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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Keep you eye on Alberto Gonzales and you may have your wish granted.
  2. Consider totalling another family's car as an option.
  3. $600! That's 241 foaties! GOP: FUCK YEAH!
  4. Hi. Here's $600 we don't actually have. Thanks for your vote.
  5. The big difference between the Republicans and the Democrats is that the GOP has more convictions.
  6. God doesn't heal the sick? We're his temple. Why would God allow the paint to peel on his temple?
  7. Channel 33. In Jesus' name, send your blessed offering.
  8. "Billy: the Early Years" will soon be in theatres.
  9. Pat Robertson has called an emergency 30 DAYS OF PRAYER, everybody. On your knees, people.
  10. Why won't Obama just come out and tell us whether or not he's a terrorist? WHAT'S HE HIDING????
  11. It's a well known fact that liberals eat their own children.
  12. A bit closer to the mark in my view: Brooks on the GOP
  13. 72' VW Superbeetle. Yellow. An elm tree jumped out in front of me. My older brother: '63 Ford Galaxy 500 Country Squire. Black. It was kind already a wreck, but hitting a stone entrance monument didn't help. Oh, I forgot; he also got rear ended in the Superbeetle by a sherrif.
  14. Enablers....
  15. Dude, most of them are Jersey girls. Why are trying to steer the young man wrong? Besides, isn't he already dating some fat purple hippo? Jersey girls ain't trash; trash gets picked up. Shit, I haven't been picked up in years. Congratulations, Marc. Now go out there and total you parent's car. We all did. It's your right.
  16. tvashtarkatena


    Suck on a cigar, bitch. Congratulations.
  17. I think the author's dead wrong on a number of points. First: Palin. She'll be a humorous historical footnote, no more. She is one reason McCain's support is evaporating. I wouldn't be fooled by the 'rallies'. Think about who bothers to go to GOP rallies. I doubt you'd be able to swing a dead moose in the mob and hit a moderate. The GOP has become completely cynical. Since Reagan, it's been a party of 'what can we get away with this week?' and 'how can we fool the voters this time?'. The agenda has been to concentrate wealth and political power to a priviledged elite, and they were largely successful. They care only about what's good for the country club, not the country. Jesus, Dino Rossi is even trying to hide the fact that he's a Republican. You'll never here that would uttered from his mouth. Amazing. As for the GOP making McCain a scapegoat; that's just a liberal fantasy. True, he's not well liked amonst his own, but throwing an election? Get real. The GOP already blames Bush for our ills; they don't need a scapegoat, they've already identified the culprit. That's why virtually every Republican candidate is denying any connection to Bush right now. Fortunately, the country, with its rapidly evaporating 'wealth', no longer buys the GOP's agenda of robbing the middle class to give to the rich. People are weary of being screwed by HMOs, insurance companies, investment banks, drug companies, energy companies; in short, the GOP's corporate core. McCain's 'privatization/choice' message, which can be translated to 'it's your family against a multi-billion dollar corporation...good luck, pal.' is falling a bit flat right now. It looks like McCain's not going to win a single swing state this time. Hurray for our side, but we need some form of checks and balances, too, to save us from smoking too much of our own dope.
  18. I'm also heading back Sunday morning at about 5:00 am, if anyone needs to get back to Seattle that early.
  19. I will be heading up Sat, but I can't leave from Seattle until 4:00 pm, if that's an option.
  20. tvashtarkatena

    The Debate

    Even funnier; Palin will probably continue to believe she's a presidential hopeful for 2012 and continue spouting off accordingly...until the press drops her, which will take about a day, and sends her back to the obscurity of Alaska.
  21. tvashtarkatena

    The Debate

    McCain's defeat is pretty much a done deal at this point. If you go swing state by swing state, all the trends (new voter registration, simultaneous register/vote, number of campaign offices and 'boots on the ground', money, ads, polls) point to Obama. The question now is; What's John going to say when some network news channel announces his defeat? We can be certain that it will be quotable and probably worthy of some network censor's bleeping.
  22. No, we wouldn't be better off with such a system. Studies have shown that injecting more human counters/sorters into the system GREATLY increases the error rate over hand filled out ballets + optical scanners. There have been very few problems with the optical scanning machines used in Washington. Our vote counting technology produces the lowest errors in the country, , avoids bottlenecks at the polls, and provides paper ballots for verification. The problems during the last election had nothing to do with the machines used; they stemmed from errors in the voter registration records and lost ballots. None of these problems would be addressed at all by your overly complicated proposed system. In fact, your system, which involves much more paperwork, would result in more lost ballots and counting errors, not less. Washington State's got the best voting technology available today; we should keep it, and work to address the actual voter registration/ballot handling problems with the system rather than fixing something which isn't broken.
  23. I couldn't agree more. What's the point? It's all so BORING, isn't it? The Somalis and North Koreans have developed systems that require no voting. Why reinvent the wheel? And hey, I need that half hour to do my own thing, OK?
  24. Forget unemployment, Rob, you're obviously qualified for a high ranking position at the Pentagon. How good are you at Powerpoint?
  25. For the newbies out there, it's a good thing the world is burning to the ground now; you'll have ample time to learn how to hunt, raise crops, and build your own shelter from scrap materials while you're still young and strong. Sure, we spent your future and destroyed your planet partying our asses off, and now you'll have to take care of our feeble, tottering masses, but don't hold it against us or anything.
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