Nearly all supreme court decisions are similarly complex.
Yes, Palin should know more. My point was this: when you take a pot shot at someone, anyone, you should at least be able do what you claim they cannot; clearly not the case with Mr. Baby.
Palin should have at least had some knowledge of the Exxon ruling, considering that the accident took place in her state and involved oil, her 'area of expertise', according to John McCain.
We all know the Palin is a figurehead, a mascot. She's there to relate to the everyday folksie folks that McCain, a hyperwealthy attack dog, simply cannot. It's a formula that's worked for her very well in not-very-intellectual Alaska, a place where just not being drunk can land you a high paying job. A lot of voters feel the need to relate to their candidate on a personal level. I'd like to say that I don't, but this campaign is working in the opposite for me; the more I see McCain, the more I realize what a fucking complete and utter asshole he is. That shouldn't matter as much as it seems to.