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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. RACIAL PROFILING!! RACIAL PROFILING!!! That, and I've posted about being raised Catholic several times already...hardly a 'secret', and why would it be? Nothing to see here. Move on.
  2. One thing Tvash doesn't do is assume someone's experience; that's one of the prime indicators of ignorance, one you display often. I had a great experience with Catholicism. Went to a fine Catholic school with good teachers, our parish priest was a young, liberal Irishman (Father Pat, coincidentally) who did many good works for the community, my religious education was quite open; many other faiths and doctrines were discussed with equal respect, and there were always lots and lots of donuts around. Loving one another was the number one idea pushed, at least in that parish. I gave up belief in God because it no longer made a lick of sense. The process was little different than giving up a belief in Santa Claus. You hold on for as long as you can, but in the end, you've got to decide how much you're willing to bullshit yourself for the comfort gained. As for my attitude towards Evangelicals; I met my first real live thumper in college. What a bowl full of assholes and kooks. Since then, the evangelicals have done nothing to sway that early opinion and everything to bolster it. They are the enemies of true American freedom; far more dangerous to the positive aspects of our way of life than any cave dwelling imam.
  3. There's the small matter of the house design itself...yeah, the old craftsman's make the vast majority of today's econoboxes (feaux...everything, anyone?) look like what they are: cheap people packing crates slapped together by a give-a-shit contractor and his crew of meth heads. Compare the siding in today's homes (yeah, that's the part that gets the weather) and tell me that shit isn't somebody's idea of a bad joke. My 1911 still has the original siding-still going strong. Um...that ain't gonna be happening for any new construction even 30 years from now, nevermind 100.
  4. So, if you meet someone you love online versus in a bar or someplace else you're a loser? More accurately, I'd say you're an idiot.
  5. Among the religious, there is a continual need to conflate their beliefs with other things that simply do not exist in the same universe. Religion with government. Religion with science. Religion with morality, for that matter. Wondering whether Mighty Mouse could take Superman is a more enlightening exercise. If no laws are broken, religion exists outside of government here; by design. Any specific religious doctrine should play no role in the official conduct of government. This is often tried by one sect or another (and we all know politicians love to invoke God's name to get votes), but the first amendment has actually been pretty effective at sending those who can't grasp the meaning in this most fundamental American value back to their pulpits to lick their wounds. And, in our democracy, 'the state' derives its power from its citizens; it does not and cannot exist as a separate entity. Ultimately, the state, therefore, is only as just and righteous as we are. In other words, we're royally fucked. If,by some miracle, all Americans suddenly wake up on morning as wise, responsible adults who abhor rather than relish cruelty, we still have a system which provides a path to what we could be rather than the embarrassment we currently are.
  6. Half empty, half full. Today's worldwide communication offers just as much chance to enlighten and progress as to offend. One could easily argue that the Danish cartoon did more good than harm by exposing the insanity of religious extremism for what it is. Moderate Islamic sects all over the world have subsequently and appropriately distanced themselves from these kooks...and that is a good thing. Those who choose to cow to such zealots perhaps don't deserve the freedoms they're apparently not willing to lift a finger to protect.
  7. Playing Devil's advocate here, is the other side of your coin that the State should stay out of religion, that "the real American tradition of personal choice regarding religion and expression" may mean tolerating a practical affront to the rights and guarantees that "tolerance" is based on? How to maintain the secular institutional basis for democracy and come to terms with traditional or regressive practices in society and honor diversity while not coming off like racist, authoritarian fuckheads? Progressives have their work cut out. The constitution protects the practice of religion in a general sense. It does not, provide religions with a hall pass with which to violate the law. Religions that have attempted to do this have typically been prosecuted on issues ranging from statutory rape and polygamy (they tend to go together) to tax evasion. As for religions attempting to codify their doctrine into law, the constitution is crystal clear: That would be a NO. Religions that have attempted this have lost in court. The legal annihilation of the most Creationism > Intelligent Design movement provides a recent, spectacular example of the first amendment working exactly the way it should to guarantee equal religious (and irreligious) freedom. The sticky area comes when religions oppress their members, particularly children, as they so often do, but stay within the law. Well, we already have a mechanism for that; the law. When that oppression violates law, it's time to take action. If it does not, it's time to disagree, live and let live, however one may feel for the victims of such oppression.
