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Everything posted by joblo7

  1. now thats good planning....
  2. fucking police state de mierde!
  3. happy soul's day feck.
  4. freedom to obey.
  5. police state
  6. http://nonprofittimes.tv/lance-armstrong-foundation-gets-big-stock-gain
  8. joblo7

    Our Proxy

  9. my friends are dying cancer around me.ummmmmmmmmmmmmm some humans,like the guys of that 'foundation's" board should be referred to as animals or are they really reptilians?? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reptilians that explanation is more? plausible than ..wow humans are that bad!!??
  10. In 1992, in conjunction with the NCI, the ACS aggressively launched a " chemoprevention" program aimed at recruiting 16,000 healthy women at supposedly " high risk" of breast cancer into a 5-year clinical trial with a highly profitable drug called tamoxifen. This drug is manufactured by one of the world's most powerful cancer drug industries, Zeneca, an offshoot of the Imperial Chemical Industries. The women were told that the drug was essentially harmless, and that it could reduce their risk of breast cancer. What the women were not told was that tamoxifen had already been shown to be a highly potent liver carcinogen in rodent tests, and also that it was well-known to induce human uterine cancer (6, pp. 145– 151). more love here: http://www.preventcancer.com/losing/acs/wealthiest_links.htm
  11. Lance Armstrong is a World Class Fraud,Doper-he is the Epitome of everything wrong in America which is FRAUD! We have Fraud PRESIDENT(see Kenya birth certif.), We have Fraud ATHLETES(see Armstrong-Landis; Juicers), We have Fraud DEMOCRACY(see Federal Reserve Bank,all pres assassinations), WE have 2 Fraud WARS;(see Phony War on Terror), We have Fraud Stock markets(see DOW 1000 pt. plunge-FAT Finger), We have Fraud Republicans(see GH & GW Bush-Illuminatti), We have Fraud citizens(see 40 mill Illegal Mexicans), We have MENTORS,ROLL MODELS,(see all Hollywood), We have Fraud WEATHER(see HAARP-Earthquake Machine/see Cap & Trade.) The only thing NOW that is real in America is the Mexican import street Drugs.) Posted by: mark | 05/20/2010 at 09:57 8D
  12. oh yeah, horse and human piss. so fuckoff kimiko beauty'
  13. joblo7

    More Drilling???

    YOU FOKKERS DRIVE CARS!!?!?!@$#@#%!@$%@346
  14. i dont know 'bout drugs much but i've done: hash/pot, lsd.shrroms,coke and cocaine,heroin,speed,jungle shit thingy, sanpedro,fewpills,beer/whiskeys(legal), pussy juice,and what else........i forgot.............
  15. if you need stuff: ayahuasca and san pedro provide a natural hallucinogenic trip. done with a true (non -gringo)shaman,provides a new vision of this world.
  16. one moment of silence,an ounce of gratitude and i'm gone baby!!! in my sweetness-high-consciousness-sky...
  17. interesting notion of spirituality you have. almost religious! immoral statement, true. spiritual? who knows. He came upon this revelation upon tapping into his consciousness. It's free, btw, and can be accessed by anyone!
  19. of course i don't know. i just have an opinion based on my limited info. not sure about the inconsistency you speak of. i think "best rider" is usually pretty clear: the one who does well in both the mountains and the ITT. and using those criteria, Lance absolutely demolished the field most years. now it's contador's turn. [/quotE] YOU B FUCKTARD. LANCE B FUCKTARD TOO.
  20. KIMIKO you trivialize lance's doping,cycling,life in general and the medium for the discussion. if you got nothing to say....just listen and learn.
  21. lance is not THE POINT! WE are the point! the other 6 billions who pay him...! what do we want? a freak at all cost...you got it.... a descent, evolved, transcending-hero-champion....not so much.. we want a refund!!
  22. well put! all of it! thanks.
  23. again, don't know what you're going on about. can't recall anyone saying "he's allowed to cheat". it's a game, everyone involved plays it, deal with it bob. or better yet, whine about it on the internet. hey dickhead!! lasT time i checked YOU were a human....you know , those things that are here to learn and mature...!! a bb can work for you if youre listening....
  24. the case here is not about cycling as much as if WE, THE PEOPLE,are gonna keep following and admiring the 'equivocada' elite..
  25. most cyclists cant afford a private jet to go and get their blood removed and stored for a big race....
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