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Posts posted by pc313



    The government will have to cut costs just like insurance companies. They'll do it by denying services, by making it difficult to get treatment (longer wait times), by providing second rate drugs, care, machines, facilities. The quality will go down, costs will go up. Those of us who bear the brunt of the costs will pay EVEN MORE. Those who get a free ride as it is will continue to do so, and be joined by more like them. The rich will get the best care $$$ can buy - as always, and only pay a little more for it.


    The goverment has been cutting coverage,and raising permiums on Medicare,Medacaid, and VA! Leaving the state's to pick up more of the cost,and the states pass it on to us. So were going to get fucked anyway you look at it!!

  2. I'm curious to hear how folks think the problems with denial of claims or the medical malpractice situation would play out with a move toward universal coverage.

    Hell the govement denies claims all the time,I don't see universal coverage changing much,

    other than getting everyone signed up under one insurance program who is not already insured,even then your going to pay some thing. NO FREE RIDES

  3. It is standard procedure for insurance companies to deniy valid claims. They know that many people will never try to go beyond that initial rejection.

    In 32 years dealing with insurance companies I still recieve

    mail from my doctor's that say "THIS IS A BILL" your claim

    has been denied, to witch I call and tell them to send it to

    my insurance co. for I have full coverage,and 2-3 weeks later

    I recieve a payed in full letter!! AND THE GAME GOSE ON!!!!!!

  4. Like it or not.


    We are all responsible for George's actions. So get out and do something already. Posting lamely on a climbers board really doesn't count.

    I do my part,I vote aginst ass holes like King George and Ron{I'm

    going to make goverment small} Ray-gun,and don't fill guilty for

    whats been done to all of us by bad voters!!

  5. The last time we hired a sventy-something to run the country, we later found out that he had been suffering from alzheimers and that someone else had been running the country.


    Yeah sure. Lets roll those dice again.

    What do you mean by "WE",I didn't vote for that son of a bitch!

  6. At over $120+ A barrel,and given the fact that oil out of Iraq

    is just getting back to pre 1990 levels,they don't need us nor

    want us around,they've been sitting on a gold mine,and know it!

    The world is playing lets make a deal,and were being out bid!

  7. Well I maybe new to CC.com ,but good or bad,out

    dated or up to date,Standard methods or off the fly,

    all that is learnd and all that gained,gives you edge

    to take it to the next level when put in a compermizing

    situation,it's at these moment's that you can't pick

    up the phone and say hay Bob what the hell would you do?

    I believe it's refered to as the pucker facter,that the torch

    is pased to the next generation of climbers,and that is the

    way it's done become's passe,old school,and beat go's on!

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