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Everything posted by fig8

  1. ho'mail blows. Switch go gmail.
  2. fig8


    Regardless of whether or not you personally are dazzled; and regardless of whether or not you personally can comprehend the point, the point is valid. We took this land by force, and it is hypocritical for us to now sit back and attempt to take the higher moral ground and label other immigrants 'illegals'. Next time you need your hand held to understand a simple concept, ask your 3rd grade teacher. But if everything has to be 'dazzling' before you can follow it, maybe wait until the MTV version of US history comes out.
  3. fig8


    Who said anything about leaving? Just pointing out the hypocrisy of white Americans that want to keep others out of 'our' land. What's your point then other than making a blindingly brilliant statement of the obvious? Wow, you must have been so blinded that you can't read.
  4. fig8


    Probably depends if their courts choose to honor, or not, any treaties signed with your people. I would not count on it... most of the Dakota Territories were signed, by treaty, to the Sioux Nation. Once white man found gold there, they found a way to break that treaty.
  5. fig8


    I'm not talking at them, I'm talking at posters in this thread, and I'm guessing many of them are white americans... and I think white americans that want to keep others out of 'our' land are hypocrites. What dues did you, personally, pay? If somebody followed the rules (paid their dues), that doesn't mean the rules shouldn't be changed.
  6. fig8


    Who said anything about leaving? Just pointing out the hypocrisy of white Americans that want to keep others out of 'our' land.
  7. That isn't bad, more of a Charlie Bronson style as in the film Death Wish, but he used rolls of quarters.
  8. fig8


    Yeah, those fucking illegal immigrants. Send them fucking back where they came from. We got ours, there isn't room for anybody else.
  9. fig8

    Is this fair?

    I don't think the USAToday is really the most balanced newspaper, but... what exceptions or special cases exist already for followers of other religions? I'm all for seperation of church and state, but lets make it seperation for ALL religions, not just the minority ones.
  10. Dude, you don't need a gun... try 4 full cans of PBR in a pillow case, just like Sean Penn in the film Bad Boys. When you are done swinging, and you've worked up a thirst, you have PBR right there too.
  11. fig8

    Harry Potter

    OK. I just finished it last night. You can get a summary here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harry_Potter_and_the_Deathly_Hallows (pssst, HP dies, sort of, then comes back, sort of, then it sort of ends)
  12. Good, I hope they all leave. I'm tired of my tax dollars subsidizing pro sports arenas. I'm still at a complete loss as to why our football team and baseball team both needed their own fucking stadiums. What a waste of space and money.
  13. fig8

    getting fatter

    No shit. Muscle is denser than fat, and some people are just bigger boned. The BMI is for pussies.
  14. fig8


    I didn't realize that Ultravox was still together. Here is one of their earlier pieces. ihzFcjm5IH0
  15. These young ones might not be going in for hip replacements, but even 20-somethings go to the doctor and dentist. But yeah, whatever, who gives a shit anyway if SB is a leader in paying benefits to part time employees, yeah, they suck for that. Do you shop exclusively at REI too? Oh, you'd be my corporate benefits hero if you did !!!! No, I prefer Marmot and 2nd Ascent, but thanks for asking. I shop REI if there is a strong chance I think I'll need to return it. I'm just saying, if a place pays their employees benefits while most of the independants don't, I'm not going to jump on the trendy fuck them bandwagon. I've never been a big fan of bandwagons anyway. Now that most everybody hates SB, I've decided to like them :-) I agree many places serve something better, but as I've said, at 5am, SB is open and those other places are not. When comparing cost, taste, atmosphere, etc... it is pretty hard to win the game when you aren't even in the game becuase you aren't open yet.
  16. These young ones might not be going in for hip replacements, but even 20-somethings go to the doctor and dentist. But yeah, whatever, who gives a shit anyway if SB is a leader in paying benefits to part time employees, yeah, they suck for that.
  17. How about this idea, learn to think for yourself and ignore the trendy 'f*ck Starbucks' BS. How about this idea; don't assume shit about people you don't know. About half of my friends have worked at Starbucks at some time or another. None were very excited about the benefits recieved. Buying Starbucks makes the strongest player even stronger, making it more difficult for small business owners to gain a foothold in the market. Every time I go into a small shop I recieve better coffee, better service and a better overall experience. It is usually cheaper too. If you want the latest Paul McCartney record forced down your throat, you know where to go. So these friends of your would have prefered working at a place that paid no benefits? Wonder why your coffee was cheaper at your local spot? ...because they have lower overhead due to no benefits? It is 5am, I don't care what CD they are playing, they are open. The two independant spots just have crickets and darkness inside.
  18. How about this idea, learn to think for yourself and ignore the trendy 'f*ck Starbucks' BS. 1. Starbucks pays their employees benefits. How many local shops do? 2. In my neighborhood, there are 3 shops; two 'local' independants and a Starbucks. When I'm up at 5am, heading out for a climb, ski trip, or whatever, Starbucks is the only one open.
  19. Generally, I would argue that our President doesn't have that much control over our economy (that Adam Smith stuff you referred to previously is a little closer to the mark). But it is possible that our President's choices have indeed, impacted our economy negatively. It would be interesting to hear from our economics pointy heads about this. I agree that he doesn't have a lot of control over the economy, but he does have control of the strength of the dollar. The fact that he is spending more than he is taking in ($ for war combined with tax cuts), is causing our national debt to grow, which in turn causes the dollar to weaken relative to other currencies, such as the canadian dollar and the euro. And I agree with those that say... KK, if you don't like it, don't go there. You seem to like the east side a lot anyway, why do you need a vacation from it?
  20. Some meat is cheap as shit, some isn't. Free range grass fed beef at PCC or Whole Foods is not cheap as shit. The stuff from safeway or QFC can be cheaper, but it can also be full of roids and who knows what else. I had a roommate in college that ate squirrel he hunted in a park near campus with his .22 (this was in a small college town in Oregon). The cost was minimal (he walked there - didn't have a car), he put the thing in a crocpot with potatos and carrots (back then a 25lb bag of potatos was like three bucks or something). The dude didn't do this because he liked hunting, I'm sure he would much rather have been eating beef from the store, but he didn't have that much money; what little he had went to books.
  21. Oh yeah, ZOG... I almost forgot. I'm getting a camo paint job for my Volvo.
  22. Back when I hunted, I didn't view it as a sport, no more so than growing my own vegatables was a sport. I wanted to know where my meat was coming from. It was work, that had some sporting elements (like using a trad bow). But I know a lot of hunters viewed it as a sport, which was part of the culture about the entire experience that I didn't like.
  23. Sport dating, that's my favorite kind. I practice catch and release. It is so much more fun than Trad dating.
  24. Actually I used to hunt. I liked the idea of knowing where my meat came from. I stopped mainly becuase I didn't like the hunting culture. There are some good folks out there, but most of the other hunters I ran into seemed to be camo loving ignorant mofos. Not to generalize or anything. And you'll notice, no where did I mention rednecks.
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