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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. Spelling cop.....got ya! are you saying he's a loser for an attention to spelling that is looser? I am saying that his mother is LOOSER than a lubed up engine. When God was handing out looks you thought he said books and asked for a horror story. What....are you 2 years old? One year older than you, Mr. Pot calling the kettle black.
  2. I tried looking this up on yahoo, where did you get this info??? Just curious. Thanks,
  3. Spelling cop.....got ya! are you saying he's a loser for an attention to spelling that is looser? I am saying that his mother is LOOSER than a lubed up engine. When God was handing out looks you thought he said books and asked for a horror story.
  4. Man sues IBM over adult chat room firing WHITE PLAINS, N.Y. (AP) -- A man who was fired by IBM for visiting an adult chat room at work is suing the company for $5 million, claiming he is an Internet addict who deserves treatment and sympathy rather than dismissal. James Pacenza, 58, of Montgomery, says he visits chat rooms to treat traumatic stress incurred in 1969 when he saw his best friend killed during an Army patrol in Vietnam. In papers filed in federal court in White Plains, Pacenza said the stress caused him to become "a sex addict, and with the development of the Internet, an Internet addict." He claimed protection under the American with Disabilities Act. His lawyer, Michael Diederich, says Pacenza never visited pornographic sites at work, violated no written IBM rule and did not surf the Internet any more or any differently than other employees. He also says age discrimination contributed to IBM's actions. Pacenza, 55 at the time, had been with the company for 19 years and says he could have retired in a year. International Business Machines Corp. has asked Judge Stephen Robinson for a summary judgment, saying its policy against surfing sexual Web sites is clear. It also claims Pacenza was told he could lose his job after an incident four months earlier, which Pacenza denies. "Plaintiff was discharged by IBM because he visited an Internet chat room for a sexual experience during work after he had been previously warned," the company said. IBM also said sexual behavior disorders are specifically excluded from the ADA and denied any age discrimination. Court papers arguing the motion for summary judgment will be exchanged next month. If it goes to trial, the case could affect how employers regulate Internet use that is not work-related, or how Internet overuse is categorized medically. Stanford University issued a nationwide study last year that found that up to 14 percent of computer users reported neglecting work, school, families, food and sleep to use the Internet. The study's director, Dr. Elias Aboujaoude, said then that he was most concerned about the numbers of people who hid their nonessential Internet use or used the Internet to escape a negative mood, much in the same way that alcoholics might. Until he was fired, Pacenza was making $65,000 a year operating a machine at a plant in East Fishkill that makes computer chips. Several times during the day, machine operators are idle for five to 10 minutes as the tool measures the thickness of silicon wafers. It was during such down time on May 28, 2003, that Pacenza logged onto a chat room from a computer at his work station. Diederich says Pacenza had returned that day from visiting the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington and logged onto a site called ChatAvenue and then to an adult chat room. Pacenza, who has a wife and two children, said using the Internet at work was encouraged by IBM and served as "a form of self-medication" for post-traumatic stress disorder. He said he tried to stay away from chat rooms at work, but that day, "I felt I needed the interactive engagement of chat talk to divert my attention from my thoughts of Vietnam and death." "I was tempting myself to perhaps become involved in some titillating conversation," he said in court papers. Pacenza said he was called away before he got involved in any online conversation. But he apparently did not log off, and when another worker went to Pacenza's station, he saw some chat entries, including a vulgar reference to a sexual act. He reported his discovery to his boss, who fired Pacenza the next day. Pacenza says he would have understood if IBM had disciplined him for taking an unauthorized break, but firing him was too extreme. He argues that other workers with worse offenses were disciplined less severely - including a couple who had sex on a desk and were transferred. Fred McNeese, a spokesman for Armonk-based IBM, would not comment. Pacenza claims the company decided on dismissal only after improperly viewing his medical records, including psychiatric treatment, following the incident. "In IBM management's eyes, plaintiff has an undesirable and self-professed record of psychological disability related to his Vietnam War combat experience," his papers claim. Diederich says IBM workers who have drug or alcohol problems are placed in programs to help them, and Pacenza should have been offered the same. Instead, he says, Pacenza was told there were no programs for sex addiction or other psychological illnesses. He said Pacenza was also denied an appeal. Diederich, who said he spent a year in Iraq as an Army lawyer, also argued that "A military combat veteran, if anyone, should be afforded a second chance, the benefit of doubt and afforded reasonable accommodation for combat-related disability."
  5. Okay the joke becuase I'm sure the people here will enjoy it. There was this guy that was married and wanted to go fishing. So he invited his wife and Dog to go. His wife hating fishing gave him a dirty look and said is there anyway for me to get out of this. The husband thought for a second and said yes there are two ways. The wife not wanting to go fishing asked what they were. He said oral or anal. The wife agreed and started to satisfy her man orally. She stopped imediatly and said you taste like shit. The husband said the dog didn't want to go either.
