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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. and to explore all the settings on my new used microwave, courtesy of same. Just another day in the relativistic universe.
  2. Limbaugh came up with a simple, minimum effort program format for a very targeted audience: spirited, bigoted commentary on the recycled political commentary of other pundits. No guests, no research, no background knowledge of any of his topics. A quick sampling of his callers indicates that his audience of approximately 13 million constitutes the country's lowest common denominator from an intellectual standpoint (save, perhaps, those who can't figure out how to work a radio). They seem to require nothing more of him than a Right On! style approval of their incuriousity, ignorance, and social dysfunction. He frequently refers to these listeners as family, and, being a one year college flunk out himself, they really are his peeps in many ways. Except, of course, for his 33 million dollar a year income. Rush's target listener is white, uneducated, lower middle class, and dissatisfied. Limbaugh's is a repetitive formula, the Big Mac of radio, and it captures a similar quantity over quality consumer. As for any actual political sway, it's hard to imagine he has much. His audience just isn't that large. Neither liberals nor folks in the political center, which share a healthy dose of solid, liberal, middle class values of kindness and an aversion to cruelty and bullying, don't listen to his show: it's too boring and offensive. 15 minutes of Rush and you've heard the only song he'll ever sing. His regular listeners are on the KKK end of the political spectrum; they wouldn't get within a light year of the political center; there's nothing to sway there.
  3. It seems like this revenge was primarily self inflicted.
  4. So full of hate.
  5. What, no New Year's Eve parties?
  6. My prayers go out to Rush, his family, and all of you lost souls. Here's for a more prayerful 2010. Glory Be.
  7. Cuz, like, when you're an executive and you quit your job, you deserve 2.8 million. You earned it. Forcing down all those expensed manhattans. Having to squeeze into that tiny corporate jet. Never enough time at home to enjoy that 20,000 square foot compound on the cape. It's only right. Far Right.
  8. How do you expect her to feed her kids on half a million a year...plus several million in bonus/stock?
  9. Love da Carhartts, but my peeps don't wear hoodies; can't generate the required angst.
  10. tvashtarkatena


    I'm pissed off. But a few elk steaks sent my way and I'd be right as rain.
  11. Camel makes an excellent burger. True story.
  12. The 2003 debate, in a nutshell: Let's roll. Why? Because you're a faggot.
  13. You're itchin' to be shouted down again, aren't you?
  14. Today's synthetic cats really do take a beating on the COTTONS setting.
  15. Suuuurrrreee wish I could reheat yesterday's coffee ovah heah.
  16. It's a good thing modern cameras have a 'grainy' setting. But was the photographer sincere?
  17. The ebola virus is similarly sincere. Not a mean bone it its tiny body. Sincerity is great, but when you wield power and your sincerely held beliefs have a destructive, cruel result, its best for society to treat you for what you are; a threat to be eliminated.
  18. He's not bloodthirsty. He's wealthy Jewish cock thirsty.
  19. That's all fine, as long as they're spear-killed afterwards.
  20. Enterprising Yemenis are busy building Burger Kings as we speak....
  21. Exit 171 to 65th St park and ride...just call when you're about 10-15 minutes away and I'll be there...dark blue Outback with miscreant inside.
  22. It's the Guarani way of offering someone a big, tall cup of STFU.
  23. I think a few spears might accessorize Palin's bun/librarian glasses ensemble, as well.
  24. The Guarani; the Amazonian tribe described in Joe Kane's book 'Savages', have a helpful way to deal with people like Lieberman. It involves spears.
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