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Hugh Conway

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Everything posted by Hugh Conway

  1. Those sound reasons supporting external warfare. A huge group o f pissed off poor horny men. Amusingly there are currently thousands of Americans risking punishment to illegally work in China. It's easier to entire legally and stay illegally in China; thanks to the W regime the US wastes billions and generally makes life a pita to enter legally for visitors from many countries. Course like every Lynette failed wasteful policy jay never supported that
  2. It does. Currently targeting
  3. Oh, we're soon to be the anvil. And not because our military prowess has been usurped. It will be by those countries that have invested in technology, education, infrastructure, and implemented their global economic vision. And not flushing their treasure into the global military dominance black hole. India and China are coming on. [1980's]Don't forget about Japan![/1980's] All things being equal, people living in the US should be far less concerned with a relative military decline of the US than people who have collectively lived under the security blanket that the US has provided since WWII. Export driven growth is quite a bit easier when you don't have to worry about secure shipping lanes, etc, etc, etc... We'll be fine. 80s Japan - effectively banned from having a military, democratic, interested in engaging with the west 00s China - largest standing army in the world rapidly militarising with technology stolen from the West, bizarre cleptocratic/communist system of government, interested in dominating the west Yeah, it'll work out great. At least well get some shitty copies of climbing gear along the way so we can't even trust that. Oh, and they'll rip off everything else along the way: http://birdabroad.wordpress.com/2011/07/20/are-you-listening-steve-jobs/
  4. jabba the hut's still alive?
  5. Rapidly rising standard of living, increasing qol, cheap healthcare, rapidly rising life expectancy and a fixed benefit retirement scheme coupled with substantial job security? Sounds shitty, I agree.
  6. [video:youtube]qpMHJstJwD8 I couldn't fit the Cartier boutique into my picture of Mao saluting his loyal phalanx of skyscrapers receding into the Chengdu chemical fog but relax, it's there. It's a new world over there, and an ugly one, but theres definitely capitalism (why the businessmen in the west cream their pants) but its not all as they know it (why the gweilo get scammed)
  7. [ JayB ] It's actually wonderful out there right now < img > distortionary graph < /img > [ / JayB ]
  8. And if you make shit up they are even less complicated! Clearly the responsible thing to do is borrow against future earnings instead of raising taxes! yay!
  9. http://uk.reuters.com/article/2011/07/04/uk-ireland-economy-budget-idUKTRE7633J020110704 emphasis mine press date of 12 days ago regarding the Irish budget. Clearly they are better off than the rest though because.......... they are better than the rest.
  10. PIIGS = Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain. The governments done in with debt as are private households and once again everyone's leaving Ireland to find work. Just because they are ideologically appealing to you with low taxes and crap services doesn't mean they are actually healthy. As a household debt to disposable income ratio of 190% would show.
  11. [video:youtube]enEaPBHyyBw
  12. You're referring to the banks here? The reason why Ireland's a basket case? No, no, of course not. They just need more tax cuts!
  13. am too!
  14. No one's shared this thread using social media? The horro
  15. Never mind, back o the hand waving
  16. Stupid people type lol
  17. Amazingly Jay keeps trying and is always civil, while the content-free fucktard-spew keeps flowing: "you are dumb", "you are full of shit". Wow! Convincing! You mean I should throw up some graphs and cherry pick some numbers so content free fucktards like you and bill get fooled?
  18. jay... you are full of shit. admit it. you don't really know much about the EU
  19. Meanwhile Jay's income depends on growth as a percentage of GDP even less realistic!
  20. That things in need of some bolts.
  21. I'm waiting for another quality Jay_B rant about how crappy germany is with the usual cherry picked statistics
  22. So he was gay? You have issues kid. Try jerking off with a belt around your neck. The choking game explains a fair bit here.
  23. who knew you could add posts together and produce something dumber than kevbone
  24. No particular reason? Seriously? Seriously. It just keeps going up through thick and thin, good and bad. Up up up. Look at the chart from 1923 - 2010. Up up up. Why did it increase during the Reagan and Bush years and has just continued to increase (based on 2005 dollars like the top chart shows)? Seriously. Up Up Up. More up. This country is too fucking dumb to survive.
  25. No particular reason? Seriously?
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