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Posts posted by shaoleung

  1. Whenever I read all you gear snobs make fun of certain gear companies it really drives home to me what a bunch of pussies modern day climbers are. In the old days, guys were summiting in leather and canvas and women in skirts.


    That's right! Pussies I tell ya! When I started climbing, I used an original Samsonite without rollers and used my dad's RV awning for a tent. When it rained, I just carried a couple dozen name-brand baseball hats (they're all the same) and switched that shit out whenever it soaked through.


    Wipe the sand outta yer crack and buck up!

  2. The first wave of o-lette madness seemed to overstate their advantages to me. Hasn't Long revamped the whole process in later editions of his anchor book? Extra tied runners seems enough to me.


    "Advances" in anchor systems can seem pretty gimmicky... or seem like a pissing contest anyway. Especially given the fact that most experienced climbers know that every anchor can be very different depending on what the circumstances are and what gear you have. Long's equalette though... damn I love that thing! I don't use it all the time, but it goes with me everywhere. You don't even have to buy new gear... just retie your cordulette once you yank it out of your clusterfuck-o-lette.

  3. In the interest of gender equity and addressing all the women who partake in discussions here on CC, someone should really post a pic of a hot guy hanging from the ceiling of a hotel in his underpants.

  4. I tell ya... you'd think even the rodents should know better. That's exactly why I didn't girth hitch the little squealer.

    What a shot that was... I'm surprised that it didn't dart away the second you got to that point. I cruised a spot when i was in idaho and the little f&%ker couldn't get away from me fast enough. Did it stay there long or was it gone short after the pic was snapped?


    Yeah, this little guy wasn't too concerned about me. He wouldn't let me get too close to him, but I think he knew I wasn't in an attack position. I actually did my best to scare him away by yelling profanities at him interspersed with declarations of my status as an instructor with the mounties. I was worried he'd start chewing on my anchor. He darted around and the anchor was left unharmed.

  5. Cool thanks for the PAPA info. The only issue with your anchor for my climbing is that in the event of having to escape the belay to help your partner, its gets a little more complicated and time consuming. But then again how many times does that really happen. I also tend to multipitch in blocks so I would still need a power point for my belayer


    Seriously - Check out the John Long book and the equalette. It's fast and often times you don't have to adjust anything in order to change positions/swing leads while maintaining beautiful equalization. I'm an anchor geek, but it can afford you more time to appreciate where you are or speed things up if you're on a long line.

  6. Aside from the odd pebble, I've never come close to needing a helmet. I'm always making note of the jackasses around me and the potential for objective hazards. When I'm leading I watch the fall line and where the rope is in relation to my feet and last piece etc etc. But in the end I wear my helmet for the children.

  7. Like most folks here, I tend to approach different situations with different anchor set-ups, while almost always wearing my helmet.


    After reading John Long's new anchors book, I was skeptical of the equalette. I decided to give it a go on a couple of trad climbs 3 years ago and I haven't used a cordulette since. It's a great way to equalize anchors. Safety aside... I am pretty sure I could throw 3 pieces of gear in, equalize and be ready to belay my second in less time than tying in to one solid piece with my rope and then backing that up with a couple more in series.


    Then of course there's the marmot anchor. It takes a little longer, but it is by far preferable. In this one I had a solid anchor, then clipped the rope through and cloved to a locker on my harness so I could adjust my proximity to the marmot and scream obscenities at my second.



  8. John - thanks for the regime. I will try to get some of that in there... I was thinking of something a little more loosey goosey... one liners if you like. Obviously this is why I don't have a 6-pack and I'm not climbing 5.13. :(


    billcoe - no doubt! My usual partner in crime at the crags lives way north and I live a block short of burien in White Center. The folks I know near home are great for beers, but not so much for stairs etc.


    Anyone in White Center interested in Stair-climbing Tuesdays?

  9. Since becoming a dad, I don't get out as often as I used to. Now I find out I have to plan for fun! Then my fun turns into sucking wind cuz I am so out of shape. To top it all off, I can't stand regular "work outs".


    So, I am trying to mix it up with stuff that doesn't involve paying for a gym membership and I don't have to do the same shit over and over.


    Anyone have good ideas about short workouts within Seattle that would add to the following ideas?


    1. Stair climb

    2. Jog around the neighborhood

    3. Bike to work

    4. Hang board workout

    5. Core exercises

    6. Open water swim

    7. ?

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