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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. I used Ex Officio microfiber pants in summer. Nice to have something a bit heavier during not summer, though.
  2. That's true - fatter skis weigh less now. Skins will add a wee bit o weight to a fatter ski, and they may (or may not) sidehill on the hardpack as well as skinnier - the Chargers do look like a decent all around ski. Fatter skis allow you to go a bit shorter - easier to learn on. Skis are very important - otherwise we'd strap on 2x4s and save some coin - the advice given so far is enough to get started on. 3 other considerations - skins, ski crampons, and poles. Yes, you will want ski crampons. Dynafit skis take Dynafit Speedskins - which are light and very convenient to take off a ski without removing it. Personally, I like the system a lot. The width of the ski determines how well your ski crampons - which come in limited widths, will fit, or if they will fit at all. Not a primary factor, mind you, but something to definitely check out before rather than after. Ski crampons come from either the binding manufacturer or from BNDSkiGear.com Can't speak for other brands, but the Dynafit ski crampons are lighter and have longer teeth (ei, better) than the aftermarket variety. Cost is about the same. Availability isn't - its the end of the season and the ski crampon supply from binding manufacturers is likely to be thin already. Oh, and carry skin wax with you and swab your skins with Nikwax Skin Proof or equivalent before every spring trip to prevent balling - first your skins, then you. You'll thank me for that advice. Poles (if ya need em): BD flicklocks. End of story. Consider a BD Whippet for self arrest at some point. SAKU!
  3. My GF Colleen likes her Rab neo stretch pants. They're really good in a winter storm. Thinking of picking up a pair myself.
  4. The bill (now EHB 2789) passed the House with broad support (83-15) on Feb 17. The outlook is good for this one so far.
  5. Very unique images, for sure. Very interesting - particularly that pan. Plus, they're the only sunshine Seattle's getting right now, so there's that. Post a TR, man! We could use a little something different to get us through the Dark Ages!
  6. Cool shot. Keep em coming. Coll just subscribed to Rolling Stone. I'm really enjoying it in a bummed out kind of way - this piece was particularly enlightening with regards to our upcoming political choices at the national level for me: How the US exports global warming
  7. Don't know if yer a skier or what your getaway schedule is, but Big Tesuque and and the ski resort outta Santa Fe offer some kewl BC and resort action in the world's largest grove of aspens. Perfect setting for a circle jerk in the setting sun, too, albeit a bit chilly this time of year. Or you can just get your chakra yanked in Santa Fe after a day on the slopes.
  8. Where d fuck are you in N Mex?
  9. Masturbation hasn't been a focus for a while - but it does seem to be a primary theme for some posters. Not sure what would be wrong with actually having a circle jerk among consenting As - it being 2014 in WA n all - I certainly wouldn't feel an ounce o shame if that were on my calendar by choice, but thas coo. I do have a faggit brother, but that doesn't instill me with the urge to take up sword and spear for the tribe -we are all individually well equipped to fight our own battles. That action is more basic. I voted to seed fund and thus kick off the initiative to usher in Gay Marriage to WA - so critics from the Dark Side may take all the faux umbrage they wish with regards to words outta context - always a dodge without a point, but I helped cook the ribs for the barbecue that flushed 40 million Kristian dollars down to Donation Waste Treatment - and they didn't. We all know where the 'conservative movement' and its machinery stands with regards to D Gays, so save the Conservative Stupid Pet Tricks for FB.
  10. This forum could be a much more interesting place if every new post wasn't instantly ism-ized, then immediately shunted to the already enormous database of Wrongs Against FW. Less about the man and more about the issues would be welcome. The last piece on tracking is a case in point. I didn't know any of that, and I'd like to discuss such things without the inevitable overlay of Victimhood Attention Disorder. There's always reality TV if I feel the need to wallow in another's self pity, thanks. I don't get all my news from CC - but a discussion group like this can come up with some choice and relevant bits if its productive to do so. Maddow isn't perfect, but she's a reasonable and credible source point for future research and verification on a topic of interest. She does editorialize…and her show is up front about that, but every time I've verified her stuff it checks out. FW uses the oldest trick in the book with regards to under-the-radar-big-issues, which would be most big issues in America - and that's the "Look At The Crazy!" Shout Down (never without the emoticon motorcade), or, as my brother so aptly put it several years ago, the 'Texas', i.e., 'Yew argue just like a faggit' argument. The Victim Train quickly rolls to a stop to block the intersection - enter The Underground Man, innernutz version, without all the cheery Russian humor. One winds up with the word 'crazy' on the brain, but not necessarily assigned to the intended target of assassination. A painful lack of self-awareness provides the necessary anesthetic so this shitshow repeats over and over again without any new material. Its a franchise model. One thing you'll never observed FW doing is debate the actual points presented, point for point, based on verifiable evidence. No, not so much, and that's where it gets reaaaal boring. Fox pulls this schtick nightly - only without the weapons-grade lack of self-awareness. They know exactly what they're doing when Real Men like Glenn Beck talk about what it means to be a Man's Man - and thank Dog for such non-sequiturs, but its playing to an increasingly smarter, better informed, and less easily titillated audience. Long term trend not great there. Yes, the times, they are a-changin', even here at good ole CC - as they must everywhere.
