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About JBo6

  • Birthday 07/22/1988


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  1. I just got invited along on a FM trip and this gets me absolutely stoked! Thanks Jason.
  2. Ah, my apologies for the false accusation and derailing your TR. Again thanks for posting it!
  3. Hey Troy, thanks for the great trip report and nice climb! Evidently I spend too much time on Reddit but I saw the video your buddy made and wanted to point out that drones in Wilderness areas are not allowed. In the current political environment I have a hard time seeing FS staff ticketing based off of online videos but I just wanted to give you a heads up so you don't happen to get nailed or keep flying drones in the wilderness.
  4. I just saw this on KOMO News. Hopefully the climber is recovering well! https://komonews.com/news/local/ice-climber-rescued-after-100-foot-fall-on-sloan-peak-accident-broken-snow-sports-skii-winter-rescue-search-video-helicopter#
  5. Man Eli. I'm sorry for you and your family.
  6. FYI the highway is closed again as of 4pm on 7/21. I'd expect this closure to last a lot longer since the fire is down close to the highway now.
  7. Great trip Matt. I took a look at your gear list and I'm curious what you think of the Fjallraven G1000 pants? In the hunting world people are in love with those things but I can't quite get over my cotton phobia. How do those pants do with a soaking rain & brush bashing. Will they saturate through or are they pretty water resistant with the wax?
  8. Nice trip! Thanks for the recent bunch of TRs, they have been a great distraction in the office. Just a heads up but using drones are banned in wilderness areas.
  9. Keep them coming eeelip! Thanks for the TR, it looked like quite the adventure.
  10. Hey Bill, seeing this made me take a look back through my emails to see when I bought my set of Fast/Light pants from you. It looks like I got them in January of 2011 and for whatever reason you had mailed the pants to me to try out before I paid you for them. Thanks for the great customer service back then. If there is anything that I can fault about those pants it is that they are too damn durable and they are still my go to pants for nordic skiing.
  11. As an FYI in the Methow Valley the local snowmobile club has multiple warming huts that operate similar to the proposed hut in Canyon Creek. As a relatively decent backcountry skier and absolute hack snowmobiler I really appreciate the chance to warm up and take a breather at the publicly accessible club warming huts. Also in the Methow there are the privately owned Rendezvous Hut system on the Methow Trails system. With the exception of the covid years those huts are always open for public day usage and function as warming huts as well. Plus Methow Trails operates a warming hut that is also on a trailer and is removed as soon as the snow is gone.
  12. I never met Matt but appreciated his work in the ESN forecast area. The few emails I shared with him regard observation reports were always pleasant. My thoughts to the NWAC, Leavenworth and other communities that are missing him.
  13. This is an incredibly delayed response but I believe that "breaker bar" is actually a mining drill bit meant to be hit with a sledge. I've found several stashes in the Pasayten that have that same hexagonal/octagonal shape.
  14. Tom, on the off chance you are looking for a set of 44.0s that are well used I've got a set I'd sell you.
  15. The Methow Valley News had a brief article in print. It was a rappelling accident on the Methow Inspiration route on Sunday and was a young guide from NW Alpine Guides.
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