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Everything posted by joblo7

  1. joblo7

    why pres die

    Nothing more temporarily oppressive than going to cocktail parties where everyone is better looking, smarter, and richer than you... sorry to hear that.
  2. joblo7

    why pres die

    i do have a literary style. you actually have to read it.i guess.
  3. joblo7

    why pres die

    Not really, that last post was trying to get across an objective sense of what powerful people are like and explain that 'conspiracies' require collective competencies which by and large don't exist and certainly not on the scale necessary for the majority of your conjecture. how can you 'dispose' of a us president? then. that is a simple example of a large large powerful lie. who buys that shit? you? you that lazy? once you realise that you are in ignorance, you have to seek truth otherwise your reality is a self-deceiving sham.imposing that sham on others as truth is even worse.
  4. joblo7

    why pres die

  5. joblo7

    why pres die

    like most on cc , you are trying to make this about you vs me. whattabout the subject matter at hand? you prefer your conspiracies to mine? thats ok oswald works for you? thats ok booth too, fine. you are comfortable with the MANHATTAN RENOV PROJECT, being blamed on islam, thats cool. official pearl harbour works your crank? go on. you cant believe shit you cant fathom? ok i know it hurts. it is difficult to know the highest and the lowest and be ok with it... most prefer the bliss of ignorance somewhere in the middle. only thing im saying is there are great souls responsible for the beautiful accomplishments of humanity just as there are absolutely animalistic tyrants responsible for the destruction of our planet and life.they have names. many belong to a specific race/cult/ethnicity thing, where they hide.their darkness belongs to all of us as the light of world is for all. lighten up and say SOMETHING! READ YOUR POSTS..
  6. joblo7

    why pres die

    ok you met some low-lifes but what about the enlightened? but most of the shit you read on the internet is just that. : ok , so, can you say anything constructive on the actual subject without mocking the 'poster' if you got nothing sthu.
  7. joblo7

    why pres die

    the only conspiracy here is the one that succeed in making YOU believe the other his-story.grown smart men go to their grave believing THE MANHATTAN RENOV PROJECT was osama thing??!! pearl harbour was a fluke? or hitler used cash from under his mattress. if there is a word to describe my life it is not , mundane. that choice of word was yours. there are great illumined humans on this earth. do you know any of them? there are lower than the lowest rich criminals on this earth , do you know any of them? you mock me? take a step back, sir...open your stiff little mind and check things out...or die a fool.
  8. joblo7

    why pres die

    first defence.......attack the 'news man'..... you::substance? who cares, i'm smarter than you.. that is what matters.
  9. overall that is a real stupid assessment of freedom.
  10. joblo7

    why pres die

    dont you 'LAD' me you ignorant boy. i posted historical links.
  11. joblo7

    why pres die

    that must be a quote to self!
  12. joblo7

    why i lyuv cc

  13. joblo7

    why pres die

  14. joblo7

    rotten child

  15. joblo7

    why pres die

  17. joblo7

    In Other News...

    fuck you jon!
  18. blaming oba,ma is missing the point. it is now in the power of THE president,or better of the government to invade privacy, courtesy of bush/etc AND the american people buying into THE MANHATTAN RENOVATION PROJECT and accepting the law changes and the war and the oil and the empire etc... blame is cheap.responsibility requires awareness.
  19. the ones in the pentagon?? hard to stop them...
  20. war is profit. nothing else. it knows no ideology or humanity-serving purpose...that 'sell' is for the ignorant manipulated masses who vote 'for' war...renovate manhattan,trick the eye with some videos, blame the beige people and joe white guy will give you his son to fight for nothing.the rest will give you a blank check to fuck em over... information is power? djaaaaaa! specially bad info is what we like best!!
  21. got milk. warm,direct from a cow and it was great. had nutrients..
  22. joblo7

    Who was Paul Revere?

    america loves her...............oh shit,! we b dense as nob.
  23. kadafy's new sin is wanting to change from us dollar to euro. saddam hussein sin was wanting to go from us dollar to euro. if other countries decide to get paid not in us dollar but euro. we're soo fucked!! and we will kill for that.!!kids, civilians, grandma,saint habib, we dont care! we are the bully of planet earth and the principal tolerates it.
  24. from yahoo news , a real story , in a real court: "The North American Gay Amateur Athletic Alliance oversees gay softball leagues in dozens of U.S. cities and runs an annual tournament called the Gay Softball World Series. Three men claim in a lawsuit filed last year that their team's second-place finish in the 2008 tournament in Washington state was nullified because they are bisexual, not gay, and thus their team exceeded the limit of two non-gay players." aaaw shucks!! cheaters!! 8D 8D :lmao: :lmao:
  25. Bagging a cougar is one of the most enjoyable sporting feats a young man can accomplish,,,,,,,,,,, cougars bag young men.!
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