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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. Could anything be more satisfying than gently sliding my Lexmark partial-birth-abortion-of-a-printer, a device that began malfunctioning the moment it emerged from its styrofoam womb, into a trash compactor bag, and 're-educating' it with a splitting maul? Can't wait to install my new Epson. Incredibly, it was even cheaper than the Lexmark. I set aside an extra trash compactor bag for it, too. I thought about torching it, too, but...well...you know, the neighbors and all.
  2. According to TV Guide, The Biggest Loser ranks number 4.
  3. It's like I've got a 'KKK' button on the remote.
  4. Speaking of TV, what's the most popular show in American right now? Peter? Anyone?
  5. I was at the gym yesterday watching Fox on the treadmill, doing a light workout, one that would still kill KKK's whole family, but I digress. During that time Fox reported that American's feel that Obama has gone too far left, that the Democrats were going to take a beating in the midterms, and how Obama had, in part, caused the disaster in Haiti. By the end of it, I felt myself pounding my fist into my palm, quietly chanting "Go! Go! Go!...", as if attending the original debut of "Howl". I had just experienced something profound. They reported the future. They knew the hearts and minds of a nation. The exposed the historical trump to Katrina to the light of day. After basking in the presence of this Oracle, nay, miracle, it would be hard to imagine settling for news by mere mortals ever again.
  6. tvashtarkatena


    Locked and loaded.
  7. tvashtarkatena


    San Fran-cisco COCK SUCKAH!
  8. On the civil liberties front, Obama did end torture, is closing Gitmo, and is trying some of the detainees there in civilian court, but not all. Other than that, he has continued Bush's policies of extraordinary rendition, military commissions, and extra-constitutional spying on Americans. He has also not lifted a finger to uphold the rule of law regarding the Bush administrations many human rights violations. All in all, his record in this area has been lackluster, to say the least. Still, the alternative...un-fucking-thinkable, really.
  9. tvashtarkatena


    The KKK-inator: a) You're a Marxist b) You're a racist c) Lick sack (presumed to mean 'You're gay') d) I'm here for you, Minx
  10. It's gettin a bit Lord of the Fly-ish in here. What goes around comes around, I guess.
  11. tvashtarkatena


    Here's a simpleton's version for you, since it's likely that you had never heard of this concept before yesterday. Leave it to TTK to turn a tongue-in-cheek critique of a sci-fi movie into a quest for ego gratification. http://lasp.colorado.edu/education/outerplanets/solsys_planets.php As for your chart, well, there is an explanation that isn't quite settled. Let's see if you can figure it out on your own--if you're not too busy with those ridiculous light bulb sculptures. Here's a hint for you: magnetic field.
  12. Waste of time. The guy can't even interpret a simple, unambiguous table of data. Just not gonna happen here. Conservative Brain Syndrome . There's medication for it: lots and lots of painkillers to render the removal of the broom handle from one's ass less painful.
  13. tvashtarkatena


    It's worth the $25 to do something your wife really wants to do, ya cheapskate. If I weren't so broke now, the $ would not be an issue. Less about the $ as it is wasting 3 hours on a crappy movie. Most of us are in the same $$$ boat right about now, but look at it this way: an acid trip in a tropical rain forest would be more expensive. Plus, is there a better way to blow money than on a woman?
  14. tvashtarkatena


    Cut your spray time in half and apply yourself to helping fix the "quote thing". It's not just for grownups anymore. Shit. We would probably be able to view Avatar in 3D in spray if you did that for one year. Sorry. just redid the website, now redoing the home office and fucking around with a new iPhone. Tech team, as sorry as it is, is fully booked.
  15. tvashtarkatena


    It's worth the $25 to do something your wife really wants to do, ya cheapskate.
  16. tvashtarkatena


    Awww...poor baby. Very first star on the list: Type G1, 1.25 solar masses, with a 1.3 jupiter mass planet in a just over 1 AU orbit. Probably got big blue chicks running around on one of its moons as I'm typing.
  17. tvashtarkatena


  18. tvashtarkatena


    Is anyone ever going to fix the fucking quote thing on this POS?
  19. tvashtarkatena


    Yeah, that totally blew the plausibility for me too. The opening scene spaceship's control console clearly indicated that the gas giant was well within the frost line DUH. JAMES CAMERON DOES NOT FUCK AROUND!!!!!!! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND GAS GIANTS DON'T ORBIT MAIN SEQUENCE STARS INSIDE THE FROST LINE THEIR HYDROGEN COMPOUNDS ARE BLOWN OUT INTO SPACE JAMES CAMERON IS THE SAME MUTHERFUCKER WHO FORCED ME TO SIT THROUGH 3 HOURS OF KATE WINSLETT AND LEONARDS DECAPRICO!!! FUCK AVATAR AND LIKE THOSE ISLANDS COULD REALLY DEFY GRAVITY I MEAN WHAT WAS UP WITH THAT WAS IT EM, STRONG FORCE, WEAK FORCE OR WHAT HE NEVER FUCKING EXPLAINS IT EXCEPT IT IS SOME MYTHICAL VORTEX GIMME A FUCKING BREAK AND THIS IS THE 23RD CENTURY AREN'T THEY SUPPOSED TO BE USING LAZER BEAMS AND SHIT THEY'RE STILL USING BULLETS FOR GOD'S SAKE!!! DOOD, stick to bravery and leave the science to grownups: Extrasolar Planets Almost all of these are gas giants, many within the frost line, and most orbit main sequence stars. Why: big planets orbiting close to stars are easier to detect, and surveys have concentrated on main sequence stars.
  20. tvashtarkatena


    Yeah, that totally blew the plausibility for me too. The opening scene spaceship's control console clearly indicated that the gas giant was well within the frost line DUH. JAMES CAMERON DOES NOT FUCK AROUND!!!!!!!
  21. tvashtarkatena


    You'd think that after, like, the first 100 years they'd at least be talking about a time out.
  22. tvashtarkatena


    500 years of human heartache... ...that fuckin bitch deserves to die.
  23. tvashtarkatena


    No, YOU don't exist!
  24. tvashtarkatena


    Yeah, its called Game Theory. It's a pseudo-scientific sham. http://www.rewtube.com/the-trap-episode-1/ No, it's not called Game Theory. There is an enormous body of scientific work in this field out there. You're just not aware of it, so, predictably, and like any good human, you assume it doesn't exist.
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