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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Maybe you should move to PARTISTAN if you hate America so much!
  2. His six degrees of separation is one dimensional!
  3. The guy's a human caterpillar! If a butterfly flaps its wings in China, he knows about it!
  4. Talk about FEELERS!
  5. Did you see how that guy scooped up polls results during the only two days McCain was actually ahead of Obama!???
  6. I'm candy apple green with envy for Peter's eagle eye!
  7. Holy Capala, Cabron!
  8. The biggest threat to capitalism is fake lowriders: 1. capala Fake Impala SS.91-96 Caprice Classic with Impala Emblems. "That ain't no real SS, that's a Capala...and it's all Reagan's fault."
  9. HA! You missspeled 'capitalism'! LIBTARD!
  10. Yawn. Biden may not remember when FDR was elected. Frankly (get it?), I don't either, but 1929 isn't terribly far off the mark. FDR was president during most of the Depression, so the mistake is understandable. Nor do I know when TV became popular (although 1929's a stretch). And I doubt you do, sans Google, either. Biden's opponent, however, believes the earth is 4000 years old. We all get it wrong sometimes. Everything's a matter of degree, I guess.
  11. Are you certain FW's not going to vote for Obama?
  12. Obama in a landslide.
  13. Ahem. This is the libtards gloating over Obama's poll numbers in response to PP gloating over McCain's shortlived poll numbers thread. If you want to start a 911 or JFK conspiracy thread, go right ahead, but like, man, that's not my bag.
  14. No, not with camping,anyway.
  15. Completely agreed. But things like the Rezko deal point to a candidate who might not be as different from the same 'ole as he tends to portray himself. Not that different from a guy who lied to the nation to bring us to war? Who spied on us illegally for most of his term? Who instituted a state sponsored program of kidnapping and torture? OK. I guess my different is really different from your different.
  16. OK there was the new National Park or Monument or whatever in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, you know, the one with absolutely no commercial interest for anyone.
  17. "Have you been drinking ma'am?" "No, but zhudgin' frumtha way that signz leanin' over, I think its had a few..."
  18. It's kinda weird. Here FW tries to come off as a moralistic personal responsibility junkie; "Oh my word, a racial slur! Pull your own weight! Respect da wymynz! Oh, what's YOUR degree in?" So he goes for the Keating greasing, 6th-from-the-bottom-of-his-class, adultering torture flopper and disses the up-from-slavery poster child who became a constitutional scholar, senator, faithful husband and father. But he's a liberal. And therein lies the rub. FW's not FOR anything. He's simply, neurotically anti-liberal. Whatever that means.
  19. In any case, compared to Cindy's real estate deals with Keating, and her refusal to release her tax returns (unlike the Obamas), this is nothing.
  20. It is unlikely even that would cause you to emerge from the tent. Wow. Still dwelling on my bout with the flu from, like, a year and a half ago. Do you ever, you know, wonder about this?
  21. He's off to a great start: Tony Rezco William Ayers ACORN The William Ayers thing is friggin stupid. Smacks of desperation by those who spread it. The Tony Rezco/real estate story is truly disturbing. While there does not appear to have been actual favors traded by Obama what the fuck was he thinking? Obama wants the house but the seller will only sell it bundled with a neighboring piece of property. So Obama finds a buyer (Rezcos wife) and both lots are sold on the same day. Later Rezco's wife sells Obama 1/4 of the property for a 1/4 of the purchase price. For a lawn? WTF? So nothing was given away but Rezco did a great big favor Obama. In exchange for what? I'm an Obama supporter but this one more reason why that support is somewhat tepid. Um, I don't know about you, but this just sounds like a clever and practical way to do that deal. If there were no favors traded, what's the problem?
  22. Suede loafers? You've got to be kidding. And that shade of brown? On a desert excursion? I think not.
  23. An LHC created black hole would have a longer life than this clause under judiciary committee review. Like, man, just how un-constitutional can you get?
  24. Better the shitbag you know than the one you don't, eh FW?
  25. Maybe you should fire off an AR 15 at close range near each one of your partners at the start of every climb.
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