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Slesse Climber

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Everything posted by Slesse Climber

  1. I can think of many cc.comers who would say the exact same things! Is al-Qaida taking over cc.com?
  2. Jesus levitated.
  3. Someone please tell me this isn't what i think it is
  4. http://www.conservapedia.com/Special:Search?search=hot+lunch&go=Go Strange
  5. Uhhh...you might get a faster answer asking your banker than here. Just a thought.
  6. by uninhibited, do you mean "like to fuck guys who are taking a shit"? cause that sounds more like "skanky" to me Hot Lunch
  7. This is what i will be doing when i am 80. Good times. About 5 years ago (maybe more), i met 93 and 94 year old men on the summit of Mt. Seymour. Good on them for still given 'er at that age. I don't think they were AWOL.
  8. I'm a pussy?
  9. I was expecting a pic of Uranus
  10. I also still have my stretchy ski suit in my closet...should be back in style on of these years
  11. Another nice thing about buying new is that you can get all the latest light-weight stuff. I bought my rack only 5 years ago and if figure if i replaced all my cams and biners it would be 2/3 the weight or less. Try holding a neutrino draw in one hand and a regular draw in the other an see for yourself. Do the same with an old #4 camalot and the new C4. The weight difference is phenominal. Makes me want to go out and replace my whole rack.
  12. This is just a troll to trick the "conservatives" into identifying themselves so the admins can baninate them.
  13. Of course, we should do some cragging and shorter multi-pitches first as per Moses.
  14. This guy should just stick to offwidths
  15. Somewhere between a gondola and free climbing. We need one of those on The Chief...not.
  16. Thats seriously arrogant. I expect the totem-poling thread will be as bad as the bolting thread. I just hope nobody dies when it gets trundled.
  17. What do you want to get on? Pigeon Spire or All Along the Watch Tower? Makes a bit of a difference.
  18. Nice TR and pics...I need to go get me some of that
  19. George Bush is bad, mmmkay.
  20. True, but you do have to pay 11.95 CN for a sixer of Kokanee, but never on Sundays nor after 6:00 pm. Oh Canada, when will thou breakest thine chains of tyranny! First of all, Kokanee is swill. Second, you can still get it after the government liquor store is closed from a privately owned cold beer store - you just pay more. Anyway, think of it as an installment plan on that liver transplant you are heading towards - when the time comes, you won't have to pay a dime! Socialism, yes; culture of fear, no.
  21. Move to Canada. You don't even have to lock your doors here.
  22. i am looking for a partner to get on these classics. I am available through August and am currently splitting my time between Vancouver and Squamish. I have a rack and rope and am an experienced alpine climber. PM me.
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