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Everything posted by Seahawks

  1. But they do live longer in captivity. LOL true, true
  2. Face it, girls really don't want nice guys. They say they do, but its a lie. They really want something a little wild that they think they might be able to tame. Just remember wild animals can't be tamed.
  3. So are these in Barbque sauce I've seen too much of this in my time. Lost a lot of friends and family. Thankfully I escaped to an organic farm run by friendly humans. Here's to you scavenging a cyanide laced french fry, mr. dirty bird dumpster-diver. skull edit: Pagetop After seeing that maybe you need a drink???
  4. Gives that old song of Van Halen "hot for the teacher" new meaning.
  5. You consider life's balancing act as a rarity in women? Sweetie, have I got a good group of women I can introduce you to. I'll bring the lotion! Oly's type of women
  6. I've heard some in here like the rocks!!! (notice mods I'm not naming names)
  7. Sorry me personally I like the innocent but wild look over the pure slutty look. Just me though.
  8. Think anyone would care if this one climbs or not?
  9. So are these in Barbque sauce
  10. Certainly there is abject poverty in Third World countries that is far and beyond what is going on in the US. No doubt. I think the general point is that for such a rich country we are failing in many social measurements. Health care access in emergency rooms? Well that has proven to be extremely expensive and does nothing for long-term well being. People go to the emergency room when they are desperate, not for maintaining their health. And we do regularly turn away people for medical and dental care. For being the richest of developed countries we spend a smaller percentage than most for helping the lower end of the economic spectrum. Should we be redistributing income to help raise them up? Certainly not, but IMO, we can be doing much better in securing the health and education of the non-elite portion of our population. Current request to Congress from the Bushies for the Iraq and Afgan adventures $100 Billion, on top of the already allocated $70 Billion. Just to the end of this fiscal year.
  11. Maybe his talk about slime, fungus, and bacteria just got you feeling randy. Hey don't talk about each other or the mods will disipline us. In your case, we can only hope. If there is a new anti-stupidity policy in affect, I'm all for it. Mod he's trying to make fun of me....... Only a person who would say they hate everyone is stupid. Check your exact post on the other thread.
  12. Maybe his talk about slime, fungus, and bacteria just got you feeling randy. Hey don't talk about each other or the mods will disipline us.
  13. I stated that I hate people in general. You are not in that category. I also hate sink drain slime, athlete's foot fungus, and fecal bacteria. Those, at least, are a little closer to the mark as far as you're concerned. hey your avatar almost looks like the rock penis.
  14. Overheard at Seecocks house, if he ever has a baby (unprovable God forbid): "Dammit honey, the kid shit his pants again! These diapers don't WORK!" Is it just me or did that not make sense? Too late have 2 kids. It's just you. I'll speak slowly: Diapers don't stop one from shitting one's pants. In my case, I just shouldn't have eaten that rancid hot and sour soup over at the Jade Palace restaurant the day Gene came in. I'll never eat there again. Got me sick as a dog, I had the shart's, and I wasn't my usual sharp self. Otherwise, it would've been Gene heading for the laundromat. But for you, I'm guessing the only solution to your problem is a buttplug. Talk to smithisheaven. The rocks are the only thing that can help you. I'd post the pic again but the mods would have a tissy and pull this thread.
  15. That's the most depressing thing I've heard all week. Who cares what you think. You admitted on the other thread you hate everyone anyways.
  16. So you finally got your rocks offed! Aye? Thats good. They were real rocks. I can see why they deleted them but K-fed post wasn't that bad from what I remember compared to some of the stuff in spray.
  17. Overheard at Seecocks house, if he ever has a baby (unprovable God forbid): "Dammit honey, the kid shit his pants again! These diapers don't WORK!" Is it just me or did that not make sense? Too late have 2 kids.
  18. Wow didn't notice, they pulled that too. That was funny. Someone is having a bad day.
  19. On the way home buy some adult depends so you don't shit your pants again.
  20. Thanks funny, Thats was what you guys call evolution.
  21. Seahawks

    above the law

    here a few other opinions a little smarter than you. "Here's what referee Bill Leavy's crew did, point blank: It robbed Seattle. The Seahawks could have played better, sure. They could have done more to overcome the poor officiating. We understand that those things happen and all, but even with all the points Seattle left on the field, there's a good chance the Seahawks would have scored more than the Steelers if the officials had let the players play." - Michael Smith, ESPN.com "The first-quarter offensive pass interference called on Darrell Jackson that turned a touchdown into a field goal was robbery enough. But the fourth-quarter holding call on Sean Locklear made you wonder whether the refs had even less of Aretha's r-e-s-p-E-c-t for your Seahawks than I do...on this night, the Steelers had their own version of your 12th Man. He wore a striped shirt and a whistle. He threw a flag."- Skip Bayless, ESPN.com "Like a crazed CIA analyst running through the halls of Langley screaming into open offices about some impending calamity, I've been shrieking hysterically about the terrible officiating in the NFL and warning that some day the brutal calls were going to affect the outcome of the Super Bowl. That some day was Sunday. Every single questionable, marginal or outright bad call went against the Seahawks." - Kevin Hench, FOXSports.com "this will always be remembered as the Super Bowl that the referees screwed up." - Aaron Schatz, FOXSports.com "the Seahawks outplayed the Steelers on the vast majority of plays and still lost, thanks largely to two dubious penalty calls that cost Seattle a TD and a first-and-goal at the 1...Seattle fans have a right to feel sick. Their team just suffered the most unjust loss in Super Bowl history." - Kevin Hench, FOXSports.com
  22. Seahawks

    above the law

    LOL that movie was terrible. He about as bad an actor as Seashit.
  23. Seahawks

    above the law

    Listen Rocky, you should have stayed in retirement, I think Dolph must've punched the few brains you had out of your head... ...hey...wait a minute, you're not Rocky. It's Seahawks! Time to go home little boy... LOL what a riot. You thought that was me. Dumb ass.
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