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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. That's a bit too much of two good things for my taste. When a guy wants 'em cartoon big, I start to wonder about his lingering attachment to mommy. There are lots of ways for a woman to be hot. Lots and lots of ways.
  2. THE
  3. Ban the Bone
  4. I had that same pleasure in the mid 90s. Most spectacular landscape I've ever seen.
  5. That's exactly what I keep telling her. I think it might be the guy attached to the penis she has a problem with.
  6. Imagine what those studs do to the Hershey highway.
  7. "Must...not...go...flaccid..."
  8. You know, the wide range in penis size is amazing. I wouldn't have thought they could be that small.
  9. Both. It's very difficult to find someone who'll pierce you permanently into a stress position. I think he had to go to Guantanamo for that.
  10. "Uh, before we do what I think we're gonna do, there's something I need to talk to you about....Do you like hardware stores?"
  11. tvashtarkatena


    Our dogs love to have their ears ripped off. We always sew them back on. The kicking part I wouldn't think they'd go for.
  12. He's pretty accurate with a nail gun, too. Or are those collar stays?
  13. tvashtarkatena


    He's so cute you just wanna rip his little ears off.
  14. Porn moderator! Is there a porn moderator in the house?!
  15. The quickest way for your dog to go from best friend to worst enemy.
  16. tvashtarkatena


    Love means having to say "Are you a good lover? Oh, off the charts, baby!"
  17. That's what floored me. For comparison purposes, when St. Helens went off, it spewed a total of ONE cubic mile.
  18. The number of creeps has increased proportionally with the population, and you can meet them all online. Before, you had to actually get your ass out of the house.
  19. Bone Ban NOW!
  20. Carl Egede Boggild, a professor of snow-and-ice physics at the University Center of Svalbard, said Greenland could be losing more than 80 cubic miles of ice per year. “That corresponds to three times the volume of all the glaciers in the Alps,” Dr. Boggild said. The Warming of Greenland (NYT)
  21. tvashtarkatena


    Love machine, shack, boat, mobile, monkey, train, doctor, potion, pork chop, nest, bird, juice, child...
  22. tvashtarkatena


    Sharin a foaty love.
  23. tvashtarkatena


    and getting busted for it love.
  24. tvashtarkatena


    Skating on Greenlake under a full winter moon love.
  25. tvashtarkatena


    Corn Flakes at midnight love.
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