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Posts posted by pc313

  1. exit 16 is Wood Village,Mt. Hood,but if you take exit 17 Troutdale, the truck stop has the best price on gas $3.53gl

    pull out of the truck stop and take a right at the light,go

    up the hill tell you get to 26,take a left and head to Hood!

    The gas might be even less now it was $3.53 on Tue.

  2. We still have to invade Iran.

    So vote Republican.

    We could take Canada on a weekend,and get are meds for half price + lots of oil,gas,and cheap lumber! And Iran dosn't have



    Poor libtards - you can only joke. It's ok, a sense of humor will serve you well for the next 12 year, and help alleviate the suffering you will feel after you are once again defeated in the presidential election.

    I know poeple who are buying guns and getting ready for

    a revolution to take back the goverment! LOL! Hell I'll Wait til

    Nov. and vote!



  3. We still have to invade Iran.

    So vote Republican.

    We could take Canada on a weekend,and get are meds for half price + lots of oil,gas,and cheap lumber! And Iran dosn't have


  4. How many billions of dollars spent, when you can buy a goat for a couple hundred.


    no good - too many raw recruits from kentucky, tennesse, alabama and mississippi would try to fuck'em and be rendered combat-ineffective after developing GAIDS!

    Thats why they don't use goats!! Robots-03-june.gif

  5. weak...very weak...


    many kids won't do drugs...its a rare kid that fantazises about booze and drugs but not sex...


    seems to me, when i was a wee little teen, it (sex) was always on my mind...come to think about it, its still there...and i rarely think about when i'm gonna go get pounded and fucked up...


    Booze and drugs lower inhibitions.


    And don't sidestep the issue - kids drink, kids drive. We tell them not to, but they do it anyways. We need to teach them how to do it properly, don't you think?


    Teach the kids all about condoms, the pill, and a good number will ignore that advice right off the bat. No guy wants to wear a condom - lessens the "feel". And plenty of teenage boys will try to talk a girl into doing it w/o the condom. If the girl is not taught to be assertive in saying no - you know like if you taught abstinence properly, well she will not in this case either.


    Then of course there are the girls who get pregnant on purpose. You know, to "hook" the man they "love" and get him to marry them. Or so I've heard. You'll all deny it in your weak pontifications and right-wing bashing nonsense.


    And Dru - wherever you pull your 30% stat (out of your ass, I assume) - 20 years old is an adult. Break it down by say pre-16, and 16-17, and leave out the legal adults - 18 and over. :wave:


    There are photos on the net that show Bristol Palin and

    her friends holding alcohol but so far no drugs. Did her

    Mom And Dad know or care that she was a party girl?


  6. I got cut off last night at some dive bar in Arlington - I wasent even drunk - had about 6 beers over maybe 2 hours, and the 30s punk girl bar tender made me drink water and wait 5 minutes before serving my last beer. She knew I wasent driving,and I wasent overly loud or routy, just sitting there sipping my beer. I shoulda just walked out and across the street...

    I thought the whole experience was kinda lame though.


    dude, she just wanted the old guy out. take a hint...

    In the late 80s I was a bar tender in Washington, the bar had

    a capacity of 450 poeple,and the law changed to cover over serving,

    vary vague at best,but if some one seemed drunk do not

    serve them,and only 2 drinks per hour? If she served you 6 beers

    in 2 hours she was in violation of state law and could be fined

    and fired!! So she gave you a time out,and brought you your 7th

    beer in in less then 3 hours knowing that a tip was not coming!!

  7. My question is this: is she ready to step in and become the president?

    The question is WTF was the McCain's people thinking?

    and have they fired the dumb fuck who talk him in to

    picking her as VP??

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