get our panties in a twist when a tit slips out on National TV and people expect everyone to just accept gay rights? Germany has tits in cereal commercials for god's sake.
  5. yellowlab03

    Gun Control

    Hey anyone want to go shooting this weekend, just picked up a little .22 revolver and a bulk pack of ammo. Going to teach the kiddos how to wreak havoc on cans and paper... Open invite for you city dwellers.
  6. yellowlab03

    Gun Control

    If gun registrations work so well, why did Canada scrap theirs? Tvash, RGR... had a good day in the gym, still a little pumped Also, there is a hole in your logic that guns are a magnet for crime. If that were the case, then after 2004 crimes should have shot through the roof. The most popular firearm purchased since the AWB has been the AR style rifle. There are more AR's in civilian hands now than there ever has been. And your guy in the White House should be nominated for gun salesman of the century.
  7. yellowlab03

    Gun Control

    I like the blah blah blah comment. I present you with facts and what do you have to say? Blah blah blah. Nice. I'm attached to it because you libs are so tied up over it. I'm attached to it because I don't live in a vacuum where if we get rid of all the guns all the bad people will be nice. I'm attached to it because it is a right guaranteed to us in the 2nd amendment. Listen dude. I don't know you from Adam, I don't know if you have ever even fired a gun or grown up around them or what. I personally have grown up around them, I collect them, I use them at work. I have a healthy respect for them and I know what they can do and what they are capable of, I've seen it first hand. The only thing that makes a gun bad is the person using it. I don't have my guns locked in a safe because I am worried about them running away and raping and pillaging the country side. I have them locked up because I don't want tweakers stealing them. You want a national registry of guns, but I will bet that you are against having to have a national ID card in order to vote. And by the way, Full-Auto (true assault weapons) are not illegal, neither are suppressors, short barreled rifles or shotguns, grenade launchers etc. Just heavily regulated to the point where it is just a PITA to own. I just can't wait for my form 4 to get back so I can play with my outback II
  8. yellowlab03

    Gun Control

    You can not be serious right? No really? In the other post I posted up the FBI crime FACTS showing that since the sunset of the '94 AWB violent crime rates, homicide rates and gun crime rates have gone down. If anyone's opinions are based on emotions, ideology and not reason, it is the anti-guns crowd begging for a ban on scary lookin' black gunz. In case you missed the other post: http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-8 Note that "assault weapons" IE: AR-15 style firearms are considered rifles. If ya'll were serious about saving people you would be going after handguns.
  9. yellowlab03

    Gun Control

    I bought my first truck when I was 15? No one stopped me. I happen to know for a FACT that we can't keep criminals from buying guns. Do you honestly believe that criminals are only getting their guns buy buying them from people who legaly obtained them in the first place? I guess they are all getting their illegal prescription drugs from pharmacies too. Look at the '97 North Hollywood shoot out. Full auto weapons and body armor in CA, where that stuff is illegal at the state level, and it was during the middle of the original federal AWB.
  10. yellowlab03

    Gun Control

    I really doubt that it would prevent anything illegal. All it would do is prevent you from selling me a gun without me having a background check. bad guys are going to get guns one way or the other. The only time a background check isn't done is when someone does a face to face purchase. I've bought guns in CA, WA, VA and in GA some at shops and some at gun shows, and have had to do a NICS check each and every time.
  11. Until she is stuck in an underground hide site for 6 days with 3 other dudes and has to have her buddy hold a bag to shit in. Been there, done that, fuck that noise.
  12. There should have never been a double standard from the begining. And if you were an officer in the Navy, you should know how much politicing there is in the service by both civilians and those serving.
  13. We have tried numerous times to get a job specific PT standard. It will never pass, mostly because of the females. It isn't even the majority of females, the majority don't want to be in combat arms, it is our civilian leadership trying to politic this shit. Honestly, make one standard for males AND females and I would gladly accept them and most everyone else would too.
  14. Dude don't even get me started on fat people in the Army right now. There are more fat people (male and female) testing the tensile strength of their uniforms than there should be.
  15. Listen, the APFT is a joke... It is. But, it is a base line, it is a standard. The base line, should be the same across the board male and female. I know a female who is a super troop, she scores well above any other females and a lot of males. She is also 4'11" and 98lbs. She can not physically do the job. You can not put body armor on her, an 85lb ruck and a 240 and tell her to keep up with a patrol. Fly helo's? Sure. Run the gun in a truck? Sure, no problem, but you dismount her and now you have to have two or more people split her gear up and carry it. Hell, it sucks doing it and I am 5'11" and weigh 201lbs. And no, there is no job specific PT test.
  16. Equal rights? How about this, treat them equal! Let them have the same physical fitness standards as us, after that I will look at them like they are equals on the battlefield. Why should we treat them as equals when we have to do 77 push-ups to get a 100 on the APFT and they only have to do 50? Why are their standards so much lower than ours? Now you want to put them in a job where they will have to carry the weight of a man but their physical standards are so much lower? This isn't a desk job, this is a job where if you can't pull your weight people die. If they make female PT scores the same as males, I am all for this! Let them get out there and spread some hate to the bad guys. After 14 years of service in Combat Arms units, Sof units, and co-ed support units, I have met 1 female that could mentally and physically do the job. She was a fucking stud and people gave her the respect she earned and deserved. 1, out of a few hundred. Just sayin.
  17. yellowlab03

    Gun Control

    Fuck me, another thread... Ok, I'll play this silly game again, fully understanding that some of you simply have hoplophobia and no amount of facts will deter you. The FBI gun homicide statistics simply do not back up any of your completely illogical assertions that assault weapons are a scourge on this Nation. crime down: http://www.fbi.gov/news/stories/2012/june/crimes_061112/crimes_061112 murders by weapon 2007-2011 (note that "assault weapons" are considered rifles): http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/cjis/ucr/crime-in-the-u.s/2011/crime-in-the-u.s.-2011/tables/expanded-homicide-data-table-8 Gun registry, why don't you ask Canada how well a gun registry works, considering they just repealed theirs as it was in-effective, cost tax payers millions and didn't deter crime.
  18. yellowlab03

    Gun Control

    Someone should have told Pyle you can't siphon bullets that way.
  19. yellowlab03

    Gun Control

    Everyone knows that gun control means using both hands... duh
  20. You'd be surprised at how true that statement might be. Look at what the Justice Dep't had to say about the '94 AWB. The '94 AWB expired in 2004 and since then violent crime has dropped. And I agree that tobacco and obesity kills way more and costs the normal tax payer way more.
  21. That is a very true fact, hell, things are different in the city compared to out in the country. Ways of life and values are different no matter where you go.
  22. I think (hope?) the person just labeled it wrong. It was posted up on the 5th of Jan 2013.
  23. "You can also upgrade to full auto pretty easily." Um, no... You can't... You have to have a mill to do it and the knowledge how to use the mill. I'm not saying it can't be done, anything can be done, it just isn't as easy as you are saying it is. Unless you are talking about that gay little crank think they sell at Cabela's for .22's or that stupid bump fire thing (which is illegal according to most) I'd be cool with all of that, as long as all Law Enforcement are required to abide by the same rules. (BS, I'm not cool with any of that) And what are you talking about with fake background checks? Have you ever bought a gun? And clips are used in M1 garands. Magazines dude, magazines.
  24. Not really, a lot of cut backs are being hashed out. The F-22 program is being cut down, massive cuts to the Navy's fleet (which projects US power), cuts to the Air Force's future planes programs. We are getting downsized.
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