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Posts posted by pc313

  1. The good news for the GOP is that once the party and the McCain machine is done coaching, briefing, and preparing her, and every Republican in town comes out to support her, she'll owe so many political favors that the only corruption she'll be fighting is figuring out which bastard left the toilet seat up.


    Dont foget to wipe!


  2. $100,000.00 has been put aside to investgate Troopergate!

    2 hours ago Palin hired a lawyer to defend her in the Troopergate


  3. Well Jimi was a local boy,and hug with white boys! When I was a teenager in Renton And Kent in the early 70s,I meet a few and seen photos! Hell he put us on the rock map.

  4. I knew that, ya ninny. But take special note of the :laf: graemlin after my suggestion of The Shining . Clearly, I was joking witcha, and also found the comparison between Jack and Melissa somewhat humorous.


    I don't care about the comparisons with Jack. In either movie. It's that other Stephen King book/movie about a writer and his number one fan that gives me nightmares.

    I'm not up on my Stephen King readings. Which title is that?



    MISERY 1988 ,lots better then the Shining! KATHY BATES was sick!

  5. All the talk about the "government" being more fair, and solving this problems is bullshit. Either the government will have to deny services to cut costs, raise "premiums", or be in the red and take money from other tax revenue sources.


    Good lord! Are you suggesting that the government would be IN DEBT providing vital services to its citizens. Clearly this state of affairs should be reserved for bloated institutions like the "defense" industry!



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