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Everything posted by abarlow

  1. The official range is much higher with the #4 camelot though. So it's covering the range of at least two tri-cam sizes. At least from the official sizes on the respective websites.
  2. His body has not yet been recovered?
  3. If I had to lead the OW gendarme pitch with only a massive tricam I would have bailed into the gully too! ;P
  4. I left two crazy stout draws with steel locking carabiners on the rope end at the Mountaineers outdoor wall Sunday. If anyone picked them up please let me know!
  5. I also PMd about Alpinists. Will pick up anytime! maybe me and linneus can split'em or maybe he'll need ones I don't.
  6. PM sent
  7. Ben have you seen the Nisqually right now? I'm with Kurt. It's crazy ATM. No WAY I would try and dodge my way through there right now. It looks like Dantes inferno
  8. Cams were sold. Shoes and helmet still available
  9. Bump. I'll throw the helmet in for free if someone wants the shoes! Make me an offer on the shoes.
  10. I did DC with my wife yesterday. The route is in great shape, being meticulously maintained by the guide services. However, it is very long distance-wise this year.
  11. Hey folks, I am cleaning out the gear closet and have the following items for sale: Metolious Power Cams Numbers 5, 6, 7, and 9 - $150 - SOLD! I sent these out for re-slinging and maintenance by Metolius they came back looking brand new! Would like them to go to a new home where they will be used! These 4 cams and a set of BD nuts should get you up most basic alpine climbs in the region. Buy these and go climb the tooth! La Sportiva Mythos Size 45 - $80 - OBO These I bought at REI garage sale. They looked BRAND NEW when I bought them. They are too big for me. I wore them up Prussik Peak once and they are still looking sparkling. Petzl Ecrin Roc – Make me an offer Sad to see this go. This helmet has been up many peaks and routes! Should still serve for years to come. Great loaner if you need to lend one out. Indestructible. Thanks for looking! -Adam
  12. A 3 cam bail anchor! That's quite the find!
  13. Haha. Where was this?
  14. You can rap down into the chimney pretty easily. Should be a pretty easy bit of work..
  15. There was a ladder there? A bolt ladder or an actual ladder? I have never considered that chimney as unsafe... I haven't climbed it in a little while though as I generally prefer sandy corner or the first pitch of aries, which are both great ways to access that area.. Has it become more loose in the last year?
  16. I am really surprised you had a Half-dome fail in heavy winds. When properly staked out the new ones with the DAC aluminum poles can take some high winds! Did you have the guy lines attached?
  17. Tell us what trips you need the tent for. The REI Half Dome is actually a great tent although a bit heavy and not 4 season. And would hold up to most abuses you can throw at it. It can work in snow conditions if you can shovel snow over the the edge of the fly. Where will you be using this thing?
  18. If you have a valid northwest forest pass there are plenty of places you can legally sleep in your car in the canyon.
  19. As cool as the cruzers are I can't imagine climbing the NR of Stuart in those..
  20. I lost a red Yates picket w/ swaged cable today, sunday, 26th april. Somewhere around 9000 feet on the south side of Mt. Hood. It was brand new. This was on the normal south side route. Please reply if you found it. Thanks! Adam
  21. Glad you guys made it. Were you the ones we talked to in the parking lot? We had attempted Sat. and switched to coleman demming due to not having brought our skis...
  22. Two years ago I went with chainsaws and a good friend to the green giant buttress road and cut all of the trees out of the way. I assume it needs another trim. I hope to get to this again this year.
  23. I can't find the links at the moment but generally an unused rope does not weaken much with age. It's impact force does however slowly rise as it ages. Basically it becomes less dynamic. This is a big deal, IMO so i generally rotate my ropes from trad, to sport, to top roping. I have a think alpine rope that I just rotated out of use for trad climbing due to age. I'll top rope on pretty much any nylon rope of any age or condition.
  24. These are sold. Thanks!
  25. Hey guys, Want some good Alpine skis with the option to tour, even with your existing alpine boots? Well here's your chance. I am selling some 4FRNT MSP 179’s w/Naxo NX21 bindings. These are great all mountain skis. New these were $650 for the skis alone. Not only do you get these great skis with clean edges and super clean bases; They include a LIKE NEW (used 3 times) pair of Black Diamond nylon skins which I lovingly sized and trimmed impeccably well just a month ago . Paid $135.00 for the skins I just got some new skis and thought I would pass these on. I have no reservations about passing these on, they are good skis and I enjoyed them. I’m also offering a good deal for this whole set. I am selling this whole setup for $350, which is a great deal. More pics available on request, I don't expect these to last long.
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