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Everything posted by tvashtarkatena

  1. So much for 'an armed society is a polite society'. Higher gun ownership rates = higher gun death rates Most people don't have the disposition to handle/carry a firearm responsibly. Why would anyone want them to?
  2. In Lieberman's defense: He was instrumental in getting DADT repealed. Lieberman providing the winning vote for Obamacare. He and Kerry put forth the only sweeping climate change bill to date. It failed, but still. Like most lawmakers, Lieberman was a mixed bag. His ultimate crime? He's apparently terribly boring.
  3. Wakefield had a scheme. The scheme was fraud. Wakefield was anti the combo MMR vaccine. Wakefield was NOT anti vaccine. The connection to anti vaccine and Wakefield is made by internet zealots, apparently on both ends of this argument. In a gross and obvious conflict of interest, Wakefield received nearly $700K from a law firm intending to file lawsuits linking vaccination with autism using the results of Wakefield's study, which could not be replicated. Damning enough evidence for the UK to revoke his license. Smear campaign? When he tried to sue his journalist detractors for libel, he lost. I rest my case.
  4. Its just like a Southerner to smother such a delicate white meat with hot sauce.
  5. They should have thrown a laser pointer in the mix....
  6. Obama should have picked fresher blood from new tech rather than this rather calcified choice.
  7. GE suffered it's own 'virtual stock crash' in 08 - back to 1996 levels. They've rebounded to 1998 levels. There was serious talk of GE collapsing entirely. I'd say Immelt would have soon needed another job anyway....
  8. Wakefield had a scheme. The scheme was fraud. Wakefield was anti the combo MMR vaccine. Wakefield was NOT anti vaccine. The connection to anti vaccine and Wakefield is made by internet zealots, apparently on both ends of this argument. zealots like the NYT LOL Kickin' it with the internet kooks!
  9. Then by that statement, you too are negligent for not having a booster. Unless of course, you never come in contact with children. And while we're at it, your statement is particularly interesting coming from a climber. It is all about acceptable risk, and one could easily insert any of these statements which increase a child's risk of illness/injury/death: "Parents who keep a gun in the house are negligent." "Parents who allow their kids to eat beef are negligent." "Parents who feed their kids prepacked salad are negligent." "Parents who take their kids on bike rides are negligent." "Parents who subject their kids to a 1 in 3000 chance of seizure are negligent." Oh wait, that last one is what you do getting your kid vaccinated. Fact: Just because you are not immune to a disease does not mean you are going to contract it. Yes, those parents who don't vaccinate their kids are negligent. You're mixing personal risks with the risk of spreading life threatening illnesses...but you knew that. In addition, you're also mixing activities that have largely controllable subjective hazards that are offset by substantial health benefits that outweigh those benefits (like biking)...but you knew that, too. Finally, you're not mentioning the fact that, unlike adults, kids are in daily contact with lots and lots of other kids in close proximity. Adults typically interact with far fewer people, on average, so the risk of spreading disease is actually much lower. Oh, and many parents who keep guns in the house ARE negligent, considering how many kids wind up shooting themselves or each other. The proof is in the results, no? Really shitty arguments...sorry, no cred.
  10. The equation for the likelihood of of contracting a disease after vaccination =(Likelihood of exposure)*(1-effectiveness of vaccine)*(genetic predisposition)*(blow me)
  11. When I see a baby I run the other direction. They frighten me.
  12. "McKinley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
  13. You were right on one thing, anyway. The rest...pretty hard to tease a cogent point out of it, really.
  14. In the words of a good buddy of mine: "Unless you're already dead, get off your ass."
  15. The Founding Fathers intended for us all to be vaccinated.
  16. Nice, bringing it back to the beginning. The fraud is old news. IIRC in Wakefield's defense, he did not advocate getting no vaccines, but recommended getting Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccines separately. Also if I recall, part of his whole scheme was to make money on the individual vaccines. So in reality because zealots misinterpreted his recommendations he is to blame? His scheme was fraud. A lawyer filing anti-vaccine lawsuits greased his palm; causing the UK to revoke his license. It was a scam, plain and simple.
  17. The southernmost confirmed Griz sighting/footprints was on the north shore of Chelan about 2/3 of the way towards Stehekin. They're definitely in the N Cascades, at least as visitors, but I wouldn't worry too terribly much about ever seeing one, considering the odds. Some brownies even have big white patches on their chest. Black bears come in a lot of colors.
  18. Hopefully Mommy isn't so fuckin' whacked. And, right on time: History of vaccination skepticism
  19. Word. "Methylmercury is found in low levels in water, infant formula and breast milk. Although it is clear that large quantities of mercury can damage the nervous system, there is no evidence that the small quantities contained in water, infant formula and breast milk do. An infant who is exclusively breastfed will ingest more than twice the quantity of mercury that was ever contained in vaccines and fifteen times the quantity of mercury contained in the influenza vaccine" http://www.chop.edu/service/vaccine-education-center/hot-topics/thimerosal.html And that is why its recommended to stick with tuna-free breast milk.
  20. How many stars within 60 light years of earth? About 10,000. For shame, FW, for shame.....
  21. Remember the Estes Big Bertha model rocket? It had a see-through compartment for a...um...'payload'.
  22. tvashtarkatena


    Apparently, "I Love Lucy" broadcasts have now reached over 10,000 star systems. Prepare for alien annihilation.
  23. And hey, don't even think about listening to your doctor. WTF do THEY KNOW?
  24. Does basic civilization really need to be this tough?
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