  6. Next time I see them I'll let them know that you think they are losers and they should give all the money back they are making. His Joke during the concert was about your level.
  7. Great concert last night at the Tacoma dome. Enjoyed everything except for the fools that designed the roads around that place to get in and out. Third Day Grace didn't impress me.
  8. Got my refund a week ago. 3k yea!!!!
  9. $1500 for 4 months of heating oil. Crap what they live in shorts??
  10. how about "your cock" if you had one. Where the chicken when you need him.
  11. Point is this fits in with 90% of the pray in here. Mass Hysteria about Religion, politics,and sex. Just another thing for people to freak out on. lol Dam didn't you know the sky is falling. Oh wait it Friday, let wait till Tuesday, 3 day weekend.... Oh yea
  12. Fortune: Year of Pig will bring disaster By DIKKY SINN HONG KONG (AP) -- Sunday marks the start of the Chinese New Year and it's a lucky one for those starting out in life. But the rest of us are in for a rough ride. Expect epidemics, disasters and violence in much of the world. "The Year of the Pig will not be very peaceful," said Hong Kong feng shui master Raymond Lo. Feng shui is the ancient Chinese practice of trying to achieve health, harmony and prosperity by using specific dates, numbers, building design and the placement of objects. The pig is one of 12 animals (or mythical animals in the case of the dragon) on the 12-year cycle of the Chinese zodiac, which follows the lunar calendar. According to Chinese astrology, people born in pig years are polite, honest, hardworking and loyal. They are also lucky, which is why many Chinese like to have babies in a pig year. "Any children born in The Year of Pig will receive help from others throughout their lives," Lo said. Ronald Reagan was a pig. So are Arnold Schwarzenegger, Woody Allen and Elton John. Not to mention Hillary Rodham Clinton. But a word of caution to the presidential candidate. The pig finished last in the race that determined the zodiac's order, behind the dog. Other animals in the zodiac are the rat, ox, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey and rooster. The zodiac runs on a 12-year cycle, and each year is associated with the five elements that Chinese mystics make up the universe: metal, water, wood, fire and earth. Therein lies the trouble. Pig years can be turbulent because they are dominated by fire and water, conflicting elements that tend to cause havoc, Lo said. "Fire sitting on water is a symbol of conflict and skirmish," he said. "We'll also see more fire disasters and bombings." He noted that the Russian AK-47 rifle, a weapon of choice among insurgents around the world, was invented during a pig year. "So it will not be surprising to see more gunbattles, murder with guns and bombing attacks in 2007," he said. Malaysian feng shui master Lillian Too agreed. "I wish I could say that there won't be natural disasters, but I am afraid it could be as bad as last year," she said. "There could be epidemics," she said. "I am very worried about bird flu. Eat healthy foods and take care of your health." Few Chinese seemed to be worried about the warnings, though, as they prepared for their biggest bash of the year - Saturday's Lunar New Year's Eve - celebrated by one-fifth of the world's population. It's an occasion to have family feasts, buy new clothes and exchange red envelopes stuffed with gift money. Not everything about the future looks bleak. Most soothsayers said the world economy will continue to boom, though they advise people to be cautious about their investments. "Because of the water element in the Year of the Pig, the economy will continue to grow, which also paves the way for another round of interest rate hikes," said Peter So, a celebrity fortuneteller in Hong Kong. Hong Kong soothsayer Alion Yeo is predicting North Korea will undergo a power struggle that will bring leadership changes around May. Last year, the Year of the Dog, Yeo warned that the North Korean nuclear crisis would worsen. The North conducted a nuclear test in October. Singapore fortuneteller John Lok predicted the situation in Iraq will not settle and President Bush will have a bad year. He also said the next president of France may be a woman - no surprise there since one of the main candidates is a woman, Segolene Royal of the Socialist party. While the pig is beloved by the Chinese, the animal is offensive to Muslims, who consider it unclean. For that reason, Chinese New Year celebrations have to be handled with care in Malaysia and Indonesia, mainly Muslim countries with large ethnic Chinese minorities. For the first time in its history, Indonesia introduced a special set of postal stamps to mark the Lunar New Year. But concerns over Muslim sensitivities led the postal service to drop plans to put a large pig on the stamps. It chose a Chinese temple instead. "We took the middle path," said Hana Suryana, director of the Indonesian postal service. Still, that was progress for a country where ethnic Chinese, who make up 5 percent of the population and have long faced discrimination, once were not allowed to celebrate the Lunar New Year. "That has changed now, but we still feel uncomfortable celebrating the day in a large way because there are some people who cannot accept that Chinese culture is a part of Indonesian culture," said Jhony Tan, a trader in Jakarta's bustling Chinatown. Yusri Mohammad, president of the Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia, said he had no problem with the Chinese celebrating the pig year in his country. He said decorative pictures of pigs in shopping malls are fine - as long as Chinese don't start using live pigs or eat pork in public
  13. Seahawks

