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Everything posted by hafilax

  1. Shredding on a classical >> overly processed high gain electric
  2. On some of those upper runs is he using a hormonizer? My hands are way to small to be any good at that kind of shredding. Are there any guitar greats with stubby fingers? You guys might be guitarists. I'm more of a hack.
  3. I've been working on some flat picking. I picked one of the songs from BanjoBen's youtube lessons and have been working it out. Can't get close to full speed yet. [video:youtube]bnPMuWJKIg4
  4. hafilax


    Must have been going at a pretty good clip to accomplish that!
  5. It's a bit of Emperor's new clothes syndrome. Only the true audiophile can hear the difference.
  6. Monster Cables are a joke and I don't even think they are the worst. Audiophiles have got to be one of the biggest sucker markets out there.
  7. You don't need to reapply the DWR every time you wash if it's Revivex or Granger's; washing and drying hot usually do the trick. Doesn't have to be an hour, just until it's dry. I don't really like Nikwax but use their techwash. Use spray-on if it has a wicking inner layer and use a wash-in if it doesn't. Pilling and surface roughness will degrade the water shedding as it traps droplets and increases the surface area.
  8. Way to go Marc! Great to see that those routes are getting some much deserved attention. Inspiring to say the least.
  9. [video:youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VZmGx7oJ1jM&p=8870ED5F38382638&playnext=1&index=29 Shall I call you Dexter then? (Hilarious BTW)
  10. I can't believe the emotion that VFFs seem to elicit. They're just shoes.
  11. Great story! The guys on the main sheet must have been exhausted with all that rounding up. I would love to do a big ocean race some day. My Dad got to live out one of his lifelong dreams and did an Atlantic crossing race a few years ago. I forget what boat but they averaged something like 18 knots the whole way.
  12. hafilax

    English Beaver

    Was it a close shave?
  13. For a freestyle board, light and snappy are generally good traits. Champagne describes the fluffiest new snow. If it snowed a lot over night it might be a big dump. If it's snowing really hard it's puking or dumping. You might go grab some freshies if there's a stash of deep snow you're hitting up. You might get some face shots in good spots but for serious deep snow you find yourself in the white room. The white room is great in an open bowl but can be a little scary in the trees.
  14. If you fall on your face and kick yourself in the back of the head it's called a scorpion. If your hat, goggles and gloves fly off it's a yard sale.
  15. Programming matters I've never done any strength training before so it was bound to happen. I'm doing CF more for the sake of doing CF than training for anything specific. I enjoy the programming at our box. My climbing hasn't gotten any worse (not that it can really go down much).
  16. I've been putting on weight since starting crossfit.
  17. You can get out of your bindings in as little time as it takes to swipe your hand across the strap twice (ankle and toe straps). He could do one foot and leave the other in the binding to propose.
  18. A 1080 spin has become a pretty standard trick these days. A bit more advanced would be a corked 1080 and more still would be a switch corked 1080. Corked describes an off axis spin that makes the board look like it's doing a corkscrew spin. Switch means approaching the jump riding opposite to your comfortable stance (regular coming in goofy or vice-versa). Double corks seem to be state of the art right now. Nobody seems to do the old stanbys of rodeo flips or 90 rolls. The last comp I watched was pretty lame because everyone was doing variations on the 1080. (S)He who spins most wins.
  19. The method grab especially the cross bone method is probably the quintessential stylish grab.
  20. We used to call the first person to hit a jump the guinea pig. Based on what happens to them you can usually adjust and hit the jump right. I guess jumping the gun and going first would be a sign of impatience. Sometimes landing a bit off balance will cause you to butt check which is basically bouncing off your butt then getting back to your feet again. Can happen if you overshoot the landing and can't handle the compression. Sometimes if you butt check you'll spin around 180 which is called a revert. I'd go for having her come up short on a frontside 3 (short for 360) with a harmless slide down the tranny (short for transition). The first kid could come up short and land on the flat of the table and bounce into the landing in a heap. The second could overshoot and butt check and the third nail it. Kind of a Goldilocks progression.
  21. Table-tops are the standard terrain park jump. It has a ramp, a flat top and a down ramp. You have to get the right speed to clear the flat top and land on the down slope. If done right it's a very gentle landing even from a huge air. If done wrong it can really hurt. I'm imagining her doing a pretty simple but stylish trick. Something like coming up short on a frontside 360 melon or an indy backside 180. Both usually result in catching the heel edge and slamming into the snow on your back. To land square on her back she would probably have to catch an edge on the takeoff.
  22. If the story takes place in the 90s I might be able to help you out otherwise my lingo might sound dated. You can actually land flat on your back off a well designed table top and not get hurt too badly, much like you described. Can happen from something as simple as catching the heel edge off the lip, over-rotating or rotating off axis. How good of a snowboarder is she supposed to be? World class trick, common trick or straight air? If you come up short on a table it can bounce you onto your back. If you over-shoot a table it can buckle your knees and you'll crumple onto your back.
  23. For the most part people are friendly and if you're outgoing you should be able to get a spot or work the same problem as other people. One pad is fine and there are tons of low problems. A lot of the high star rating problems are high-balls but get on some 1 star routes if they look fun and safe. I don't know about the grades at your gym but you might want to start off with some V0- or V0 to get you started. Squamish grades are on the hard side for me.
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