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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena
accompanied by some uncharacteristically fresh music courtesy of Pandora.
Just slappin the old FW down Celt style to keep me mitts limber
On something, anyway.
Shit, I'm ON today.
If Heart sucked any more the entire universe would implode through its own asshole.
I would rather be forced to watch those three make love to each other than listen to 'Barracuda' again.
This thread is for malformed penises
Catholic Priest tells children Santa doesn't exist
tvashtarkatena replied to Hugh Conway's topic in Spray
It's hard to imagine the even harder heart that gently placed such an icon of childhood joy in front of its beloved audience, only to crush it with his maroon Italian bootheels. What manner of Gorgon would do this? One would expect such cretinism from a Cuban contractor, or a dirty Mexican Jew, but an ordained representative of the Original Church of Christ, Superstar? My God, they're just children. Snappy, befreckled, ruddy, mussy haired Irish children. -
Probably not that interested, given their typically full docket this year. Remember, there's a new sheriff in town: time for some long awaited repairs.
So, 'Denial of the Holocaust', in a hispanic-hating fashion, is it? I'll let my Mexican brother in law Ignazio know that I've secretly hated him and those half breed nieces and nephews all these years....Perhaps on my way to burning a star of David on the lawn of the Sterns, my oldest family friends. The ACLU wishes you a Merry Christmas, FW! Keep up the good work on the diversity front!
Well, there are a few differences. You hate all Muslims, to the point of wanting to torture, imprison, and kill them. We only make fun of evangelicals and other Christian extremists, but would never wish them to come to any actual harm. We would just like them to stop trying to harm others. Look at it this way; it's the difference between being a psychopath such as yourself, who revels in the suffering of others, and simply having a relatively normal, emotionally balanced sense of humor about organizations and their melodramatic actors whose primary purpose seems to be to fleece their flocks. Put another way, would Mark Twain be able to differentiate between the two of us? Why, I believe he would.
For further question concerning God and the meaning of life, please send your inquiry, along with a generous love offering, to Tvashtar Ministries, right here on Christian Consciousness dot come all ye faithful.
I used to think that evangelical homophobia = closet case, but not anymore. I've been watching the evangelical channels lately, searching for life's meaning and a new hairstyle. Actually, some of the newer preachers are remarkably well dressed, although their women still resemble overturned paint trucks, but I digress. As near as I can understand it, these evangelicals maintain that the gays piss God off in the way that Sodom and Gomorha did (yeah, I know, I didn't bother to Google the spelling, so fuck off), presumably by fucking the wrong hole on the wrong person, thus flaunting His Word, which explicitly prohibits certain holes on certain persons from being fucked. In any case, God's gonna come down in His Ever Loving Mercy and kill most of us horribly, after making us suffer in some imaginative and prolonged ways that only God, being super smart and super wise, is really capable of. We then are to be thrown into a burning lake for an eternal and not very refreshing swim. All this because a few, a happy few of us are pissing God off by dressing up like feaux nazis and taking way too much X. What I don't get is why the evangelicals are pissed, because the sooner God comes down to rape our planet with a divine chain saw, the sooner they get Raptured. The rest of us, presumably, just get ruptured. But we're fine with it, because we're exactly holding our breath for the clouds to part for the Warrior Christ. Maybe irony is one of God's greatest gifts to us...or at least some of us. Pope Benedict is simply trying to compete for flockage with the evangelicals by immitating their fetish for suffering through self denial and envy of those who aren't self denying. What else can he do? Catholisism is on its way out, given that a third of it's dwindling priesthood diddles altar boys, and even Catholics, who regularly eat the body and blood of Christ, don't go in for that shit. Benedict realized that a) the Vatican needed a new marketing campaign and b) the more hardcore the religion, the more it attracts a certain type of hardcore wannabe, the type that pay up. There seem to be quite a few of those around these days. It's like the Marines, 'only a few good men' need apply, only the marines aren't actually pasty skinned pussies and, unlike the marines, the evangelicals will take anybody with a pulse and a checkbook. So there you have it; ghey hatred explained. God monitors who purchases buttplugs for His Son's Birthday, so pay cash or you better watch out.
Well, I no longer have to wonder whether or not Ivan's going to keep me company for eternity after we're both murdered by fundamentalists of some sort. WILL GOD LET THAT SHIT SLIDE? Tune in next week....
OMFG Bone, Merry Christmas! Ann Wilson sounds like a dead cat with holes punched in it duct taped to the tip of an airplane prop. I'd rather have a high speed grinder strapped to each ear. There are only a handful of bands that produce red jets of hate from my eyeballs...and Heart is one of The Chosen. Even Eddie Money doesn't do that to me.
Heart sucked poo. Never could stand that screech. Couldn't play worth a damn, either.
The neighborhood is filled with parents mushing sleds and saucers bearing kids and groceries, or maybe the kids ARE groceries...has it come to that yet? Many streets on the ridge are unofficially 'closed for tubing'. There are cross country skiiers all over the place. I only wish it were colder so that I could take my hockey skates out on Greenlake again. With everyone off work, all the smaller, walkable retailers on the ridge are doing fine. The alcohol distribution stations are booming. I wish every winter was like this.