    Got helium?

    TV you are a fucking idiot. eat shit Mo fo. http://www.sptimes.com/2006/06/04/Tampabay/2_found_dead_inside_d.shtml
  14. Seahawks

    Got helium?

    LOL idiot. I know what the hell a hot air balloon is. God there is evolution, him.
  15. Seahawks

    Got helium?

    Its real, took 2nd runner up in Darwin awards. Hey, lay off SeaCocks. It would be pretty easy for a couple to...crawl...inside an...inflated...helium balloon. Uh.... Wait a minute.... I think 'toaster stupid' no longer applies here. you've never seen those huge balloons people do that with??? Heck my rubbers are that big LOL G-spotter is that true???? I always thought they were real.
  16. Seahawks

    Got helium?

    Its real, took 2nd runner up in Darwin awards.
  17. Seahawks

    Got helium?

    Looking for your Arbitrary
  18. Seahawks

    Got helium?

    idiots!!! Need a little for kevbone. (Florida) The feet of Jason and Sara, both 21, were found protruding from a deflated, huge helium advertising balloon. Jason was a college student, and Sara attended community college, but apparently their education had glossed over the importance of oxygen. When one breathes helium, the lack of oxygen in the bloodstream causes a rapid loss of consciousness. Some euthanasia experts advocate the use of helium to painlessly end one's life. The pair pulled down the 8' balloon, and climbed inside. Their last words consisted of high-pitched, incoherent giggling as they slowly passed out and passed into the hereafter. Sheriff's deputies said the two were not victims of foul play. No drugs or alcohol were found. The medical examiner reported that helium inhalation was a significant factor in their deaths. A family member said "Sara was mischievous, to be honest. She liked fun and it cost her.
  19. That pretty good one. Wish I could remember some of the funny ones I've seen.
  20. Don't give us the story about your wife, we know why you were there. LOL I remember in college the shitty job I had, i had to clean the John. Some a-hole crapped all over the wall. Sucked ass.
  21. Guy that drunk hearing a females voice might think he's getting laid. N.M. orders 500 talking urinal cakes SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) -- New Mexico is taking its fight against drunken driving to men's restrooms around the state. The state has ordered 500 talking urinal cakes that will deliver a recorded anti-DWI message to bar and restaurant patrons who make one last pit stop before getting behind the wheel. "Hey there, big guy. Having a few drinks?" a female voice says a few seconds after an approaching male sets off a motion sensor in the device. "It's time to call a cab or ask a sober friend for a ride home." Transportation Department spokesman S.U. Mahesh said the urinal cakes are a way to reach one group that's a target of state safety campaigns. Men commit about three times as many drunken-driving infractions as women. The devices, manufactured by New York-based Healthquest Technologies Inc., were invented by Richard Deutsch. He said there's no other device like it on the market. "The idea is based on the concept that there is no more captive audience than a guy standing at a urinal," Deutsch said. "You can't look right and you can't look left; you've got to look at the ad." Public awareness campaigns in New York, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Australia have used the devices, as have commercial advertisers. In New Mexico, the device uses the state DWI slogan "You drink, you drive, you lose." Some Albuquerque bars installed the devices this week, and the state plans to distribute them to Santa Fe bars and restaurants as well as establishments in Farmington, Gallup and Las Cruces. The state spent $21 for each talking urinal cake for the pilot program but will ask bars and restaurants to pay for future orders if the idea catch on, Mahesh said. The cakes have enough battery power to last about three months.
  22. This thread blows. Read 30 pages and call the doctor becuase he'll have to see if there any brain waves.
  23. Seahawks

    Happy V.D.!

    Sure the wife might appreciate that thought on Valentines day.
  24. Kevbone wants another 20 pages today so he can prove to us he can count.
  25. Dechristo is the spawn of satan!! lol
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