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Everything posted by joblo7

  1. is that the new "KELLOGS" slogan? that wood be great.
  2. well, if you gonna mix chemicals, why not mix some that produce bliss instead of desire. i mix both of course but have found less side effects in the former.
  3. too much tv. wtf
  4. been watching ANIMAL KINGDOM have we?
  5. There's medication for that, I think. In V's case, he's gotten good at "luv"-in his sister in laws. aaw come on man.. i only did .000000235 of them........
  6. aaw come on man! i only did .0000000000023% of them.
  7. love is above trust. unaffected by it. like a white trash mom and her son.
  8. high school was enough for me.
  9. life is real simple: you get good at what you do. as the buddhist said: be careful what path you choose , cause you gonna get there. (which bodes shit for kkk)
  10. so what is better': master's or phd?
  11. ad hominem
  12. posting here is like talking to nice humans who have watched too much tv.
  13. morality : high school spirituality: master's degree both are good.
  14. thanks..i'm good.
  15. i think his point is he wants to be "right"....he usually learns his lessons in secret..
  16. well there come a time in every human's life when morality has to bow to spirituality.
  17. thats my point again!!! we are sooo alike,...thats the only pic i saw..of er ass no face.......are there more
  18. trust no one . luv every one.
  19. i wonder if you will be humble this time?
  20. because it is free and can be accessed at any time .
  21. that principle has been destroyed in your mind.
  22. thats my point
  23. if industry is not regulated, we all suffer.
  24. just call me Virendra.
  25. because you can't package it and sell it.
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