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Everything posted by billclimbs

  1. Thanks..that what I wanted to know...Happy New Year
  2. Has anyone been out to diamond peak lately. We were looking to climb in the next 2 weeks. Snow/ice? Thanks
  3. Saw the fall. Hope she heals quickly. As someone that was solo'ing I was grateful to see the sense of community and the way people responded to help out. Kudos and be safe
  4. how was the trip across the summit ridge
  5. Do they work with any climbing boots
  6. Going up Saturday but that wont help you...maybe see you up there
  7. Thanks guys, casaval looks like what were looking for...got the route now we need the weather...
  8. Thanks DPS. That is one of the routes we are considering. Weather permitting we are shooting for Memorial day weekend.
  9. Looking for suggestions for a route up shasta. Have done hotlam bolum and AG. In that range of difficulty. Summitpost and climbing cascade volcanos seem to differ on thier rating
  10. There is good camping from about 10000 to the top of a ridge at about 10600. Cant remember if there was water to filter or if we melted snow. Great climb/ perfect time of year.
  11. I think Im in the same boat as you. I have 45.5s now. I think 46 would be too big. What size are your regular shoes
  12. Like everyone else we have been waiting for a weather window to land on a weekend. What is the consensus on the avy danger. Looks sketchy. Anyone have some beta
  13. do they work with any crampon compat boot
  14. Give yourself more credit..3-4 hours is more than reasonably fit
  15. Anyone know if the loop is passable. I remember hearing something about a section being closed. Hoping to do it soon to make it a snowshoe trip. Is there a better time of year?
  16. I'll take them.Give me a call when you get a chance
  17. Don't know if the first one went thru. Am interested.541-888-0444
  18. Took a trip up the SS saturday and was miffed to find only about 4 other people. At dawn there were several booms as they unleashed some snow(seemed close by) Got to the hogsback and decided the area by the old chute looked too unstable. 1-2 feet of powder. Is that area prone to avy'
  19. Love that route. Notice any cracks opening up?
  20. Early start kicked our butts as well. Wind was brtal. Any official readings
  21. Nice!! What did the weather turn out to be
  22. Get the real experience and catch a few hours sleep in the car. Overnite parking is no prob
  23. Thanks, I,ll give a call
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