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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. REI's old policy helped create a throw away mentality. A $25 sewing machine, some Tenacious Tape, Shoe Goo, and a little hand stitching go a long way to extending gear life. This used to be standard procedure for most climbers. The ability to fix stuff comes in even handier today with the new light weight gear, which tends to begin the pilgrimage to Holy Land soon after purchase. That, and I've always wondered why Bacon Bars never made a comeback.
  2. It is an ancient dance best performed in long skinny shoes and ironic trucker hats performed to piss off the Gods of Employment. The Squak affords the opportunity to witness the Snowmobile Dance, whereby expensive mechanical war ponies are sacrificed to the Crevasse Gods. But hey, if religion isn't your thing...
  3. I think you should ski Sherman with me instead, no?
  4. Meh. I prefer explosives.
  5. In mu experience, adhesive delam happens from too much heat campfires, hot cars, or that time I tried to bake the Snoseal into my Snowfields and Dave Page had to yell at me for it.
  6. I think most of us buy stuff because it's price/performance fits our needs and we are willing to support the company that sells it. All modern retailers have decent return policies. A ridiculously generous return policy might be the primary consideration for a scammer, impulse buyer, or a moron who just shotguns their purchase decisions without any research., but most folks are just fine with having a full year to figure things out.
  7. Non profit advocacy organizations are nearly always involved in policy making somehow - that's kind of what they do. They are a very important way for citizens to actively participate in our democracy.
  8. He'll be surprised to learn that REI is actually a retail store and not just a rental shop.
  9. I was just using the boot leaking as an example. But, a goretex boot shouldn't leak after after 5-10 trips, and in which case, I would consider them defective. I did gather that defective items can still be returned, although it seems like that is going to be subjective. Mush around spring snow for 3 days and your NASA spacesuit will leak. Ironically, gaitors are often responsible for funneling snow down your ants leg and into your boot, where they leak from within, so to speak. Goretex can also make your feet sweat like a mofo. And Goretex does not mean the boot will never need waterproofing. People have silly expectations when it comes to gear. Yes, some manufacturers pump up the volume, here, but a little common sense and reality checking goes a long way.
  10. What happens when you boots leak is that you waterproof them. If you bought something and never use it, the question isn't 'why can't I return it?', but rather, why did you buy it in the first place? Defective products can still be returned after a year.
  11. I think REI should institute a policy of taking that guy who's returning his 10 year old trail runners in the back room and shooting him in the face.
  12. All euro trash is pulled from pretty much the same genetic bucket. Frankly, I couldn't give two shits about my heritage. My peeps headed out of Africa during a wet spell, hung out in the Middle East for a while, headed to central asia for some cold climate big game hunting, and then trudged into Europe for some neanderthal strange. Same as yallz.
  13. Well, that too, of course. Like is not exactly the right word. It's more a cultural familiarity thing. At least there's something to the man, unlike some other popular conservative darlings.
  14. I watch The Factor, on average, about once every couple of weeks - whenever there's a new topic (rare - most of the shows are the same old crap - Benghazi, etc) that's kind of interesting. O'Reilly can surprise you - every once in a while he's right on the money. That's pretty far below half the time, IMO, but he's got a fair bit of influence and ya take what you can get on this planet.
  15. That was some good morning entertainment there, Porter.
  16. Dayum...your database has got it all! All this love from a guy I've never even met. There's no telling what could blossom once chemistry takes over. Beacon! I'm comin for ya, baby! Anyhoo, this was most likely a pointless exercise, but perhaps enough of it sunk in that it may one day germinate into an actual idea - that clamping oneself in the village stocks dressed in a giant chicken suit covered with 'Kick Me' Postits may not, in fact, be the most effective way to win friends and influence people.
  17. He did get the no soul part right.
  18. Thanks for taking the high road. I like my friends to tell me like it is rather than what I want to hear. YMMV. Oh, and PM me back about this Sat.
  19. Michele Bachmann, Founder of the Tea Party Caucus, HPV vaccine whistleblower, standard bearer in the war for closeted gay marriage, truth to power teller - all the more difficult because truth so often abandoned you in that quest, I thank you for all the memories. You are without equal.
  20. Google "911 Inside Job" and see how much of a unique snowflake you are. You're in some rare company there, boyo. Stand in the village square breaking raw eggs over your head and see if passersby don't keep you re-supplied. I know, I know: you don't get the reference. Look, man, you may be as dumb as a fence post, but even the latter knows enough not to advertise. You've built the typical, narcissist's Tower of Power around your Free Pile Truther meme - they haven't exactly broken the mold on your brand of snowflake, but you might try examining the long line of folks here who are coming to your defense and consider if this is the appropriate forum for you to get the Word out. You've presented zero new ideas here - just repetitive crap that is readily available in bulk from the moronisphere. I mean, Michele Bachmann hasn't taken her website down just yet, has she? But hey, Bone's OK, so it's all good, any feedback = Bone hater, and the world is full of them. It seems that nobody wants to hear The Truther's message for humanity, just because He's not Lame Stream. And here I thought narcissism was usually coupled with at least a modicum of intellect. Dumb and narcissistic. Now that's an unfortunate combo.
  21. You should probably be comfy with down climbing everything but the 2 ice pitches for a bail off if need be.
  22. Climbing the Easton to the Colfax saddle and descending 1200' to the base of the N ridge might be a lot less work and hassle.
  23. No, it's everybody, Bone. Porter tried to punch through that wall of dumb - an exercise in futility, apparently. He was actually trying to do you a favor - not that you're capable of picking up on something like that. Nobody else here thinks your posts are funny, clever, fun, or enlightening. What you get out of being a willing butt for other people's jokes is beyond me, but you might as well realize what's actually happening here, if that's even possible.
  24. There really is no bottom to this bucket.
  25. further up canyon - it's definitely clearly up there. 'Wildcat Crag' takes you there.
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