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Everything posted by Adam13

  1. Someone should try that riding downwind in a hurrican thing. Probably get alot of hit on UTube, too bad whoever did it would never get to watch it.
  2. Not about bikes but I saw a truck yesterday and the tailgate had this painted on it: EVIL LANDLORD "Christmas Eve Evictions My Specialty"
  3. Mounteverest.net just posted news of another Russian new route on Shingu Charpa in Pakistan, 1600m of altitude gain. Although the story did say they had to aid climb part of it due to bad rock conditions. 21 days on the mountain to summit, sounds like a real blast.
  4. I agree with you, I posted my thoughts earlier on the thread and thats what started this whole back and forth.
  5. I agree find out what the Doc thinks. I have not been around climbing long enough to deal with many injuries(mine or Friends').But I played baseball for most my life and in my experience there, with pitchers mostly, is that you need about 2-4 weeks of almost no activity(except stretching)Before you can start rehabilitation. If its not serious enough for surgery, Possibly your sporatic climbing is what is keeping it from healing properly.
  6. I agree find out what the Doc thinks. I have not been around climbing long enough to deal with many injuries(mine or Friends').But I played baseball for most my life and in my experience there, with pitchers mostly, is that you need about 2-4 weeks of almost no activity(except stretching)Before you can start rehabilitation. If its not serious enough for surgery, Possibly your sporatic climbing is what is keeping it from healing properly.
  7. Adam13

    What's up....

    That's not exclusive to the people that live in Portland.
  8. ExplorersWeb(mounteverst or k2climb.net) covered it alright, and Russianclimb.com had the updates and dispatches but there wasn't too much technical info on either site.
  9. Adam13


    I was watching on TV at home, I saw the Second tower get hit and then watched both of them fall. I'm still young but that was without a doubt the most shocking and horrible thing Ive ever seen. To watch something that large and meaningful fall down was so terrible(remember the news anchors saying there could be up to 30,000 or so people in the towers combined)....... luckily there weren't, but my thoughts go out to everyone who was there or knew someone that was
  10. Holy Shit!! I haven't been that suprised since I heard Mr. Rogers was a hand to hand combat specialist.
  11. Anyone that knows can answer, but if you dont mind me asking, what did Feck do to himself. Just asking cuz I havent been around long and saw his reply to Porter's sad story thread and it's never good to hear of someone being down for so long??
  12. I agree with Chelle. If you trust this person so much you want the surgeries done by them before they retire, then you should probably just go with whatever your surgeon says.
  13. The sun set on the British Empire when we had to save their asses during WW2.
  14. Definately Afghanistan, and we should have kept up our presence until we found Osama Binhidin.
  15. Too bad "Strategery" takes the cake.
  16. The UN was formed to combat the Eastern Bloc or Warsaw Pact. The USSR is long gone, and with it the usefullness of the UN. The UN is a joke, a worldwide democracy with representation by Communist Nations and Monarchies?
  17. I seriously doubt that, No Dems have Cheney's balls, and it takes real stones to stand there and pull off the lies that it takes to keep us in Iraq. If we really knew the whole truth of what was going on over there the military would be pulled out so quick their heads would spin. We need to let them fight their CIVIL WAR and get out of it, and thats what it is. They can call it the Insurgency all they want. It is a civil war and it won't stop until they work out their differences and if history is any indicator of the future that will NEVER happen.
  18. Adam13

    what a dolt!

    The dumbass train is officially full with you chiming in. By the way ACLU lawyers have actually given YOU more freedom, the freedom to run your mouth with idiot gibberish and then cry assualt if anyone threatens to shut said idiot mouth!!!
  19. Adam13

    what a dolt!

    Sounding stupid while quickly replying to someone who you have no respect for and sounding stupid while giving a speech that was written by someone who's job it is to write speechs are two very different things.
  20. Adam13


    So which one of them was FW??? that is the point of this thread right??
  21. Do you really think that anything a follower could say would anger me??? after all the retard has said??? Anyway I said my head would explode, i.e. someone u disagreed with would die/you would win, and all you had to do was express one intelligent thought and you couldn't do it??? ouch, and you aren't even worth a smiley face icon!!
  22. It was funny when family guy used the Kool-aid guy but you are a zombie fuck that follows whatever your retard leader tells you to. Make one coheirant intelligent thought come from your mouth and my head will explode, then you wont have to listen to me anymore, come on, i dare you!!!
  23. Ha, he has the right dad and the right connections so he must be smarter than me, I bet Caligula was smarter than me because he was the Emperor of Rome......when he was deposed his monuments were flattened and built over, just as this will be known as the worst administration in US history.
  24. Dude what are you smoking, Rove gave out a CIA NOC-listers' name to a media source cuz they spoke out agaisnt the admin, and bush let him off, you really think that Yale or Harvard would be busted for givin him a degree even though he didnt finish the work hahahaha Not to mention any smart person who cared about their Alma matter would never get a degree from both schools last time I checked Yale and Harvard are death rivals and they all talk shit about people from the other schools.
  25. That's all you got to defend your retarded golden boy??? Go use your infinite resources to find out where it says that it is as easy to gain admissions and then put your way through school (at an ivy league institution)until you reach your degree if you have lower mid-class parents, not someone who can pay whoever any amount of money they want.
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