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Posts posted by pc313

  1. when you say fuse I'm assuming your referring to a glass

    screew-in type, old style! If so, you may have a bad plug box,

    or to much pluged in on that line. If you have new style

    breaker box(toggle UP@DOWN) could be a bad breaker,and

    needs replaced. Breakers do go bad,and are easily change out,

    you would need to take it with you to HOME DEPOT For Their

    are different types of boxes.

  2. "WEll ROOS2ER" if 10+ pages of free advice hasn't set you

    on a bearing,not to mention the fact you climb Rainier,read

    the TR's and ya'll see that even the best climbers make

    mistakes and write about it so the rest of us may learn what not to do!!!



  3. Learn as much as you can from were ever you can ie: Book's,

    TV,CC.com,And don't bite off more then you can chew!

    Nohting wrong Guides If you got the money,I learned from

    Friends who climbed,and fixing my mistakes. Good luck!!

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