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Posts posted by shaoleung

  1. Knowledge is power no doubt and experience gives you plenty of fodder to make decisions on whether or not a helmet is important given specific dangers (ignoring objective hazards in this case).


    So, then what are good reasons NOT to wear a helmet. So far it's a feeling of being free thing. But are there any better reasons?

  2. While it seems like an illogical reason in retrospect I think it is pertinent to point out given that so many say they don't wear a helmet belaying...


    When I first started climbing, one of my mentors said that he sport-led sans nut-cover, but he insisted that his belayer wore his. The idea was that if he created any rock fall, his belayer had to look out for the both of them.

  3. I know climbing is a particularly aggro sport, but do we really have to continue feeling like sissies when we put on a helmet at the crags?


    Lets face it, it isn't a weight issue or even mobility. It's because the guys out there are hoping the Swedish bikini team is going to walk by the climb they're working on and think, "Oooh... what a tough, fearless stud!"


    OK, so Sharma's mess of hair would not look quite as bad-ass with a helmet on, but aren't we more impressed with his 5.15s than his hair?



  4. OK... now I canceled my weekend 3-day (the tree route) so I could do the math on this... and according to my calculations, with the 126 posts I've logged, factoring in the numeric values of my member... there is no doubt that I am superior. I practice the zen of CC to which few are familiar. Therefore I am.

  5. It's probably a lost cause because I still wear my helmet on most leads. :blush:


    I'm guessing that's why you haven't seen pics of me on the cover of Climbing Magazine yet... :rolleyes:


    Dude! Why is it that climbers seem to be the last ones to figure out that helmets are cool and helmet-less climbing is for dumb-asses? Biking, kayaking, skateboarding, football... they've all figured it out. If you don't cover your bean, your chances for death are significantly higher.


    There are so many light-weight helmets out there. You can still lather your tanned Adonis frame in olive oil, but get over your fear of helmet hair and protect your brain! I don't want to have to rescue your sorry ass when you get knocked unconscious in the name of looking good.


    ... oh... and I'd stick with 10mm+. 10.2 for me... cheapest one out there.

  6. Organizations are made from individual climbers....


    I did the Mounties' basic course in 2004. I'd been climbing for many years already, but I wanted to get involved because I knew some great climbers that were in the mounties. I got to see and even be a part of the Charlie Franklins of Mounties at various climbing areas.


    The individual dip shits that make the mounties seem like an oxymoronic "organization" are indeed mostly geeks that have barely enough experience to keep themselves safe in the gym. On the other hand, there are many instructors that are experienced and cognizant of the climbing world around them. Their experience gives them the luxury of situational awareness and so most of you never run into them when you're outside... or at least you don't really notice them as Mounties.


    Any day at the crag, there are plenty of dicks that aren't in the mounties, but if we can throw the mounties label on there it makes it convenient for whining.


    The mounties isn't an exclusive organization and their trips are entirely volunteer run. If all these CC folks that are experts on crag and alpine etiquette would volunteer one day of their year to help with the noobs at the mounties or other organization, you could inform/instruct/mold the noobs so we can quit our bitching... though... what we we do here then?

  7. I think that those of us who have a lower ratio of posts to time on CC are the true masters. I mean seriously now... Half the "strangers" and "noobs" are folks that are embarrassed by the amount of spray they put in here and so want to appear wiser in their more limited but profound words. I propose we invert the status hierarchy to reflect this. Mmmm... the trash heap has spoken.

  8. Wow... good research!


    As a different perspective on the problem of the mounties I'd like to add some ideas to ponder...


    The Mounties is a community, non-profit organization that survives only because of all the volunteers. It's hard to be picky about who exactly volunteers and I'd argue that the Mounties has to take what it can get.


    If more cool folks in the climbing community would step-up and help train the noobs in simple etiquette etc, the community as a whole would be better off.


    While it's arguable how cool or not I am, I try to help out regularly when I can. There are plenty of solid climbers with good heads in the mounties... and of course the fired-up dickwadd that thinks he's the bee's knees.


    Be the change you want to see... volunteer and in the end it'll pay off for you.

  9. With all the sun and climbing going on, I am trying to figure out what the best method of spraying my back is. Indeed, is spraying the best way? Would an aerosol like SPAM work just as well? Could you just get your belayer to lather you up?


    CC sages! Your help and insight will change lives!


  10. Well see, there was this storm, right? Um really big... and uh... then goats attacked my belayer and um... then he got bit by a rattlesnake and I had to wrestle a lion on lead... I overestimated the ability of a newbie. :(

  11. So a couple of weeks ago I heroically baled off of the top of the first pitch of Givler's crack, leaving an appropriately colored pink trango nut on route. By chance I ran into the guy who said he recovered said pink piece of gear and was told he'd return it. Where is my nut? I need all the nuts I can get my hands on!

  12. Does anyone know where I might find an updated topo for Exit 38 areas?


    Went to Gun Show yesterday AM and climbed some fun stuff. There was a cool, short climb immediately right of GS10 on the same ramp, not in the guide book. 1/2 inch bolts all the way! Are these Jens climbs?

  13. I was looking at that one a few weeks ago, thinking it was interesting and apparently solid! It looks similar to a Petzl expansion bolt(the beefier/better version of the old star dryvins)... except that the stack of pennies has no taper on it, right?


    Amazing that it is so bad now. Does anyone have a picture of one for an ID?



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