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Everything posted by akhalteke

  1. akhalteke


    So apparently, no-one can answer the question. Interesting.
  2. akhalteke


    I am still wondering why someone would overlook this laarge portion of his background...
  3. akhalteke


    why waste money?
  4. akhalteke


    Sorry, I actually work for a living. I only post here while eating lunch and dinner.
  5. akhalteke


    I am serious. I cannot understand how it is not a bigger deal to people. The church you attend is a pretty big part of who you are. If that is who he is, I am scared.
  6. akhalteke


    For 20 years he donated heavily to and attended regularly to a church that: this church's pastor says and also implies that the US Government created AIDS to kill the African Americans, created the 3 strike rule to imprison African Americans and that the US brought on Sept. 11th. more of the same: What I don't understand is how a man can devote 20 years of his life to something and spend hundreds of thousands of dollars endorsing; only to turn as soon as the relationship is made public. You cannot tell me that he just missed the racially charged, anti-american bulletins every week. You cant tell me he was just sleeping in church when Wright was screaming "GOD DAMN AMERICA!" Please, I want to understand how you deal with this seemingly obvious problem? How can you run a country that you don't care about and one that your wife only just started to be proud of when her husband was running for office. It is beyond me how you cannot be proud of this great country after we all came together 7 years ago. This blows my mind and I cannot understand how you can just let this slip on by like it is just a minor character flaw to be overlooked.
  7. Uh. Yeah. Try and keep up junior.
  8. akhalteke

    Alan Jackson

    I didn't think ol Alan would get much respect on this board. I just remember jumping out of planes in Georgia singing Chatahoochie while flying over the river with a yeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaw as I exited the airplane.
  9. akhalteke

    Alan Jackson

    I am quite sure he has written the greatest album of the century thus far.
  10. akhalteke


    To say the very fucking least. What does Pakistan have to say about this matter? I thought you guys were all about respecting the sovereignty of nations? Seems to me a slight deviation of course. You have no idea the logistics needed to pull this off with the current state of affairs.
  11. akhalteke


    These all seem to be mutually exclusive terms to me.
  12. akhalteke


    ...breath of fresh air though.
  13. akhalteke


    semantics...its a....you know.
  14. akhalteke


    Right. I would LOVE to see the data on this one. Is that why he went to England to woo all the rich ex-pats for cash?
  15. akhalteke


    Is a Motherfucker
  16. akhalteke


    I call you a new name every time windowlicker. (see? see how i did that there? that would be classified as new material.) Try again pillow biter. (shit I did it again) assintake- your insults suck (just like your mom ) now go and lick some shmegma of the sheep scrotum. Somebody call the waaaaaaaahmulance... Somebody stole my schtik! Get over yourself. You are a bitter old puss that enjoys biting the hand that feeds you. You are similar to your country-women in that as soon as they get over here, they are so overwhelmed with the plethora of food they bloat up like dead whales on the beach. The only thing that got larger for you was your fucking mouth. Try not to use up everyone's freedom of speech bud. Save some for the rest of us. Im sorry, what the fuck did you just say? You've only been here a week, give it some time, learn from the spraymasters and STFU noob Blow me cuntress. My first banned avatar was made in 2001.
  17. The only winning move is........ not.... to play
  18. reminds me of that movie with Jennifer Jason Leigh... Wargames.
  19. akhalteke


    It sometimes generates dead bodies too; like the co-worker we had a memorial for today who died in an IED explosion. You might lose that smug tone of voice you cary if you were confronted by his wife and daughter about your statement. Freedom of speech or whatever... its your right. Might want to think about it though.
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