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Teh Phuzzy

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About Teh Phuzzy

  • Birthday 11/30/1999


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  1. I'll take what I can get for these. Really just need them gone....
  2. Bump for lower price update.
  3. Heyo! Bought these for a [now] exgirlfriend and we broke up before she ever used them. Was hoping to get $80 for them, but that doesn't seem to be happening. Make me an offer eh. Pick in Portland area. Cheers, ~Adam
  4. or ClimbMax looks like they might have some in store on NE Broadway. They are anchor bolts, just a different style and I figure they might work. http://www.climbaxe.com/truboltwedgeexpansionanchors.aspx
  5. Paging Bill Coe; please pick up the white courtesy phone.
  6. "Winter" http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Number=1134332
  7. For sure! I can't believe that was five years ago. Thanks for the help!
  8. There was a great TR from a few years ago all about the Joy of Hyggelig. There was a nice video of a peaceful campfire in the backcountry and I am in need of some of the joy I remember that bringing me. Trouble is that I can't seem to find it via google searching the hell out of the CC TR's. So here I am looking for help composing my holiday wish-list. Can anyone please help me out in locating this TR? "Sex Worker" "Sex Worker" "Sex Worker" ~Adam
  9. That chunk of rock caught my eye a few years ago. I did a little research back then and found that the approach was on private logging land (can't remember if it was Stimson of Weyer) so I left it be. There are a number of TR's on OregonHikers.org from folks hiking up that way in recent years and at cursory glance there is nothing about "No Trespassing" signs. shapp, I would be curious to check it out if you get the go. I have been told the view is quite nice.
  10. I just got off the phone with one of the rangers and she said the recent rock fall has caused the most extensive damage to the hiker's trail she has seen in her ten years at the park. Right now the entire rock is closed to all activity. I will call back tomorrow to chat with the park manager about allowing climbing on the south side with rappel descents only. Bummer with the dry weather forecast for this weekend. I would be happy to help with trundling if the BRCA is allowed to do that.
  11. Interesting. That is about all it says on the website too. http://parks.state.wa.us/AlertCenter.aspx?AID=940 Give 'em a call eh? (509) 427-8265
  12. Grad school has me on a pretty full schedule, but the next two weekends can be open to go slogging through a rocky earth-birthing canal.
  13. I've got a couple pear shaped autolockers that I won't ever use. They are yours if you want them Ben.
  14. Do you think all the recent rain has created a plunge for the end? You were talking about how much "fun" that could be when were chatting out at Beacon.
  15. I think they are Polish. Also, 1:41 - if you are ever tempted to finger hook a hanger.
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