  11. I would hug you, Dave. 6" crotch separation, agreed to in writing, beforehand. It's really for your own protection. And remember, absinth does not imply guilt.
  12. I am OK with how you choose to perceive me, Dave. It was never a concern. If you never doubted my talents, that makes one of us.
  13. Dave, if that makes you happy, then that's one more happy person in the world and that cannot be a bad thing. The world we want doesn't need saving - it needs creating. There are very few heroes involved, mostly just people who choose to show up in sufficient numbers. It's no different from any long term relationship - one stays engaged by saying 'yes' whenever possible when asked to serve. I'm lucky in that my particular forms of service are also challenging and enjoyable. Mostly, though, I'm lucky because of the many talented people I've been privileged to work with. I often look around the room and wonder 'what the hell am I doing here?'. My audience feedback indicates that, in fact, I do make the kind of connections I strive to, so maybe I, too, earn that name card on occasion in my own, unique way. It's an honor to have the opportunity to do that.
  14. Dave, your influence probably doesn't live up to your implied expectations - but i do appreciate that your focus has drifted elsewhere over time. As for 'bullying the bullies' - that sounds like just another excuse to bully - the most common one in the book, actually. What need for you that behavior has attempted to satisfy escapes me, but we can agree that it's probably healthier all around that it has diminished over time. I haven't been monitoring how your posts have changed over time other than the obvious decrease in the once prodigious volume of your replies, so you'll forgive me if I can't return your compliment with any detail. Thinking people tend to try to get more real over time - a common process you're probably also familiar with. Perhaps that's what you've been observing. I really can't say. It's all however you choose to interpret things anyway. A recent joint TR won comments of 'well written, enjoyable' as well as 'pedophiliac NAZI'. Same TR - two very different foci in the minds of the readers. This is the inner nuts. Some of us put our stories out there in full knowledge that we don't control the audience - nor would we want to. The same principle holds true with regards to the ideas we've put forth on this forum. Public discourse of any kind involves a certain amount of white noise.
  15. Do you feel, as FW does, that you've been bullied here, Dave? I recall a very different dynamic, but that was, after all, years ago now, wasn't it? Have you yet to move on after all this time?
  16. It's a choice. I continue to be grateful for mine - dear friends are irreplaceable. The people who've been lost this year should certainly drive that point home. Feel free roll out the roll eyes, but some of us believe that connecting with each other is actually what this site is about. That's why I came here, and that's what happened.
  17. If neither of you consider it your community - it's likely because neither of you have contributed enough positivity to make it so. It is a community, though. That's not your call, of course. Some of us have made, and continue to make, friends here. If you find yourself seldom, if ever, supported here, it's not because 'the posse's' got flying monkeys on speed dial. It's because you're alone here - by choice. Your loss, really. Piss on the garden but don't expect the strawberries to taste sweet. You've got your own lives, as do we all. The question of why you choose spend part of those lives in a community you apparently despise probably doesn't have a very flattering answer, however.
  18. In order to be part of a community one has to be interesting in learning about who the other members of that community actually are and what they think. This may even lead to friendships. More fundamentally, it's about keeping it real. Those who won't (there is no 'can't' - it's always a choice), tend not to garner interest, respect, or affection from that community. A steady diet of repetitive, negative trolling wins the opposite. In essence, FW, you've received exactly what you've asked for here. You do get something out of it - you get to play the victim. That reaps its own set of rewards - they're just not real ones, is all, and so they never quite satisfy. That, and the world does love yet another victim. There are so few….
  19. Dumb, mean, and hurt. Thats hot.
  20. bottom line is that it was an enlightening piece so thanks for posting.
  21. Ivan had it right at 'tedious'. You're braver than he is with your ideas - he doesn't post any because he can't take his own medicine - and that bugs him. It's the spinal tapped 'yew argue like a faggit' routine in response to any stimulis - like a cat to a laser pointer. Not much of a Googler (2 minutes to find USGS verification above) but a real Danica behind the wheel of the CC search engine. Weird, but that's the innernutz.
  22. Mind you, that was a USGS spokesperson playing cover your ass for an energy industry ball sucking administration - but whitewash only goes so far when the science shows up.
  23. Or the USGS verifying a) Madden's story and b) that waste water injection can cause earthquakes ("it's long been known"), the USGS is studying the cause of ou marked increase in mid continental earthquakes, and the c) their studies indicate their cause is manmade, although tracking rather than other energy extraction has yet to be singled out as a primary cause. [url=]http://www.doi.gov/news/doinews/Is-the-Recent-Increase-in-Felt-Earthquakes-in-the-Central-US-Natural-or-Manmade.cfm[/url] Why CC's most thin skinned whiner makes himself look so stupid so frequently is beyond me. It's kind of sad, actually. It's certainly never entertaining, either.
  24. I get Christian singles ads. -sigh-
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