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Everything posted by Water

  1. $80? haha hope someone pipes up that it is theirs so they can try to get it back.
  2. i read the article and agree he is talking about sponsored bullshit being the problem. but bullshit is bullshit, if you read some bullshit and eat it up that is on you. does it detract from what Colin does? Detract from what you do? if not..nothing to see here folks, just some bullshit. I guess I don't really care nor want to invest time getting bent out by it, but to each their own--i have my own things I like getting riled up by, like traffic and other things worth stressing over.
  3. does sponsorship somehow detract from your own enjoyment of climbing? purchasing magazines and gabbing about the climber of the week is purely optional, do you feel you have to be involved? is the money spent on sponsorship adding to the price of gear you buy? if the answer is no to these questions then I don't see why it matters. If it somehow is costing you out of your pocket, hurting your enjoyment of climbing, making you jealous, damaging rock, hell who knows--then maybe there is a point. climb your own climb--if someone wants to get free gear to climb poop mountain for global warming that is their deal, not yours--you can still go do poop mountain all you want.
  4. Trip: Mt Jefferson - South ridge Date: 10/11/2009 Trip Report: took the woodpecker TH to the shale lakes area. tried to get up on the first southwest ridge a few creeks past milk creek, but it was heavily wooded and lots of manzanita so we just scraped that and went to shale lake area for a quick evening. started up at 3am, snow through the trees...scree slog 90% once we got onto the south ridge. traverse looked a lot worse than it was to be on it. we roped up and at the start right by the red saddle with the lowest risk the snow was crumbly powder, but as we continued on quickly got better and better. placed a single picket midway across. didn't rope up for the return trip as it was later and we were aware of how the slope felt to be on. The snow seemed to have set more since the sun hit it so it was in great shape for the return. as the day went on it got clearer and clear. didn't see or hear any rock fall during the traverse either way but obvious signs of it in the snow. the 25 foot of getting over the rib 2/3rd across the traverse was the only sorta sketchy spot with red frozen mud and an inch of snow..however I don't think the air temp ever got over freezing at the top. we didn't go all the way to the north ridge and climbed a bit steeper (5.1?) area instead of the ledges. protection seemed fine in some of the big blocks, falling rock kicked by one of us seemed the biggest risk. Since we had assumed we'd do a 4th class scramble up this burnt a lot of time-but it was fun. hence the arrival at camp at 6pm, ate a quick hot dinner and packed up and back to the car at midnight-we're slow but we had a good time. next time anyone goes up there this year its going to be vastly different after the system coming through this week. we attributed our good fortune of success on our first attempt of jeffers to the raspberry crumble from the night before. in consuming the red crumble, symbolic of the mountain at sunrise or sunset..we took on its strengths. i'll spare posting my friends crumble faces just throw my ritual consuming shot up. Gear Notes: crampons, helmet, ax, rope, one picket, 2 small cams and a stopper or two. could have been fine with cramps, helmet and ax, but take your preference Approach Notes: couldn't get up onto the SW ridge due to thick brush. 5-6 ft of snow would have taken care of this, unless there is a better way
  5. i too questioned why the heck to get renters insurance when my auto agent first brought it up at $100 bucks a year~ but the discount I got with auto in addition to what it covers makes total sense. While I'm sure it is beyond exceedingly rare for it to happen, I get paranoid about base-camp stuffs being stolen while out in the backcountry -- I have to say finding out my renters insurance would cover it, or if my car got broken into at a TH and anything of enough value was stolen was a huge huge relief. I'm still smart about what I leave where but if anything happens I don't have to take it on the chin.
  6. bummer about the gear, i'd feel pretty shot about it.. Any pawn shops around you to call/visit? search daily or a few times a day on the local craigslistings... steven seagal has an album that 'kicks ass'. its called Mojo Priest http://www.stevenseagal.com/music/mojopriest.html he also has an energy drink.
  7. if you have renters insurance.. i have heard it can cover items taken from a car (my agent says mine does).
  8. Water


