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Posts posted by pc313


    And, no, when I am "on my deathbed" I will be most happy to go. I have no concern about that.



    This is the biggest bullshit ever posted here.....LOL.....


    I hope to live long and pass in my sleep,in my own bed,fuck that

    deathbed crap!!!!

  2. its not a "libs" point of view. its an American point of view.


    in fact, anyone not pissed off by these non-border checkpoints should be deported back to the country they came from...unless they are native, and then they should be kicked back across the land bridge they came over on.



    WEll since we cant find asshole number one,who BTW 911 cost us

    3'000 or so lifes,and less then $30 Billion cash! I'd say asshole

    number two,at least we know that fuckstick is,how many dead?

    How much spent $4 trillion or so! And he an his bud's are getting

    rich,and were getting buttfucked!!!!!!!!!!!




  4. Ah that's what he said on tv,but in his second year in office,

    he wrote in his note's "my god how could I've been so wrong"

    are national deficit was $600 Billion when he took the job,

    it was 1980,204 year's of goverment and only $600 billion.

    8 year's later and the national deficit was close to $4 Trillion!!



    Like it or not.


    We are all responsible for George's actions. So get out and do something already. Posting lamely on a climbers board really doesn't count.

    I do my part,I vote aginst ass holes like King George and Ron{I'm

    going to make goverment small} Ray-gun,and don't fill guilty for

    whats been done to all of us by bad voters!!


    George et al are counting on you to continue this inspiring mindset.

    Just like Ronnie said, "There is nothing wrong with the economy!"

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