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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. This is blitzkrieg! The man is using smart weapons!
  2. Shit, the first puzzle's been toppled already! Two more left!
  3. Jesus! Now how hard was that? Are you local? Am I going to have to shell out for a beer tonight?
  4. No backwash. The puzzles flow only one direction today. Come on, you were on to the scent...
  5. Get ready to do all the giving!
  6. Speaking of puzzles....
  7. tvashtarkatena


    Now, wait a minute. Is what you two sayin is dat da bitches don' need to take responsbltay fo maintainin' a civilized ass tempichur?
  8. tvashtarkatena


    I AM NOT WHINING! Why doesn't anyone ever understand my viewpoints? Why does everyone always think there's something wrong with me all the time? I just want some love... You've got a point, though. I wouldn't want to get in bed with me, naked or otherwise.
  9. No hints. There's free beer at stake now.
  10. tvashtarkatena


    All I ask for is a sheet...for just a minute, then I'm good. Just enough to take the edge off. A couple of degrees kelvin above absolute zero, that's all I ask. I mean, what, does she hang out in a meat locker? It feels like that scene in Raging Bull...
  11. Give him a puzzle to solve.
  12. You had to know. Sorry. I'll shut up.
  13. The clock's ticking. 99.9999 years left.
  14. Remember, the solution to the puzzle does not represent the views of the puzzlemaster or of this forum. BTW, the first puzzle with the banana is easier. At least I think it's easier.
  15. No, but you're gaining knowledge. No more hints. You know too much already.
  16. Pink Chalk, while we're on the subject of gaining knowledge... do you know what a pink sock is? I'm sorry, but I can't get the association out of my head.
  17. Castro never really became a fashion plate, either, like Mugabe and Amin.
  18. Kevbone, put Miles down for a minute and get your sorry ass back over here so your wife can solve these puzzles!
  19. You're thinking too much, just the opposite of Kevbone. Keep at it. Once you get this one, the others will fall easily. A liter of good german beer awaits the winner.
  20. Love means never having to say "I'm sorry for blowing you up"
  21. It's funny how you nearly always come through it better, smarter, faster.
  22. I carry all the overnight gear and din dins for my wife. It's only fair. She's smaller and I'm dumber.
  23. tvashtarkatena


    Love does not mean pressing your ice cold booty against your loving partner's nice warm stomach without even a sheet's worth of insulation to dull the heart stopping shock.
  24. Has Fidel had the longest reign of any head of state in history?
  25. OK, one more: (answers available at pub club tonight) + - + - +
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