    pls remove this as I properly filled out a TR instead of making one in a post. thanks
  9. there are old mushroom hunters and bold mushroom hunters but no old, bold mushroom hunters. spose it could be applied to climbing too. aminita muscaria is generally safe, but will screw you up temporarily, or could kill you if you ate a ton, esp fresh ones in spring. the psychoactive component muscimol is not broken down in the body and can be passed on through the urine, i believe. so...in sibera i think they pass the urine round...or did at one time. when i ate them in college no urine was involved but i do recall walking and feeling like my steps were really big..so i said "i feel like big mario" (nintendo - mario bros reference for those who got it). nice TR
  10. potter went 6:36:10 thompson went 6:39:xx Yost went 6:39:20 potter broke thompsons record by 3 minutes~10 seconds. p.s.: all these times are insane and blow my mind
  11. is he sure the muffler broke off? you know you can break the pipe or get a gap around the catalytic converter or if your engine mounts are loose the car can make an insane amount of noise without ever having lost a part, every time you hit the gas. but if you left a muffler in the middle of any road, forest service to neighborhood street, short of trying to get someone to the emergency room, you're an idiot. (unless you don't want it anymore).
  12. thermawrap parka is what I use year around basically. Stuffs very small, is very light for the warmth is packs. pockets are good. however it is of the ultra-light variety so it does require more ginger care than other things. i wouldn't want to scrape against too much rock or brush with it. (in fact barely at all or the primaloft will start pilling out a bit.)
  13. Anyone have an opinion on the quickest way to the shale-lakes/south ridge area? Woodpecker hill TH to PCT and down to shale lakes? or Pamelia TH to Hunts Cove, up the 'climbers' trail by Hunts Lake to shale. The Woodpecker route gives me 7.5miles by my map. Pam to hunts gives 6.8 -- but I've done the Pam to Hunts and theres a fair amount of overgrown--wondering if the PCT would be faster even if its a bit longer. thanks
  14. http://maps.google.com/maps?f=d&source=s_d&saddr=olympia,+wa&daddr=46.276733,-122.198181&hl=en&geocode=&mra=dme&mrcr=0&mrsp=1&sz=10&sll=46.404723,-122.218781&sspn=0.701696,1.783905&ie=UTF8&z=10 not too far to mt st helens area http://www.fs.fed.us/gpnf/recreation/trails/documents/Mount_St_Helens_Trail_Guide.pdf that PDF has all the info you need -- call gifford pinchot forest service for more details if needed/desired.
  15. bump - anyone's feedback about snow levels/jefferson attempt this weekend? i know crumbly old things outside of a solid snow pack aren't too high on most people's list here.. but i'd take anyone else's 2cents
  16. violence? Plus SAC is using a pretty ingenious business model on these dollar deals. Limited quantities for a dollar. So they lost say $2500 on 9 marmot alpinist coats (not sure what price they get from the manufacturers) sold for $1. The $1 deals are always low quantity. However...they managed to get 12,000 people on their site and after the $1 sale ends the put up a 400 count of princton tec headlamp for $18 + 6~9 shipping. That batch of 400 headlamps sold out! Its pretty smart I think i changed my outfit but I'm still icy hot!
  17. wooohooo westcomb chimera came back up and snagged it for $1 this morning. really incredible.
  18. good job mnt dew!!! doing that exercise while in front of the boob tube is something I need to do..that is a great! seriously dont feel guilty about having some alcohol, not worth it.
  19. anyone have their 2cents to throw at a jeffers attempt this weekend? with the 2-3 inches of snow from the past weekend and a week of sun, I'm wondering if it will be some hellish ice-glazed scree at the upper reaches, and an icy summit block. My expectations right now are that we'd get to the red saddle and probably want to turn around cause the traverse will not be neither dry or snowy enough. thoughts? open to other recommendations in ~3 drive of pdx that offers a similar challenge
  20. Steep and Cheap has been offering $1 deals for the past week+. prior listings as of oct 1: Dollar Listings since Oct 1st They go extremely, extremely fast. You have to be ready. Your CC has to be saved on file and you have to have your shipping options set and be ready to quickly enter your password to 'affirm' your saved on file CC #. Having it in the cart = nothing. checking out is where its at. Not everything is for climbing but the following are: Kayland Apex Trek Mountaineering boots Westcomb Chimera Jacket IL Marmot Alpinist Jacket all for a dollar. I managed to pick up the Marmot Alpinist Jacket for $7.51 with shipping. I've also gotten a handful of other incredible deals. good luck!
  21. Water

    CC.com Turns 9

    I am relatively new to climbing and the site and have learned a lot from on here--it is a great site. Among message boards, and I have been on plenty for all sorts things in the world, it is by far one of the most fierce, but I think that has it's merits in too. Not many dull folks, which can't be said for a lot of other places. thank you so much for providing the venue and well developed tools! Really look forward to the wiki when it comes around.
  22. you must be doing something so amazing to save weight by doing that. i understand long-distance hikers cutting the toothbrush handle off, eating only dry cold food, etc.. but their life is not in jeopardy by drilling holes in things, cutting straps off, etc..only comfort compromised. drilling in climbing gear sounds not worth it. how much drilling would save you how much weight? and would that be worth the risk?...
  23. and sorry to hear about your wife's connection to samoa -- that is tough. I was confused honestly why that upset you so much till you explained she's Samoan. hope her family is okay..
  24. keep up the good work amigo.. i had such a 'problem' once while way up in the mountains in venezeula with my friends right after college. cept it was external and bleeding--oh my god talk about a bad time. i ended up having to ask my friend's old grandfather in caracas who was a doctor for some advice once we arrived there--and then i layed around the house for a few days while my friends went around the town. misery! *and thankfully never again!* I will echo what the two previous folks said--seriously. I think it is great you are eating bran and not having any brews in the house but I don't think you honestly have to go that hardcore so quickly (unless you are loving it--then by all means keep with). Basically if you are feeling like you are depriving yourself/fighting with your desires and if you are labeling drinking beer or not walking 1 day or eating at mcdonalds (cause the fam wanted to) as 'BAD' then it kind of sets up a whole feel-bad-shame cycle when you do partake in those or when the three of them line up. None of that is bad - what is bad doing things to excess-or not being consistent (8 beers and BBQ 2 days in a row, then 2 days of starving yourself). All of it is 'okay' - in moderation, especially at the start. You could look at making some short-term and long-term goals like "this week...9 beers"...or "6 beers" or whatever...and a longer term one "in 3 months I can walk 3 miles with no next-day pain" "in 5 months I only drink mt dew occasionally" etc. keep up the good work, stay positive!
  25. type a few of these questions into google: rainier gear list what is altitude sickness push breathing alpine start you won't get all your answers but it will help start to fill things in.
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