  8. The more apropos example, for me, is the comedian who lampoons everyone and everything, including his own country and family. Society needs such unrestrained thinking, expression, and satire to remain vital, interesting, and innovative. Squelch that, and you've handed the dullards the keys to the kingdom. Spiritual, creative, and intellectual stagnation, mediocrity, and suppression soon follow. The Danish cartoonist offended some...as do all cartoonists with something to say. Personally, I don't want a world where someone else decides for me whether or not I can be in that audience. That's not the State's or anyone elses right but my own. By lampooning the ridiculous, and the deification and sanctity of a man's countenance is certainly that, that cartoonist shed the light of day on repression and ignorance; always a good thing, however painful the process may be. Without such spotlights, the bullshit simply continues and may even worsen. We've had a secular democracy from day 1 in this country; it's right there in the 1st Amendment. Any crying over the loss of our 'traditional values' is pure propaganda. The phrase 'Tradition Values' , which personally makes me throw up in my mouth a little, is nothing more than a PR cover for a relatively recent and very non traditional campaign to impose a despotic, fundamentalist erosion of church and state separation. No thanks. I'll stick with the real American tradition of personal choice regarding religion and expression. In the end, if you find something like a cartoon in a magazine offensive, um, well...don't buy the fucking magazine. That's one principle of personal freedom neither the Christian fascists nor Islamic Ululation League seems to get.
  9. Fucking fascists. I can't stand the cunts.
  10. I just wish domination through cruelty as a central idea didn't bother me so much.
  11. Don't get me wrong, it must be great to live in the happy, simple world an adult 6 year old. Even when someone inexplicably puts you in a position where you can do some damage, no worries! Accountability is only for grown ups. Plus, no matter how badly you fuck up, Fuzzy Kitty still wuvs u. Awesome! Why the fuck am I a liberal?
  12. Conservative Mantra: "Any idiot can do that. Watch me."
  13. I'd say, Josh, that, unless the poster's actually been there, their opinion may be comfortably ignored. The slide alder should be manageable in May, so that sounds like a sound plan. Finally, some of the, what was the word, 'cheapest' (meaning what, obscure? hard to get to?) peaks I've climbed have been some of the most beautiful trips. Dark is very remote and seldom climbed; there is beauty in that aspect alone. In fact, I'm going for that very same cheap peak this year, but earlier in the year, and we've got our ski-in party lined up already. Good luck and go for it.
  14. Paging Dr. Kevbone!
  15. Would you like a private screening, honey? God, how I love the modern world.
  16. Oh, I'm perfectly comfortable with my level of Right Action to preserve your right to believe in the Great Big Fuzzy Kitty.
  17. tvashtarkatena

    Hey Archie

    We were somewhere around Barstow on the edge of the desert when the vegetarian special began to take hold
  18. Boring. Anyway, I'm still waiting for someone to tell my why the Taliban represents the religious doctrine for the whole of the Muslim world. Regarding the Buddhist statues, um, didn't they stand untouched for many centuries in a primarily Muslim country until these assholes came along? Yeah...they did. Shit, there goes that dime store thesis. Conflating punks like the Taliban with all of Islam is a line that's been pushed hard like a corny, impacted turd by the Bush regime, right on down to federal DHS 'anti-terror' training for local yocals (and yes, I discovered this directly from talking to a Chelan Cty sheriff, not from DailyKos) to sell the WOT. The idea is so pervasive that even many of the heartfelt, concerned liberals on this site have bought it. There's only one problem: it's complete and utter bullshit.
  19. Useless climber chic friends with benefits?
  20. Well, you suck, but I wouldn't conflate yourself with all of the christian world...outside your own mind, of course. Although I do think any belief in God, regardless of branding, is patently human, natural, and ridiculous.
  21. I think only certain extremist, relatively recently invented Islamic sects forbid drawing puppies with big, sad eyes n shit, no? I mean, there are images of people and animals plastered all over the Muslim world. If not, could one of you religious scholars show me the offending passage in the Koran or whatever other official, God authored rule book applies? One bad apple don't spoil the whole bunch, girl.
  22. So full of hate.
  23. I just applied for a TSA screener job.
  24. Rush's listeners seem to be mostly working class stiffs, and mostly guys of course, who need to blame somebody else for the shit sandwich they've chosen to eat every day. Rush tells them they're OK and everybody else is fucked up; its all the fault of those damn negroes, blah, blah, blah. We all know the type.
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