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Everything posted by t_rutl

  1. t_rutl


    Infidelity Stats granted from 1999...now say 22% is low becase of the "inherant secrecy" i'm sure but the "approaching 60%" now that it is 2009...please... even if something is really messed why not just divorce??
  2. t_rutl


    while i do think letterman is a scumbag for cheating on his wife...i dont think he is any more of a scumbag for it just because he's on tv
  3. t_rutl


    that's pretty jacked j_b and dont think is remotely even the case that married or commited folk are "guaranteed" to have affairs...while i know it happens, i believe it is the exception and by far not the rule
  4. "drunk logic" [video:youtube]
  5. if you ever need to track down a book local REI, Feathered Friends and the likes carry a pretty good selection...i'm sure even the new Mounties getup has a bookstore full of climbing resources
  6. had thought that too but the road still out of commish
  7. it's ok gb...i gave up trying to get through...first he agrees that i didnt recommend Baker now has to perpetuate to "un-recommend" my recommendation? but i dont see it as an argument...got nothing against him as i dont know him but do think he's a respectable climber and his warnings have merit on topic: sunday's weather looks fairly promising...if a (long) day trip maybe Twin Sisters or something in the Mountain Loop Hwy area?
  8. well...than how about this one? [video:youtube]
  9. i'll say the andes if you can work through the language barrier...peru, boliva, argentina, ecuador...stays would prob cheap...go travel...climb...surf (although aug may be a bit cold)...chase south american hotties... you could also track down Blake and see what he thought of New Zealand that time of year
  10. i didnt recommend it...i said in my first post that out of the 3 he listed Shuksan would prob be his best bet and gave a suggestion to avoid any loose rock in the gulley my only point was that 9.5 hrs from the Hogsback seemed excessive and the ROUTE is not in as bad of shape as you made it out to be... to quote myself: "while the objective dangers may be high it is still passible to the summit with a little spice" dont make it out to sound like i said anything more than i did
  11. i agree Baker's in poor shape and prob not the best chance for success...but i dont think as nearly as bad as you're making it sound...unless things have drastically changed in the past few days...Dan was just up there and skied the CD from 10.3k and while the objective dangers may be high it's still passable to the summit with a little spice...he did it solo btw Dan's TR from last week
  12. there's snow in the hills with these recent systems which should straighten out a lot of the glacier routes as long as it gets some time to settle...that and next week's weather looks stellar...i'd say your best bet out of the three would be Shuksan...the Sulphide is mellow and easily traversed late season and the summit will give a taste of rock, albeit loose...if you search the Shuksan TR's there is a nice mid-5th alternative to the gulley ascent of the pyramid that would give your friend a great taste of Cascade climbing...that and i think the views into the North Cascades are some of the most impressive good luck!
  13. a good read Ghosts of Rainier
  14. good experience J I've only been up there earlier in the season and looked to take a more challenging line but here's a good late season TR and photo topo http://ericsbasecamp.net/trips/Sahale/Sahale.htm
  15. life's a roller coaster my man...has its ups and downs...just ride it out and you'll be back on the up swing before you know it! dont beat yourself up tho...stay motivated and focus on the positives! and fyi...mickey d's...go the route of their chicken sandwiches the most "nutritious" option
  16. i enjoyed watching some of the episodes but wouldnt buy them...they are rerun so just do a DVR search and record
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