May Santa and his Rainiers bring all of you ebbyting you need
If you harvest all the cats in the neighborhood you should be able to depend on the resulting rodent population explosion until the spring thaw. The good thing about cats is that they're unsupervised. Dogs, while they offer more meat on average, require harvesting the entire family along with them. This requires a lot more specialized equipment.
It's interesting to note that the few Gitmo detainees who are being 'tried' by our government are being subjected to the military commission system, a kangaroo court that accepts hearsay evidence, does not allow the accused to review the evidence against them, and allows evidence gained under torture, even if that tortured was inflicted by non-US personnel in another country without US personnel present. The ACLU is asking Pres Elect Obama to end this travesty and try these detainees either in criminal courts or courts martial.
Needless to say, citing human rights abuses and transgressions against our constitution long past does nothing to excuse them today. FDR may have been one of the 3 most influential presidents in our history, but he is not my hero, BTW. Hero worship is an indulgence in self reinforcing fantasy. People can and should be admired for their actions, but heroes belong in comic books. And what you believe, given your track record of 'accuracy', your oft espoused support of torture and imprisonment without probable cause or due process, and the proponderance of vetted public information that has refuted nearly every one of your assertions here, isn't exactly going to gain much of a following; here, or anywhere else. Your openly racist motivations for such beliefs don't help much either. For anyone interested in learning more about the torture regimen practiced by US personnel at Guantanamo Bay, "The Road to Quantanamo", a documentary about 3 innocent British citizens who were detained there for years and finally released under pressure from their government, is an excellent if disturbing resource. NETFLIX has it. In addition to the grim first hand reports of abuse from Guantanamo from released detainees, the numbers speak for themselves regarding the injustice there. Over 800 people have been detained at Guantanamo. Over 500 have been released without any charges: after being tortured for years. Of all the detainnees at Guantanamo, fewer than 20 have ever been charged with any crime. Googling Khaled Al Masri will bring up the case of an innocent German citizen who was kidnapped, taken to Afghanistan, and tortured by US and other personnel. One of many. Extraordinary Rendition is another secretive program that must end immediately if America is to regain its moral footing and stem the now widespread hatred of our country.
This weather compels some things to undress: The himalayan birch up the street
Willi bringing home his own provisions
Well, Cheney's veracity on any subject is a bit 'suspect' these days, but I don't doubt that some members of Congress were less surprised than others when the NYT came out with the domestic spying story. Congress has not been a good steward of our constitution during the Bush years, but it was Bush that came up with the program to begin with. After all, it was Congress who voted to unburden ourselves of the right of habeaus corpus, the ability to try telecom companies that grossly and illegally violate our privacy laws, and on and on....Where there are leaders, there are always followers. The president has tremendous power to set the tone of governance and guide the actions of congress. Hopefully, Obama will send a strong message that our constitution is the core of what it means to be an American and thus something to be proud of, not an inconvenience to be circumvented on the road to unchecked power. The ACLU is asking Pres elect Obama to do three things by executive order on Day 1 of taking office (in addition to a host of other things afterward): Order Guantanamo closed and the prisoners tried or released in a safe manner. Order the end of Extraordinary Rendition. Order the end of torture by our government.
Whether or not other parties violate Article 3 is irrelevant. We, as a nation, are bound by rule of law and morality to abide by the following: ARTICLE 3 In the case of armed conflict not of an international character occurring in the territory of one of the High Contracting Parties, each Party to the conflict shall be bound to apply, as a minimum, the following provisions: (1) Persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of armed forces who have laid down their arms and those placed ' hors de combat ' by sickness, wounds, detention, or any other cause, shall in all circumstances be treated humanely, without any adverse distinction founded on race, colour, religion or faith, sex, birth or wealth, or any other similar criteria. To this end, the following acts are and shall remain prohibited at any time and in any place whatsoever with respect to the above-mentioned persons: (a) violence to life and person, in particular murder of all kinds, mutilation, cruel treatment and torture; (b) taking of hostages; © outrages upon personal dignity, in particular humiliating and degrading treatment; (d) the passing of sentences and the carrying out of executions without previous judgment pronounced by a regularly constituted court, affording all the judicial guarantees which are recognized as indispensable by civilized peoples. (2) The wounded and sick shall be collected and cared for. An impartial humanitarian body, such as the International Committee of the Red Cross, may offer its services to the Parties to the conflict. The Parties to the conflict should further endeavour to bring into force, by means of special agreements, all or part of the other provisions of the present Convention. The application of the preceding provisions shall not affect the legal status of the Parties to the conflict. Thus, the 'waterboarding debate' and all the other discussions of what is 'OK' to do to detainees and what is not are bullshit. All of it has been clearly prohibited by our laws from Day 1. There are still over 250 people who've never been charged with any crime being tortured at Quantanamo as I write this. We don't know who those people are, why they're rotting in our prison, and whether or not they pose any threat to our nation. Disgusting.